

Kwon Jiyong still had his eyes fixated on the girl in front of him. She was too busy munching down her food to realize it though. A smile crept on his lips as he gazed at her beautiful face. He never imagined that he would one day, go out on a date with a beautiful angel like her.

He still remembered the first time his eyes met her. They were still trainees back then. Her face instantly caught his eyes and made him do a double-take. His heart skipped a beat, and from that moment on, he promised himself that he would date her one day.

He managed to be friends with her, but his heart longed for something more. He kept his feelings bottled up for a long time. He never thought that he would ever have the courage to ask her out. Few times he had tried, but being an idol has taken its toll on him.

When the opportunity finally came, he wasn’t just about to let it go to waste. He was glad that god finally answered his prayers. All these times, he had been daydreaming about this date. He was really gratified that she agreed to go on a date with him.

Huh….its official. She is definitely the love of my life; He was speechless at that time. He didn’t even bother to taste his food. Somehow, gazing at his date was more appetizing than the food served in front of him. 

Yoona stared at him. He had a silly look and a stupid grin, printed on his face. He had been like that for a while now. She didn’t want to disturb him though. She continued to eat her food and just ignored him. Park Sandara was also enjoying her food without a care in the world.

“Wow, the food is great here, isn’t it?” she took a glance at them both. Yoona retorted the compliments with a smile, while Kwon Jiyong was still quiet.

“Hey, guys! I’m back,” Taecyeon suddenly came into the picture with a bright smile. The greeting instantly snapped Kwon Jiyong back to reality. The smile on his face immediately disappeared. Taecyeon smiled at his date and took his seat. Yoona gave Kwon Jiyong  a meaningful smile and he just furrowed his eyebrows.

“Yah, Jiyong oppa! Are you okay?” the question surprised him. He fidgeted and looked at her questioningly. Park Sandara and Taecyeon now had their eyes fixed at him. Both of them could clearly read his expression; shocked.

The question caught him off-guard. He had his thinking cap on, while Yoona stifled a giggle. Park Sandara raised her eyebrow in confusion and stared at the younger girl.

Oh, man! Did she saw me staring at her? Seems like it. Oh, damn it! This cannot be happening to me; Kwon Jiyong was now at his wits end. Taecyeon who sat next to him, just stared at him before averting his eyes towards his date, begging her for some answer. The latter just smiled at him.

“Noona, you may not notice this but Jiyong oppa here, had been staring at you all this time,” finally, she spilled the bean. The cat was out of the bag now.

Park Sandara was bewildered with what she’d just said. Kwon Jiyong covered his face in embarrassment. Taecyeon just nodded his head while his mouth turned into an O-shape. Yoona on the other hand, was laughing at Kwon Jiyong, whose face was now gaudily red.

She was shocked at first, but her face lit up with a smile when she saw her date trying hard, not to make eye-contact with her. No wonder he had been so quiet all this time. Then again, he was always short of words when we talk to each other. 

Kwon Jiyong noticed the smile on her face. Bashfully, he smiled back at her. Taecyeon and Yoona watched the two love-birds, smiling at each other, before laughing at them. Kwon Jiyong shot them a glare.

“I knew I shouldn’t have go on a double date with you two,” he uttered the words remorsefully.

“Jiyong…don’t be like that. They’re my friends and I’m the one who invited them. Besides, you said you didn’t mind if they want to tag along,” Park Sandara slapped him on the shoulder for being rude with her friends. He rubbed his shoulder and gave her a puppy-look. She wasn't buying it though.

“Chill, girl! I was just kidding, okay. It’s just that………….,” the sound of his phone ringing, interjected him before he could finish his words. He quickly grabbed his phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Go Minji.

“Yo, Minzy! Wazzup? How’s the date going?” he started off the phone call. But the other line remained silent. He looked at his phone with a puzzled look, before placing it back to his ear.

“Hello….earth to Minzy. Are you still there?” Kwon Jiyong was starting to get nauseated by the silence. The others contemplated him with eager looks plastered on their face. They wondered why Go Minji would want to call him. Sandara Park was the most muddle-headed one, since Go Minji was her group member. She tried to figure out why her band mate would want to call her boyfriend.

Minutes passed by without a word. In parallel, the expression on his face grew more intense.

“What do you mean he isn’t there? You didn’t find any guy wearing a black sweater and a white V-neck shirt?” his voice was now an octave higher. It drew the attention of the others. Likewise, other people were also looking at their direction.

Taecyeon shook him back to sanity, to calm him down and told him to control his voice. It was a good thing that they were in an exclusive restaurant and not a stall; otherwise people would have crowded around them in an instant.

“That, kelp for brain. He’s so…..gonna pay for this. I’m terribly sorry Minzy. I’ll call you later,” moments later, the phone call finally ended. He was breathing heavily. Park Sandara shot him a worried look. Yoona and Taecyeon also shared the same look.

“Do you have any idea, why Minzy called me?” Kwon Jiyong broke the silence with an unexpected question.

They all gazed at each other, cluelessly. “Isn’t she supposed to be on a date with Seungri?” his question was reciprocated with another question from his date. The other couple nodded their head.

They were already informed about the date, since it was Lee Seunghyun’s first date after eons of mourning about his love-life. Yoona and him had been on Happy Share Company together as rivals. Along the show, she managed to squeeze a few intel about her counterpart, from the other members of Bigbang. That’s how she found out about the issue he had with Valentine’s day. She was really astonished when Kwon Jiyong informed her about the date earlier.

“Why? What’s wrong?” more questions were thrown at him. He took a deep breath to calm himself. They still had their eyes locked on him with a look, as curious as a fish, shown on their face.

“He didn’t show up on the date” their jaws dropped and their eyes glinted with astonishment. It took a while before they finally gained their senses back and fired a truck-load of questions at him.

“He did what?”

"Then where is he?”

“How’s Minzy doing?” bombshell of questions were banging his thoughts frantically. He told them to calm down.

After they had steadied themselves, he goaded out every nook and cranny of the situation. He explained to them that Go Minji had been waiting for him for the past few hours. She searched for him all around the Gangnam station where they were supposed to meet. However, she didn’t find him.

“Don’t worry Dara, she’s at her parents house right now. She told me that she needed to rest there for a while,” he told her of the latter’s whereabouts. Park Sandara was out of words, and so were Taecyeon and Yoona.

“Poor girl. I feel sorry for her. She must be having a hard time right now, after being stood up by Seungri,” Yoona rubbed the older girl's back, trying to comfort her. Taecyeon shooked his head in disbelief while Kwon Jiyong was dialling his group mates, to acknowledge them about the situation.

“Okay, Taeyang! Have a good date bro,” he ended his conversation with Dong Youngbae. The other members were also furious at what the maknae had just did. They were only trying to help him get over his phobia with love, and this was how he repaid them. To top it all up, Go Minji even got hurt in the process and they felt really guilty for her. Talk about, lack of gratitude.

“That Seungri, when I get my hands on him I’m gonna shove my fist through his , so hard it’s gonna make him cry like a baby. And not in a ual-way, but in a I’m-so-pissed-at-you way,” Kwon Jiyong had his fist clenched tightly now. The others were starting to feel scared of this other side of him that they had never seen before.

Park Sandara was still worried about Go Minji. Noboby knew this, but Go Minji actually had real feelings for Lee Seunghyun. She was one of the few people who knew about the deep crush that she had towards him. It must had been a huge blow for her, to be stood up by the man that she admired. Oh, Minzy! I hope you're alright.

Yoona stared at her food, blankly. Taecyeon noticed the worried look on her face. He took her hands and caressed it, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be alright. She looked at him lovingly and flashed him a smile. But the smile was just a cover-up, to hide her real feelings. She too felt sorry for Go Minji, and at the same time, angry at Lee Seunghyun.

“Jiyong oppa. You better be sure to give that Seungri a piece of your mind. That wretched…..,” her words were cut short when she suddenly felt her phone vibrating. She took it out of her pocket and pushed the green button.

“Hey, Yuri. How’s the date going,” Kwon Jiyong looked at her direction. He knew that Yuri was on a date with Dong Youngbae. He’d been telling him about his date with Yuri ever since she agreed to go on it with him. It was unbearable. He was happy that his best bud was going on a date with her. But he was bragging about it way too much, that his ears felt like it was going to explode.

He had just called him to inform about their maknae's  date, and now Yuri is calling Yoona. Humph….I wonder where Taeyang is taking Yuri. That guy, he can really………; his thoughts came to an abrupt stop when Yoona let out a yelp. Taecyeon and Park Sandara were also stunned. She gave them an apologetic look before ending her phone call.

“What’s wrong dear?” Taecyeon was the first to ask her the question. Yoona looked at her lover and the other pair. They were all staring at her intently.

“It’s Seohyun. She was supposed to go on a date today with Yonghwa. But he was late and got trampled by a stampede of fangirls. Served him right though. And now, her dream date is just a dream again,” Yoona told the others about the maknae’s date that had gone to pot.

“Did anyone call her? You know, just to know how she’s doing.” Park sandara was starting to feel sorry for her too.

“Yuri had already told the others, but non of them could reach her. They thought that she might be at the dorm right now,” Yoona was feeling a bit down.

First Minzy, and now Seohyun. What is this, heartbreaking day?; Yoona was sighing when Taecyeon got off his seat and gave her a hug.


Seohyun felt drowsy when she woke up. Her head felt heavy as she tried to open her eyes. With all her might, she picked herself up and steadied herself. Half-consciously, she rubbed her eyes which were barely open.

“Where am I,” she scanned the surroundings. She didn’t know where she was, and couldn't even remember anything. Suddenly her eyes rested on a sleeping figure. A man was sleeping on a couch near her. Her face immediately scrunched up in confusion when she realized who it was.

“Isn’t that, Seungri?” 

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ShoutEric #1
Chapter 26: Awwwwww this was so crazy but dam that happy ending though :')
leciBlackJack #2
Chapter 26: waaaa~ really sweet lovey-dovey fanfic..
hoho, my soshibang fave couple after yulyang..! he~ thank's autornim.. ^^"
otp9snsd #3
Gtaeeeee! Forever my soshibang fave couple
kpopsters #4
i just love this!!! too cute~
Chapter 26: yaaaaay finally together
u're story is daebak <3
SeohyunorSica #6
Chapter 26: I freaking love this story!!!! Please read my story called seohyun and jinwoon and please entermy contest called a writing contest by totalseobaby27 and captaincasey.