
Chiropteran (hiatus)


I sat on the rooftop of my apartment gazing at the city lights illuminating the dark night. I crawled towards the edge and lay belly down on the cement. It was cool against my sheer nightgown. My head dangles from the edge of the building, looking down on the streets below. Cars and people passed by every 5 minutes or so, oblivious to fact that they were being watched by me.


A young man catches my attention. My lips turn into a smirk as I observe this human’s features. He was definitely attractive but something didn’t seem right. He seemed pale and out of breath. I gasp as he collapses onto the sidewalk. Should I help him? Should I not? Might as well add some color into this dull life of mine. I jumped down from the 8 story high apartment building with ease. I then threw his body over my shoulder, my arm held onto his body while my hand took the black luggage. I checked to see anyone lurking before flying back up onto the top using my handy dandy pair of bat wings.




I took a closer look at this mans features as he slept on my couch. Not bad... Not bad at all. I stared at his face for a good amount of time before leaving off to bed.




I woke up to see that the man is still passed out. Is he dead? Oh em, I have a dead body in my living room! I panicked and started to walk back forth. What do I do! My ears perked as mumbling noises were heard. I turned to look at the man. He’s alive! I blew out a sigh of relief. I took a step closer hovering over his body. My long black hair glided over his face causing the man to pull my hair. He pulled hard causing me to fall right on top of him. This ! I rubbed my head as I elevated my bodice up from his using my arm. Hard… His chest is pretty hard. My eyes roamed his complexion, as did my hand. I flinched as soon as the mans eyes started to flutter open. Crap, crap, crap! The next thing I knew I was being yelled at in a language other than Japanese. Chinese? Is he cursing at me in Chinese? Oh hell!


“Shut. Up.” I said through gritted teeth. He lay there frozen and quite. My irritation blinded me from realizing that I was a mere inch from his face. Though it soon died down, as I grew hypnotized by his dark eyes. It showed a whole bunch of emotions that it left me slightly confused and kept me wondering about this mans life.




I felt a sudden pull on my heart as I took in the face of this stranger. She sure is beautiful. Without realizing it, my hand had somehow made itself comfortable on the back of her waist.




Oh! What am I doing? I quickly jumped off him. I put my hands on my waist and put most of my weight on my right leg. I looked at him with and annoyed expression on my face.


“Is this how you treat someone who carried your unconscious body all the way up to the last floor of this eight story apartment? No thanks or anything? Rude son of a bastard” I narrowed my eyes on the now sitting man. He gulped. That’s right you better be sorry.


“I’m sorry and thank you so much for rescuing me…” The man had his head down and fiddled with his fingers as if he was a child being punished.


I wanted to make him feel a bit guiltier if possible. “You also pulled down on my hair causing me to fall right on top you…” I trailed off and swayed back and forth as I averted my eyes to the window curtains.


From the rears of my sight I see the man now focusing his stare on me. “I’m sorry about that too.” He sighed afterwards. I smiled in victory.


“So stranger, what’s your name?” My eyes still fixated on the curtains. “People call me Tao.” “So Tao, mind telling me why you fainted?” I stood there looking at him with questions ready to be thrown and answers ready to be heard. “Long story short, I got kicked out of my apartment and roamed the streets looking for a place to stay. I must’ve exhausted and hungered myself.” I nodded.


Oh poor Tao~ Maybe I should… “You want to move in with me?” Tao looked at me in disbelief and relief. “You would? But we’ve only known each other for like a minute.” He was a bit hesitant and so was I. I nodded. You live such a pitiful life. “Okay!” He beamed and proceeded to hug me but I stepped back. “No hugs or anything like that.” I shook my finger at him. I walked towards the hall way but stopped before going in. “I go by the name Saya in case you were wondering.” Then I left.




House rules, house rules house rules. I contemplated on what rules should be established now that I’m living with someone. I was deep in thought and so did not feel Taos presence until he cleared his throat. He cleans up well. Not bad. Not bad at all.


“House rules. You will not barge into my room. You will not disturb me when I’m resting. You will knock on my door if you need me. You will pay your fair share in bills and other things. Do not eat my food unless you’re given permission to. Clean up your mess. I’ll add more later on in the future. Deal?” “Mmm. Deal.”


“Since we’re now living together, lets do a roommate bonding thing. You know, like those bonding sessions they make you do in school to get along with your fellow classmates and stuff…” Tao nodded in agreement


“First is the introduction. I am Saya Takasaki. Call me Saya. I have lived long enough to say I have lived long enough… Uh, I was born and raised in Japan… And that’s it I guess.”


“I’m Huang Zitao but I go by the name Tao. I am currently 19 years old. I’m Chinese and am originally from China but moved to Japan because of family circumstances.”


“After introductions would have to be games but I did not prepare anything so I guess we can do some Q & A.”




“It was nice meeting you Tao. I hope we can live in… live in… live in…” I started to snap my fingers as I tried to recall the word I was going to say. “Peace! Yeah! Okay! I hope we can live in peace.” “It was nice to meet you too, Saya.” Tao smiled and I was a bit mesmerized. He’s not bad…




I'm not too fond of how this came out but they had to meet one way or another...

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Chapter 8: So I finally caught up with your story and wow, you must update soon! This story is amazing!
Chapter 1: Update soon~! ;)
Chapter 1: LOL, I love the first line. It sounds interesting~ I suggest you make the chapters longer though, it's too good to be so short~ :D