Is this the real life?






Is this the real life?



Taeyeon felt chills as she opened her eyes; she woke up to a foreign area, which was unexpectedly not her dorm room. Her arms felt prickly and her back ached, probably because of the position she had been on the past few minutes. With a groan, she sluggishly sat upward and brushed the dirt visible off her muscular arms.


The hallway was unusual. Slippery tiles with the color of gold, Taeyeon stood up; she had to touch the walls for further support in order for her to maintain balance... Her eyesight was drawn to the dark blue walls with random streaks of different hues that stretched up so long, she didn’t even see where it ended.


“Woah. What the hell is this?” Taeyeon surveyed the extensive corridor and her eyes peered wide open. Not good. All she saw was a straight, desolate pathway. Left with no other possible choices, she made up her mind and she decided to walk down the corridor, while her palms were resting against the wall.


Not a single soul was visible as she traversed forward.


A few minutes of endless walking rendered her tired. Her feet were getting heavy each tiny step she took whereas the speckless floor was getting a lot more slippery, which didn’t help.


She closed her eyes, feeling a bit frustrated and confused.


“Where’s the exit!!!!” Taeyeon shouted with all her might. Her booming voice echoed throughout the stretched corridor. She was puzzled that the sound she usually made changed; her voice became lower in tone but she decided to pay no further attention.


Now wasn’t the time.


A distinct clicking sound was heard; turning her head, she looked around her surroundings… 

“Not here… Not there… Waaah!” several flashes of light dazed her sight, as if someone threw a M84 stun grenade just in front of her. Blink, blink, and blink. Taeyeon slumped down the hallway, sitting slowly as she used her left hand to rub her dazzled eyes. With the temporary flash blindness she experienced, it took her a while to regain her normal vision... And to her surprise, a red door magically appeared before her.


Making sure that she could perfectly see everything and her vision was stable, Taeyeon leisurely went inside the blood red door. As she entered the door, mirrors of all sizes welcomed her, hanging along the crimson walls of the narrow pathway. Dense haze reduced the visibility of the pass and feeling a little uneasy of her surroundings, she decided to stop walking. Her feet halted just in front of a huge, worn out mirror. Just like those she saw in the antique shop run by her aunt, back in her hometown in Jeonju. Not paying full attention at the image within the mirror, she eyed the numerous scratches as she looked at the mirror’s surface. She even tried to clean the mirror using her palms, which eventually led her to see the image within the mirror that she ignored.


Taeyeon’s eyes widened upon seeing the glass’s reflection. The reflection was not the Kim Taeyeon she knew. Also, not the Kim Taeyeon she saw at the mirror in her bathroom earlier this morning, while she was brushing her teeth. Who the hell is this?


Taeyeon polished the mirror repeatedly using her hands, hoping that the image would change. But all she saw in front of her was the reflection of a boy. 


A man.


A man’s face which oddly resembled hers.


Taeyeon was wearing a tattered, white shirt and baby blue boxers – thus concludes the reason why she felt cold when she woke up. It was unbelievable. For the whole time she lived her entire life, she had never been this dumbfounded; she was so overcome by the mystery before her. Blinking a few times while she shook her head, gradually hung open as her sight was directed to her hair. Bed hair, to be exact. She carefully put her hands along her tresses, taking her time checking out her new form. Her silky, shoulder-length auburn hair was replaced with a messy, fuzzy and shorter one.


“W-What happened? I don’t remember getting a haircut!” Taeyeon was devastated. Her crowning glory was chopped off without her being aware of. She loved her hair. Her dear mother told her that she has beautiful hair… Even the ahjummas in the grocery store told her so! She even did what the adults told her to – to brush her hair a hundred times... and she even did it a few more than a hundred times! But now, the smooth, mellifluous hair she took care of very meticulously... was nowhere to be seen. She grunted in annoyance after a while of ruffling her hair – her eyes rolled and her trembling hands went lower, to her now well-built torso.


“What the hell? Where did they go?!” Taeyeon started placing her hands randomly on her chest area, looking for a certain something. She felt stinging pain as she strike her chest with force, but she did not care.


“I swear I was never this flat!” Distress was present in her voice. Starting to feel a little panicked, she grabbed her crotch area, hoping that that part should still be normal.


Cold sweat began to trickle down her forehead. She bit her lips and furrowed her eyebrows, as shock was evident within her expression. Never in her entire normal life had she expected that a bulge would suddenly pop out in between her thighs. And it’s not an ordinary lump. Taeyeon gulped as the grip within her crotch accidentally tightened.


 “OWWWWW! ! IT’S REAL!!!” She yelped and at the same time, confirmed that what is happening is definitely real. She felt pain and it lingered.


Taeyeon gaped at the antique mirror for a long while as her eyes kept staring at her face, then to the unusual phenomenon in between her thighs.







 Face…. Crotch.





Her eyes darting back and forth, as if keeping them in motion would prevent her from shattering into pieces... She breathed quickly, then belatedly, it hit her.


Kim Taeyeon turned into a man.


She smiled awkwardly at the mirror as her consciousness once again, left her.







i have troubles of telling stories using 3rd person view..... so i tried it out on this one....

this is my guinea pig... ehahehaheueheahe

my first chapter was a disaster but now... gaiz, this snepai has been studying....

Plus, my friend gave me a book about descriptive writing and waow.... snepai is amaze

my friend told me to take my time while writing stories..

i did this chapter just earlier this morning... it took 4 hours of my life to write this and im not that satisfied.

4 hours is not enough so i'm gonna study more and practice when i have free time...

this is just the start of taeyeon's happy life!!! expect more crack in the future chapters




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Chapter 4: Author !!! Where are you ??? Update soon please !!! Your story is awesome here . ~~ ^^
Chapter 4: This feels like sword art online. Is tiff trapped in the video game? Aish, taetae didnt even realized she was in the game. Lol. Hope they meet soon!
ysseven #3
mgmg20 #4
Chapter 4: I just commented on all your stories.... update soon ;.;
Chapter 4: update this fic please~! really interesting plot line. want to read more~
hahawow #6
Chapter 4: I want an update plsssssss huhuhuhu i know you have the chapters written and you're just trolling :(
xithmeh #7
Chapter 4: i want taeny~~
soshidae94 #8
Chapter 4: hohoho still the best XP.
thanx for update..let me give you a hug uhahuahaua
*Sorry for my poor english.X)
Chapter 4: Lol. You must be so happy and hyper today that you posted TWO awesome chapters.
Kudos to you for chapter 3's high quality!
Man, that was so cool.
Feels like I'm wearing 3D glasses! HAHA.
jsj1024 #10
Chapter 4: Ha-ha. Sometimes, I also do what Taeyeon does in class! And Taeyeon staring at her teacher's . Lmao