



Well this was fun one! Short, but (hopefully) sweet. Sorry I didn't proofread this before posting, Admin Li and I are trying to clear out our request box because REQUESTS ARE NOW OPEN! Notice: Please request scenarios in our submit box NOT our ask box. Any requests in our ask box will be deleted! I will make another post about this but just a little heads up for all of you who read this :) ~Admin Kelc

You felt a light tap on your shoulder as you grabbing some books out of your locker. You looked over your shoulder to see Changjo standing behind you, his hands behind his back.

"Hey Changjo," you greeted him and turned back to your locker, "what's up?"

"Ummm, I was wondering," he stuttered nervously.

You closed your locker and turned around to look back at him. He was looking at his shoes as he play with the ends of his uniform blazer.

You looked at him with your eyebrows raised, wondering why he was acting so nervous, the total opposite of his usual personality. 

Changjo took a deep breath, "I was wondering if...."


But before he could finish his sentence, the bell signalling class was going to start soon rang.

"I'm sorry, Changjo, but I really need to get to class," you apologized.

"Oh, no, it's okay," he said with a small smile.

"Do you want to continue this conversation after school?" you asked.

Changjo nodded his head.

"Okay, meet me by the tables outside," you smiled and waved as you two headed your separate ways. 


"So what did you want to say to me?" you asked as you sat down across from Changjo.

Changjo looked up at you and nervously wiped his hands on his pants, "Ummm, I was going to ask you, if you know..."

"I know...?"

"We've been friends for a long time right?" Changjo asked you.

"Yeah, sure we have, since seventh, eighth grade?" you responded trying to recall the exact day that you and Changjo met.

"And you don't think of me as a brother right?"

"Mmmmm, I don't think so," you shook your head, "Why?"

"Because... The thing is..." Changjo looked down at the table.

"Changjo! Just spit it out!" you laughed, already realizing what he wanted to say to you.

You watched as Changjo's face twisted in concentration as he tried to find the right words to say to you. You smiled to yourself as you watched him internally argue with himself.

'This boy,' you thought as you shook your head, deciding to take things into your own hands.

"Changjo," you called out.

Changjo looked up at you with side eyes.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" you asked with a small smile.

Changjo's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock.

"Well?" you asked expectantly. 

"Hey! I was supposed to ask you out! Not you ask me!" he exclaimed as he stood up, his cheeks starting to turn red.

"Well, you were taking forever to ask me!" you argued back, stand up as well.

"It's your fault that you make me nervous!" 

"My fault?! How is it my fault?!"

"If you weren't so pretty, then I would have had an easier time asking you!" he yelled.

You were just about to yell something back at him, but stopped when you registered what he said.

"You think I'm pretty?" you asked with a bashful smile.

Changjo nodded his head, peeking at your through his eyelashes, "And funny."

You let out a small laugh at his embarrassed reply.

Changjo cleared his throat and lifted his head, "So, um, yeah I would like to go out with you."

"Okay, cool," you simply replied as you grabbed your backpack, "But I need to get going, so tomorrow at 6?"

Changjo nodded his head, mentally noting the date and time.

"Okay, see you then," you smiled and started to walk away from the table.

"Wait! Where are we going?" you heard Changjo call out.

"I'll let you decide!" you answered as you continued to walk away from him, "Text me!"

Changjo stared at your retreating figure then blankly stared down at his feet.

"What just happened?" 

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jopm93 #1
Chapter 1: xD so cute! it's like ahhh changjoya~~
allkpopluvr890 #2
Chapter 1: OMG *fangirling*
Chapter 1: Wkkwkk...its adoreable, like this story \(^▽^)/ !!
Chapter 1: Oh my god i think i just melted
Chapter 1: >///< kyaaa!~ The cuteness is overloading!
bmb022611 #6
Chapter 1: short but sweet!!
Chapter 1: oh my gosh this is so freaking cute xDD
Chapter 1: Waah, his personality here was adorable. o(≧▽≦)o
KpopLoverSelina #9
Chapter 1: That is cute.