
I'll Cry For You

Chanyeol watched as Kris set the flower down with his usual stone-face, emotions somewhere far away. Then the chinese fixed his tie and started to walk away, clearly knowing that the boy would follow him. It was always like this, Kris leaving and Chanyeol running to him... But now it seemed that Kris started to drift away faster, not wanting the korean to catch up to him...


The man didn't even turn his head towards him... He didn't even bother to look at his crying lover... It was always like this. Even when Chanyeol confessed he met the emotionless face. Their first kiss, no feeling... As if the feeling were clearly one-sided. Chanyeol stopped. Why bother? The older had made it clear that he didn't need someone following him, so he turned around and walked away, somewhere where he could be alone. He could hope that all the negative feelings came from Kris' parents' death anniversary but that would be naive and although it didn't show from his childish face and sparkly eyes, Chanyeol wasn't naive... He knew that the romance was dead long before all this happened, it was born dead... Something as unloving as this couldn't be brought alive by his endless tears... 

So he walked away.... 

Kris. I'm sorry... I told you that I'll show any emotions for you, but... All I do is cry...


He didn't notice when Chanyeol stopped following him... He only saw it as he opened the car door for no-one. Kris felt the raindrops on his face and shoulders.  Ironic... All these months he wished for the korean to leave him alone, now that he was gone, there was nothing that Kris would like to do more than search for him. He vaguely remembered how Chanyeol confessed, legs wobbly and eyes b with tears in the fear of rejection. He looked beautiful that day, happy and carefree. That's why Kris hated his guts. Somebody as happy as him couldn't survive 'cause he hadn't feel pain... He made a promise that day to make Chanyeol feel everything but complete happiness... Their first kiss had been magical. He could still remember the slight taste of cherries on the youngers lips, those soft red lips... But he knew that the younger couldn't feel all that... He could only feel his cold, dry lips, no emotion.

Maybe it was right this way? But it still hurt him to hear and see all those times Chanyeol cried for him, for his emotionless and cold self, for that love he couldn't return... It gave him nightmares... It hunted him....

He hit the car roof strongly, ignoring the stinging. He had done everything right... He had promised to give Chanyeol all his emotions... But why it hurt so much? Is it the feeling of complete emptiness after a heartbreak?

He dialed the first number he knew, Suho's. The older had been like a father to Chanyeol despite of his young age and since Chanyeol didn't have a cellphone it was the only way.

"Hi Kris. It's Suho... You're looking for Chanyeol, right? Well, he left... For France. Congratulations, you did it. He's broken."


A/N: Weeelllllllll~~ I still don't understand about half of what I just wrote >.< It's not edited, I'm too lazy soo yeah, grammar mistakes comin' up~~

So, if you're sitting behind your computer with WTF faces like me, comment ^^ (<--- That made NO sense whatsoever -.-)

SA-RANG-HAE~~ Chunsa ^^




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ChanPark97 #1
Chapter 1: why so fast??? :(
Chapter 1: There is a sequel ^^ "It Hurts" I don't know when I'll start writing it tho, so wait, ne?
Chapter 1: Sequel please...^^
neurodream #4
Chapter 1: yeah, sequel
Chapter 1: omg sequel juseyo~~
Chapter 1: WTF face =_='' lol
Need a sequel >:::)))
Chapter 1: sequel please
Chapter 1: so.. this means that Kris felt something for him and he didn't know how to said it for Yeol?
ugh my feels ;A;
I need a sequel T_T