Chaos in the Evening

A Day In The Life of JongKey

Key POV (yet still...)


Since I decided not to make dinner, Jonghyun suggested we all go out to a restaurant, but there was a bit of chaos in what restaurant we wanted to go to.

Onew hyung declared to go to KFC, and then he tripped over nothing (Mohaeldo, Onew sangtae); Taemin wanted to eat at a candy shoppe (to which the umma in me, said no); Minho didn't care, he was just hungry and wanted to eat a lot of food (fatass); and Jonghyun wanted to eat dukboggi (Is that how you spell it?).

It was very noisy with the members arguing so much. And, it was so loud that Changmin, our neighbor, threw a pan through our window, and it smacked all of the members in the head (except for me; by the way, thanks for shutting them up Changmin). I then suggested that we go to a sushi restaurant, and everyone agreed (except for Onew hyung, who was sulking in his emo corner, talking to his chicken plushy about not having chicken). I facepalmed at the scene.

After a short drive (and trying to drag Onew hyung out of his emo corner), we finally arrived at the restaurant. Fortunately, it was past 7:00, so there were less people there. 'Cause I did not want to get trampled by our fans. Duh.

Onew hyung somehow realized that chicken was on the menu and probably ordered (or so I heard) 60 plates of it. His order arrived and somehow, he miraculously ate all of it in 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES PEOPLE. YOU KNOW, THAT'S NOT NORMAL.

I was beginning to suspect that our leader was some sort of alien that was secretly the leader of EXO-K and that he was planning to invade our planet and wipe out the whole entire population of chickens, or a very hungry person that somehow survived for 50 years without any food and then he finally was saved. ...Nah. The alien one suits his image more.

I was eating a healthy amount (and so were my boyfriend and Taemin)of sushi while Minho was probably eating the whole entire menu and Onew was ordering more chicken.

Everything was going smoothly and normal as always (I guess you could call a 2 guys sitting next to us eating the whole entire menu "normal". I mean, it's pretty normal to us.), until Donghae hyung poofed out of nowhere with Siwon hyung with shocked looks on their faces.


"YEAH! AND IT'S A SIN TO EAT FISH!" Siwon also yelled.

We counter-attacked back. "WE'RE PRETTY SURE NO ONE CARES HYUNG!"


It when on and on like this until Eunhyuk suddenly burst through with Kyuhyun hyung behind him. Donghae noticed this and quickly glomped the dancer.

"HYUKKIE!" he squealed like fangirl. (Unusual. I took note of it in my mind and pulled out my camera to take a picture of the EunHae moment.)

"Hi Hae-ah," Eunhyuk said, and was about to place a chaste kiss on Donghae's lips when Siwon decided to the moment.

" successful," he said in a monotone voice. I got really pissed at the er and smacked him with the nearest plate I saw.

Me and Kyuhyun hyung started to laugh at the situation. Then they all poofed away, except for Kyuhyun hyung, who wanted to just drive home.

We said our byes to him and drove back to our dorm. I couldn't help but snicker at the thought of what happened back there. Jonghyun asked what I was giggling about (Wrong Jonghyun, we divas don't giggle) and I told him. Pretty soon everyone was laughing in the car.

When we got back to the dorm, we all went to sleep. Until, that is, Jonghyun apparently wanted me to do some nightly "activity". Oh great Shisus. Now listen here readers, these are some simple equations I'm going to show you, so you know what this situation means.

Jonghyun + Night + Me = Jonghyun

Me = Key

Jonghyun = Problem

Problem + Me = "Trouble"

"Trouble" = Sore

Sore = Life For A Week

Do you understand now what I'm saying? I'm pretty sure you do. So anyway, onward with the story. Luckily, I always keep a metal flyswatter under the bed, in case of "emergency", and right now, it was one. I pulled it out and gave my boyfriend a good smack to the head, and he fell unconscious and went to dreamland.

I had a very peaceful that night. One that I haven't had for a long time.


~And that readers, concludes A Day In The Life Of JongKey. *closes book*  Key POVs are fun to write ^^. I'm not so sure about a sequel but if anyone asks, maybe. So, bye! <( ^__^ )^ C U Soon!

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Chapter 2: "YES I DID YOU FATASS!" Omo. I'm trying to laugh quietly so that I don't wake up my sister...I. Can't. Control....What. Is. This. Madness...
shineeshipper #2
Chapter 3: LMFAO the equations like killed me XD. And so did the pan flying through the room, kekekekeke.
Jongkey's the best! :) Daebak! Keep writing awesome stories!
iamyourjuliette #4
Chapter 3: This is all waaayy too funny LOL! Siwon suddenly pops out of nowhere and gives a lecture about sins, Donghae's complaint about his fish relatives, Onew's chicken obsession, The JongKey math LOL too much funny shiz!! Please make more fanfics like these!
Chapter 3: OMG Donghae is so cute there~
And that equation in the end was so funny :)) DAEBAK!
eunhaeshipper15 #6
Chapter 3: "YOU KILLED NEMO!" That's okay Hae there are plenty of other fish is the sea. Frickin' love your writing xDD
eunhaeshipper15 #7
Chapter 2: I enjoyed the update ^^ So I'm not dying right? LOL That's a weird question...
Chapter 1: Lollllllll~ this fic is damn funny!!!!><
eunhaeshipper15 #9

Frickin' died. xDDD Loved this story *glomp* so I'm gonna go read your other ones. ^^