Me, You and The Show.



The lights are on.

Your mind is in blank

Everybody is watching

The Show...BEGINS.

Hyeki  is on a new school now. She has to confront several issues. But the most important is that she met the 3 most popular groups of the school: EXO, NU’EST and B.A.P. They are competing with each other to gain the prize of the talent show: The Rookie award. The one that wins gains a direct contract with a famous agency.


Hyeki: 18 years old. Not really feminine. She doesnt care about her physical appearance. Funny and smiley. With a beautiful heart. She protects the ones she loves. Intelligent but lazy at school. Gets what she wants. She lives in her own world.



Chanyeol: 18 years old. Always happy and energetic.Loves to tease. He is confused....Does he loves her as a friend? or more?


Himchan: 18 years old. He is the weird guy. He is cute, happy, but sometimes he is y and mysterious. He calls Hyeki darling. 



JR: 17 years old. Mysterious andn sarcastic. But when you get to know him you can see his sweet side.



Lee Kirim: Hyeki's best friend. Hyeki calls her bipolar. Why? Almost all the time she is happy and cute. Really nice and gentle. Wise. But when she gets mad ....She is the devil.She can be charismatic and y when she wants. Protects Hyeki like her treasure. BUt she hides something from everyone

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My first fanfic! Yaaaaay! >.< I hope you like it. Sorry for my english, im a foreigner :3 Hahaha Comments, suggestions, etc are accepted. Please i need feedback so please be sure you leave your comment :D *Happy, Happy*




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