Invitations & The Fight

100% Bad Guy & the Artificial Girl

Sungmi walked to school holding invitations to her birthday party in her hand as her mind was filled with thoughts of Baekhyun.  Today, she wanted to see him and ask him about the party, but she didn't know what she was going to say. 

"Sungmi-yah!" someone yelled.  She snapped out of her thoughts and turned around.  She saw Chunji smiling at her.  "It's a delight seeing you first." he said.  Sungmi chuckled.  "Thanks?  You too." she said.  He smiled and remembered yesterday’s events and looked at the girl with pity.  She's such a nice girl…  I'm so sorry. he thought. Wait a minute!

"Sungmi, do you have plans today?" he asked.  "Oh, I was going to my old school and I was going to hand out invitations.  Oh yeah, here you go." She handed him an invitation.  He raised a brow and opened it. 

Sungmi's 17th Birthday Party: 
Be there!  You know when and where ;)

"I-it's your birthday?" he asked.  "On the 28th." she said with a smile.  "Oh hey, I want to meet your friends at Newship.  Can I hang out with you after school today and meet them?" he asked.  Why is he asking this so suddenly? she thought.

“Sure!  Why not?”


"Hyosung-ah!  Zinger!  Jieun-ah!  Sunhwa!" Sungmi shouted.  Four girls turned around and saw the peppy girl.  They felt guilty because of yesterday, but tried their best to hide it. 

"G-genius!" Zinger stuttered.  Sungmi engulfed her in a hug.  I really don't deserve your hug. she thought. 

"Here you go!" Sungmi handed each of them their invitations with glee. "What's this?" Jieun questioned.  "An invite to my birthday party." Sungmi smiled.  The girls softened at her, and stared at the invitations.  "S-sungmi?" Hyosung said.  

Sungmi turned to the girl, clueless. 

"Have you decided on the makeover?" Sungmi was taken aback at the question and nodded.  "I've decided to do it during winter break.” Secret nodded.  "Why do you accept though?" Sunhwa asked. 

Sungmi's lips formed into a straight line and she slightly sighed.  "I don't want to be watched over like a little baby anymore.  I don't want to be pitied; I want to be accepted at this school without being called a ‘GG’ or whatever."

Zinger was about to protest when a blonde-haired devil back-hugged Sungmi.  "Boo!" he said.  She gave him a strange look and backed away. "Let's hang out today." L.Joe said as he nudged her. 

She handed him an invitation and smiled. "Here you go.” He raised a brow and took it from her.  "What's this?" he asked.  "An invitation to my birthday party.”  His eyes widened.  "Y-your birthday is coming up?" 

Sungmi smiled brightly.  "Yep!  Hehe, I can't wait." she said clapping with joy. L.Joe chuckled at the cute girl.  Secret looked at her with sympathy.  He's really different around her... Maybe I thought this out pretty well.  Hyosung thought. 

As Sungmi was looking through her invitations, L.Joe looked up at Secret and sent them a wink.  It had their plan written all over it.  Jieun weakly held up a thumb.  He smiled at them then turned back to Sungmi. 

"So what about it?  Date?  Today?" L.Joe persisted.  Sungmi's eyes formed grew larger.  "D-did you just say d-date?"  He nodded.  That's why Chunji wanted to hang out today. she thought. 

"Sorry, I have plans.  Maybe next time?" Zinger and Sunhwa couldn't help but burst out giggling.  L.Joe sent them a death glare and looked back at Sungmi.  That's the first time I've been rejected.

L.Joe nodded. "I understand.  Hmm…why not 'celebrate' with me this weekend?  You can think of it as an early birthday?" he asked.  "There’s a birthday party for a reason y’know?  Why would I need to celebrate twice?" she said.  He mentally face-palmed himself and Jieun began laughing with Sunhwa and Zinger.  Hyosung let out a smile.  Good job Sungmi. she thought.

"How about winter break?" he asked.  Sungmi pointed at Secret.  "They're helping me with uh…" She froze and looked at them.  They pretended they weren't eavesdropping and she turned back to him. "…a project."

L.Joe sighed.  "I've just been rejected by the girl I like!  Eotteokhae~" He sang in a cheesy way.  Sungmi thought it was a joke and rolled her eyes. 

"Don't joke oppa.  I've got to go give out invitations, so I’ll catch up with you later." She began walking as L.Joe stared at her.  I wasn't joking…

Sungmi turned around and yelled, "Oppa!" He turned.  "It was sweet for you to ask though, sorry!" She turned around and began walking again.  L.Joe couldn't help but smile.  It was sweet of you to reject me so nicely, though... he thought. 

L.Joe then turned to Secret.  "Is the project the makeover?" he asked. Hyosung nodded.  "Good."


Sungmi found some of the 100% and Teen Top boys and handed them each an invitation.  She saved Jonghwan’s so she could give it to him in class.  Soon, the bell rang and she rushed to class. 

She opened the door to find Jonghwan reading a book. "Hey there." she said smiling.  Jonghwan looked up and grinned at her.  "Why are you in a good mood?" he asked.  She shrugged and skipped over to him.  He raised a brow. She stuck the invitation in front of his face, surprising him a bit.

"For you." she said.  A Christmas card?  he thought.  Jonghwan took it from her and opened it.  An invitation to your birthday party?  What are you, eight?  He looked at her.

"Can you go?"  He looked at the date.  December 28th?  , I can't.  "Uh, I'm sorry.  I'm...working that night." he said.  Sungmi pouted.  She didn't want to intrude and ask him about it since she was afraid he would yell at her or something.

"I'll try though.” Sungmi's lips curved up slightly. "It's okay, I understand." she said. 

"Oh, I have some lyrics." Jonghwan stated randomly.  He dug through his backpack and pulled out a folder.  Inside was a piece of paper which he handed it to her. 

I may not be the total package, but I'm the one for you.
I fell for you and no one else.

You can say cupid shot us at the same time, 
And we ended up catching each other
From falling for anyone else.

Sungmi's eyes widened.  "Tha-that's beautiful.” He smiled at her. "You have some lyrics too right?" She nodded. 

"Let's work on this today in sixth period.  I can get the guitar at lunch." he said.  "Sure." she smiled.


"Thanks for the invite Sungmi!  We'll turn your party into a PARTY!” Hyukjin shouted and started randomly dancing with everyone else.  Sungmi chuckled at their silliness.  Minwoo glanced at his invitation then back at the Sungmi.  Is it true that she and Jonghwan kissed? he thought. 

He turned to look at the boy, and his eyes widened.  Jonghwan was sitting right there next to him, watching Sungmi and the others.  Plus, he was smiling, which was something that was rarely seen. 

Minwoo followed Jonghwan's eyes which landed on the smiling Sungmi.  Don't tell me…  Jonghwan felt someone stare at him intensely so he looked around. He saw Minwoo chuckling and smiling at him.

"What?" Jonghwan asked. 

"You like her, don't you?" Minwoo whispered

"Let me get back to you on that.”

"Do ya like her enough to kiss her?" Minwoo teased

Jonghwan raised a brow at him. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked.   "We got called into a meeting by L.Joe because he caught you two kissing.” Jonghwan's eyes widened. "Did he hurt y--" Minwoo nodded.  Jonghwan's hands curled up into fist and he stood up. "I'll be right back." he muttered.

Minwoo grabbed Jonghwan's wrist and shook his head.

“It’s fine Jonghwan.  Don’t d—“

"No it's not fine, hyung.  He hurt you, my friend.  That isn't something that's okay.  I've put up with his for as long as I could now.  He freaking punished you for something that didn't even happen, so I’m going to give him a piece of my mind."

He shook him off, and marched angrily towards L.Joe. 

"L.Joe.” He turned around and caught the gaze of furious Jonghwan.  So he's back to defend his friends?  Bastard...  "What?  Haven't you taken enough?" L.Joe spat back and smirked. 

"We need to talk.” Jonghwan said.


The two quietly sneaked out and headed to the back of the school.


Oh!  I should Jonghwan to get his guitar! Sungmi thought.  She turned around and didn't see him; he wasn’t even in the room.  Maybe he went to the bathroom or something.  I'll get it for him.

"Chunji," she said.  The boy turned away from his friends and to the girl. "do you know where the music room is?" he nodded.  "I'll take you."  Sungmi nodded, and then they too headed out.

Zinger was watching them from a far.  Please don't tell me…he likes her too…?


The two boys were now at the back of the school, glaring at each other face to face.  "We didn't." Jonghwan said.  L.Joe raised a brow.  "We didn't what?"

"Sungmi and I, we’re not an item." Jonghwan hissed.  His heart felt some sort of guilt, but he hid it behind his anger. 

"I never accused you two of being an item; I accused you of kissing her." L.Joe bitterly muttered.  Jonghwan grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up off the ground. 

"We never did.” L.Joe pushed him away. "Don’t ing lie to me!” L.Joe screamed.  He kicked Jonghwan's chest in rage, sending him flying back about three feet. 

At that moment, two people came walking out towards the back.  They saw Jonghwan and L.Joe, but the boys didn't see them. 

"I’m not!  Sungmi and I never kissed!"  What is he talking about? Sungmi thought.  She looked at Chunji for some sort of answer, but he was watching intently at the two.

"Sungmi and I...aren't anything." I'm sorry. Jonghwan thought.  He stood up straight and looked at L.Joe. 

"Sungmi and I aren't in any sort of relationship bull!  You and everyone else all know that I've never liked anyone, so why are you accusing me now!?!”

Sungmi looked at Jonghwan and her heart felt a slight pain.  She held a hand over her heart, gripping the area over it, to stop the pain.  Chunji glanced at her. She's fallen for him…

"She changed my heart, so she can do it with anyone else." L.Joe said. Sungmi's eyes widened and she let her grip go.  Her eyes stared at L.Joe.

"Sungmi and I are nothing. We're--we're not even friends, let alone lovers.  We're just working on a project together.  She's nothing but an annoying little who doesn't know how to take care of herself.  She has everyone else pity her and is a for attention." Jonghwan snapped.  Sungmi's eyes began to water but she held the tears in.  I a-am..? she thought. 

L.Joe punched Jonghwan in the jaw. "Don’t say that about her!  She's fragile! She needs someone to protect her, and I want to be that someone." Sungmi stared at the two, confused.  L.Joe's words melted her insides, but she felt a great pain in her body because of what Jonghwan said.

"Then be that someone," Jonghwan said "But don't touch my friends again."

“Don’t worry, I plan on it.” L.Joe smirked.

Sungmi grabbed Chunji's wrist and quietly pulled them inside the building.  He looked at the girl's face; she had confusion written all over it.

"Come on, let's ditch."


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klienchoung #1
Seriously liked it lots ♥♡ even had a few mini heart breaks myself while reading. Keep up the nice woork
cynthia0818 #2
Chapter 36: AWESOME STORY AUTHOR-NIM!!!!! <3
Chapter 5: Why is it StarShips....
krinkle_shawol #5
Chapter 32: Waaaaah~ That was nice :D Good job, author-nim!
angel_000 #6
Chapter 16: Why not Baekhyun.....:'(
Chapter 36: jiro7pokpdl aww so sweet
Chapter 3: Kaye started reading this today even though I subscribed to it a long time ago...
Chapter 34: A sequel pls!! I really love this story!! Update soon ne ^^
-B2STfreakk #10
Chapter 34: Well, a sequel would be nice, but it's totally up to you. (: if you want to work on your other story, when you finish this one, you can finish up your other story then put up the sequel.