The story only I didn't know

You and I

Just like he told me. Seungho called me right after he finished his practice. He told me he'll pick me in an hour, well cause his practice room is quite far. I dressed in my terracotta-red casual evening dress. I put on light make up with summer night look. My hair in an up-do bun and 4 cm high heels. From when I start dating him, my fashion sense was shown to everyone everytime we went out on a date :) I loved it. I placed my black purse on the kitchen table and grab a bottle of water from the fridge waiting for Seungho.

The door bell rang telling me that he is here and I didn't even get to drink me water :( I sighed then grabbed my purse. And opened the door for him. Seungho knows where I live and he even visit my place lots of time but not us alone, it's with the rest of our friends ;)

"Why are you so fast?" I said as I wrinkled my nose.

"What! I thought you'd say 'What took you so long?', man, I should've come later :("

"I didn't even get to drink my water :p" I chuckled. I walk to the fridge again and grabbed the same bottle then take a sip of water.


"Yep, Let's go." I said grinning and hooked my arms into his. Seungho dressed in his casual clothes but somehow it looked kind of formal. He look gorgeous.

"By the way, you look stunning" he said as he look the other way. I smiled.

Seungho opened his car door for me. And walk to the other side of the car and sit behind the wheel. It took us only 25 minutes to reached the place. The place look slightly like a club but it's actually a cafe. I was stunned with the light decorations around the cafe. The lamp that were purposely placed on the strong branched of the tree. The lighting put around the trunk of the trees make the atmosphere looked really relaxed and soothing. Seungho gesture me to the table in the garden of the restaraunt. Three candles on the table with many more on other table. It looked really romantic. Seungho pulled the share for me. But then he disappeared in the next moment.

I look around with a little panick. A glass of cocktail was served on my table, I told the waiter that I didn't order any but then he said it's a present.

A present?

15 minutes have past and no sign of Seungho around. Where did he go? And again, now a waitress, placed a piece of paper on my table. I look at her questioning, then she point at the paper and walk away.

"Close your eyes and count to 10 in your heart then open your eyes.- Seungho" 

My eyebrows were tied together. What is he thinking? I do as he wrote. I closed my eyes and count to 10.










10..... I heard nothing at all. No footstep. The music stop playing. And it seems to me that all the lights are closed.

I opened my eyes and it's dark really dark that I can hardly see anything. A fading light appeared in front of me and approaching.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Eun Bi, Happy Birthday to you~ Congratulations!!!!"

*pop! pop! pop!*

I was stoned with what happen and I blew out the candles. I look around shocked with the situation right now.

All my friends, classmates, and....and my grandfather was here.  

Tears filled my eyes, and I start crying. Seungho just smiled and hugged me. He whispered in my ears.

"The story behind this I knew it all."

"How?" I look at him in the eyes. Seungho smiled and look at Raena and Papi. Both of them told him?

"Make this birthday the best you ever have," he smiled "and this is your present for your very first birthday with me :)"

My eyes make the big letter O as Seungho pressed his plump warm lips onto mine. I kissed him back with all eyes on us. My girl classmates scream, the boys cheered and some said "nooooooo!" especially my grandfather who fell on his knees. We parted and smiled at each other.

This is the best Birthday and boyfriend I've ever have in my whole life. Only that the story behind all this surprise is just something only I didn't know but it's okay.

Now that my birthday present is a kiss under the moon surrounded by candles and lights, which really romantic (if without my friends) I'm okay with everything.

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Channinuna #1
Chapter 7: Love it!!!!!
Chapter 7: Awww the ending is so cuuute ;)