
The Photograph

Kyungsoo had always kept his and his wife’s room clean but he decided to have their room a complete clean-up. Not literally clean-up as in he’ll put all the stuff out the room but yeah, you get my drift. Now going back to the story… He looked at the clock and it says fifteen minutes before six; just fifteen more minutes until his wife comes home. Kyungsoo was on a day-off that day and since he was bored, he figured he’ll do the cleaning now so he grabbed the broom, the dust pan, the duster, and everything that he needed to use for cleaning.

                He started with the closet first, re-folding the clothes neatly and placing them in order and per color. He thought it would be the easiest to clean up. Then he started to re-make the bed, fluffing the pillows and arranging them. After that, he turned to the drawers. He sat on the floor, cross-legged, opened each of the drawers and scooped everything out with his hands. Just as he was putting them on the floor one by one, separating those that were still needed from those that weren’t, he saw a familiar photograph that he picked up when he was just a child.

                The picture of the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

                It was when he was around seven years old. The Do family was having a picnic on the park and Kyungsoo was just happily playing on the cemented pathway not far from where his parents were settled. He was hopping from tile to tile, carefully trying not to step on the line when he suddenly stepped on something. He lifted his foot up and saw a photograph on the pavement, facing downwards. He picked it up and when he turned it around to see who was in it, his eyes widened than the usual and he felt his cheeks warmed.

                In that photograph was a girl, maybe around his age or younger, with a neck-length hair and two half pigtails. She was smiling at the camera and Kyungsoo could say she was beautiful. At that time, he declared that the girl in the picture was his first love. He tried to look for her everywhere; going back to the park from time to time just to see if she was there but to his dismay, he never saw the mysterious girl.

                Kyungsoo grew tired of what he was doing so he decided to just keep the picture and stop looking for her but his feelings remained. She was his first love and although he had given up, he knew they’ll cross paths someday. He may not remember or know how she looks like or will look like but he knew they’ll cross paths.

                Before he got married two years ago, he saw the girl’s photograph again. He looked at it and apologized for not being able to see her and possibly, return the photograph to her. He also said that he was getting married and that she still was his first love so with the last kiss on the picture, he placed it on the very bottom of the drawer.


                Kyungsoo snapped out of his trance when he heard his wife’s voice. He turned to look at her making her way inside their room and smiled as he stood, “Welcome home,” He, with the picture at hand, spread his arms wide to give her a warm hug.

                His wife gladly hugged him back then she moved away, her gaze fixed at the photograph he was holding. “What’s..  What’s my picture doing here? I thought I lost that a long time ago.”


BOOM. CLIFF-HANGER. HAHAHA. I DON'T LIKE IT EITHER. XD But then again, I'd like to have anyone who reads this imagine what will happen next. :3 XD /shot Anyway, this story already exists; characters and plots were changed but still, CREDITS TO WHOEVER WROTE OR EXPERIENCED THIS WHOLE IDEA. XD


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Chapter 1: OMG!!! I loved the ending!! The story itself was really cute!!! ^-^
lazyoongi #2
Chapter 1: ah, so sweet :3
Ryeoflection #3
Chapter 1: whoaa... :D
love it!
i can‘t give anycomment. *speechless :D
Chapter 1: Wow...that was cool (ง'̀⌣'́)ง !!!
yuuko93 #5
Chapter 1: i thought it would be long version,
but, still daebak ! :)
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl!!!
Sweetest story that I have read ..
G' Job ^^
Chapter 1: Aww!!!!
ParkSeungRin #8
This is really cute. :3
Chapter 1: kinda expected that
but still really cute
Chapter 1: Wahh! That was so cool! Really unexpected!