Eeteuk- Landing

Prison or Paradise?

It had been exactly 13 hours since I left the corway. I had been wandering the vacuum called space in search of a spaceship that I might be able to hitch hike a ride from. No spaceship wanted a scrawny brat like me and even once, one tried to attack me! Flabbergasted, I changed my plans and decided to land on the nearest planet now as I was getting tired and hungry.

 I landed in an unfamiliar surrounding.Behind, left and right of me were a mix of Momiji and Sakura trees. Infront of me was a house. A kind of house I have never seen before. It had a sturdy wooden frame and lots of sliding doors with translucent paper. One of them was open and inside it, a boy sat painting a cheerful greenery.

 "H-he-lo?" I stuttered. The boy looked up, looking fairly confused. Right then, without saying anything, he left the room to later return with another older man.

  'Sungmin' the older man called him. The boy cowered behind the man. Steadily, the man drew close to me but before he could hit me unconcious with the spanner in his hand, I felt my legs give away and my eyesight blurred and then, I lost all my senses for a while and it felt like I was sleeping in a dark coffin with ice cubes put around me.

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i'm sorry if the stiry isn't too good cuz i m a new writer. so, yoroshiku!


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Yamiko-chan #1
Chapter 12: please let it be heeteuk *puppy eyes*
please update soon :)
myotterprince #2
Chapter 12: please updaate soon~
Marsujuangel #3
Chapter 12: Please continue.update soon!^.^
Chapter 12: wonteuk please....*puppy eyes*

but WonHeeteuk is also long as teukie is bottom....

update soon...
Chapter 13: Wonteuk please!!!
Chapter 13: Oh god!! Heechul will meet Siwon!! I hope the three meet!! WonTeukChul!! As long as Teukie bottom.. :P
Chapter 13: omo!!!
they all will meet!!
Chapter 12: New reader.. ^-^
I hope it end up with either pairing as long as not Kangteuk.. No offense..
Chapter 11: hey this story is awesome. are you still looking or a co-author?
jessicamaylee #10