

With every step i took, tears escaped from my eyes and fell onto my cheeks, making the wounds sting and burn with pain. My heart thumped loudly, my body trembled with fear. As i continued sprinting down the road, my energy gets drained each second, my body disintegrating every time my feet lands on the ground.

Without even turning behind, i could feel the fearful presence closing in towards me. The strong aura of pure evilness could have made me collapse in terror. Even though i knew what was behind me, i couldn’t help but to glance behind. Panic took over me as i realised how close he is, how the sound of his footsteps were ringing loudly in my ears.


Exerting even more force to propel myself forward, only one thought crossed my mind.

My only chance to escape, i can’t screw this up.




This chance, that came with a price...


I was lifted up, and i closed my eyes, fearing what i will land on. 

Something soft touched my back, and i realised that i was thrown onto a bed. 


Looking around, i noticed a girl around the same age as me, lying down next to me. I trying to gain attention, but my lips were sealed by tape. I tried getting my hands to move, but everytime i try, i get nothing but cuts on my skin and blood oozing out. 

Damn rope.


Inch by inch, i moved my body closer to her, nudging her shoulders with my own. 

There's no reaction from her. 


With the fact that she's still breathing, i closed my eyes in relieve from the panic i felt a few seconds ago. But this feeling was replaced with dread as a voice spoke.

A familiar face appeared as my eyes widened in fear. 

"You don't have to be afraid, sweetie." He caressed my face, giving me a smirk that he's so famous for. A smirk that only belongs to SHINee Jonghyun. 

With no attempt to warn me, he pulled away the tape from my mouth harshly, causing me to yelp in pain. I couldn't speak, my throat was dominated by pure fear. but my eyes lingered at the ajar door and the bright light shining outside. My heart skipped a beat as i thought of the freedom i possessed 3 months ago.

"Get prepared for some fun later on. " he chuckled, "Onew hyung will be coming in.", giving me a tight slap before strolling towards the door. Tears built up in my eyes.


But in a matter of seconds, he collapsed onto the floor, something weighed him down. As i struggled to squeeze tears out of my eyes so that i could clear my vision, i gasp in surprise. 


It was the girl lying down beside me. 


She sat on Jonghyun's stomach and bounced on it, making him scream and groan in pain. I just stared at her, unable to say anything. Wasn't she unconcious? 

Her eyes shifted from jonghyun to mine. 

Her eyes... shining with fear, shining with the strong hope of getting out of the clutches of SHINee.

But there's something in her eyes........



She said something, but sounded muffled under the tape. Her eyes darted from me to the door, from the door to me, multiple times. 

It took me long to understand.


She wants me to run.


But this feeling of unknown guilty came over me. Me running, and leaving her here alone? But time was running out, Jonghyun screamed for help, and the other members would reach him anytime. 

I stood up, moving close to her. Her eyes darted from me to the door again. I sent out messages of apology and guilt from my eyes, hoping that she understood it. But all she did was bounce on Jonghyun. 

With a heavy heart, I left the room. 


I ran out of the building, towards the gate area without stopping. Until..........


There was a loud smash and glass pieces dropped to the ground, followed by a tremedously heartbreaking thud. I turned my head around, shocked to find the same pair of communicating eyes staring back at me.

That girl. 

Blood flowed out of her body. 


Without hesitation, I ran. 


(flashback ends)


I turned around the corner and a familiar place came into sight. I continued running while trying to figure out where the hell am i. 


And it hit me. 


My neighbourhood..... my home. 


My eyes immediately darted to the left, where i could feel a sense of hope building up in my heart. I lifted my head and saw the apartment i lived in, before i was captured 3 months ago. The lights are on. 


Images of my parents in that house appeared in my mind. My mum cooking, my dad reading the newspaper by the lamp, me and my brother teasing each other.

For three months, i disappeared. I was captured by some black ninja guys; brought into a place like what seemed like a brothel; bought by SHINee; physically, ually and mentally abused.

My heart shattered into pieces, the longing of wanting to go back home made me weak and breathless.






And suddenly, there was a huge and strong grip on my hand and i stopped running. My heart sank, my hopes sank.

I lifted my head timidly. 













But my eyes brightened up. 

A pair of lovely eyes stared into me. 


I see the fatigue in his eyes, the black circles around them.

I see the shock in his eyes turn into happiness. 

I see the dying hopes in his eyes revive. 

I see the love he have for me.


I see... my brother. 

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poppop3 #1
cute!! keep on writing
jiayixdubu #2
ok... this is awesome! Scary tho.
angelcity #3
omg shinee = rapists? dude scary o-o<br />
i like this oneshot. :)<br />
I got scared for nothing.... This is a nice oneshot!