Couples ♥

Scarlet Crown Roleplay [OPEN] JOIN US PLEASE ~


Love is when two people meet..

Look into each other's eyes

And find everything they need ♥

Admin Sulli ♥ loves this page the most 

This is where we list down all our couples in the RP .

Our First Couple ! 

Sehun & Sulli

Started of as same age friends ,

Through teasing and jealousy {Taemin oppa} , we fell in love 

And now , we are together ♥

; Sulli's Hunnie

; Sehun's Ssul


Nee~ Admin Sulli is in a relationship ! {I love you Hunnie♥}

But one couple is never enough !

So come on , scroll below to the comments box and join us !

Let's filled Scarlet Crown RP with L-O-V-E !

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MrsPoliceMan #1
Chapter 4: may i be exo-k's d.o? o3o

Thank You ^_^
yourbabyvamp_ #2
Chapter 3: Can I be Hello Venus Yoonjo?
Thank You ^_^
kim_minki #3
Chapter 4: Can I be big bang's daesung?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 2: Can I be BtoBs Peniel?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 2: Can I be BtoBs Peniel?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: Can i be SNSD's Sunny? Thankseu^^
Chapter 4: Can I be B.A.P.'s Kim Himchan
Chapter 3: Can I be SNSD Tiffany?
fifteenshiningstars #9
Chapter 4: Can i be BAPs Zelo? ^^