How To Join

Scarlet Crown Roleplay [OPEN] JOIN US PLEASE ~



To get you started , have a lollipop ! 
Its our admin way to show you that we're thankful that you came here~
Anyway , we're (always) hoping that you would join us ! 
So this is how you can join Scarlet Crown RP ! ☺

How To Join :


1) Mention us at our twitter base acc {@ScarletCrownRP} or comment below the idol
you want
to roleplay as .
Note : Check whether the idol you want to roleplay as is available before doing so .
2) One acc per user . 
Don't be selfish , show some love . Give everyone a chance to try.
3) After we've confirmed , the idol will be put on reservation . Then you are supposed to
your acc in 5 days .
Note : If you don't create your acc in 5 days , your reservation will be cancelled .
4) Your acc should be SLC_{idol name} . For eg . SLC_Sulli , SLC_Eunji
5) Your bio should contain this information :
❦ Official Roleplayer of ScarletCrownRP . {idol name} of {idol group} 
For Eg.
❦ Official Roleplayer of ScarletCrownRP . Sulli of f(x) 
6) After creating your acc , do mention us at the twitter base acc {@ScarletCrownRP} so
that we can verify you ! 
And from then on , you're part of our family . Teehee~
7) After joining , please follow the base acc {@ScarletCrownRP} and the admins acc first
{@SLC_Sulli & @SLC_Eunji} before following others in the RP .
If you really do join ! I love you and you're the best ♥
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MrsPoliceMan #1
Chapter 4: may i be exo-k's d.o? o3o

Thank You ^_^
yourbabyvamp_ #2
Chapter 3: Can I be Hello Venus Yoonjo?
Thank You ^_^
kim_minki #3
Chapter 4: Can I be big bang's daesung?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 2: Can I be BtoBs Peniel?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 2: Can I be BtoBs Peniel?
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 3: Can i be SNSD's Sunny? Thankseu^^
Chapter 4: Can I be B.A.P.'s Kim Himchan
Chapter 3: Can I be SNSD Tiffany?
fifteenshiningstars #9
Chapter 4: Can i be BAPs Zelo? ^^