Tell Him

I'm Mad At You


Suddenly, the door opened and Kikwang slid into the room quietly. He stood for a moment besides the doorframe, not coming any closer. Junhyung didn’t move either, too immersed in his own feelings to care about another presence. Kikwang sighed, ruffling his hair as he looked at his bandmate.

“Junhyung…” Kikwang started.

“Tell me I’m an , Kikwang. Just go ahead.” Junhyung mumbled, finally speaking, his voice cracking with emotion. The tears that had slid down so easily a few seconds ago were now dried on his cheeks.

“You’re an .” Kikwang repeated dutifully, starting to walk towards Junhyung.

“Thanks. I needed that.” Junhyung said sarcastically.

“Har har. All jokes aside Junhyung, you’ve really messed up this time.” Kikwang sat down on the bed.

“Great. What else is new?” Junhyung muttered exasperatedly.

“Come on…why didn’t you go after him? Why didn’t you tell him how you feel? Why’d you—”

“Quit while you’re ahead, Kikwang. You don’t think I know? You don’t think I know how much of a jerk I’ve been to him? I know. Hell, I know more than any of you.” Junhyung snapped, unable to take ’s harsh words any longer.

Kikwang smiled. “That’s good. At least you know. And you know what I know? I know how you feel about him. You’re not the hard-to-read, intimidating rapper you think you are. At least not to us. We can read you like an open book, Junhyung. Don’t hide behind your feelings.” Kikwang said seriously, looking straight into Junhyung’s eyes.

Junhyung stayed silent. “I’ve never been good at expressing my feelings.”

Kikwang laughed a little. “Yeah, I know that too. But you’ve always been more open with him. We all know it.”

“But how do I…how do I…” Junhyung couldn’t go on.

“Maybe start by apologizing?” Kikwang suggested.

“And then?”

“Tell him. Tell him you love him.” Kikwang said.

“But…but what if I can’t?” Junhyung whispered, looking desperately at his friend.

“I know you can. You’re Yong Junhyung. You’ve overcome criticism, failure, and obstacles. There is nothing you can’t do.” Kikwang smiled.

“But this is different…” Junhyung said softly, so softly that Kikwang had to lean in a little to catch the heartfelt words.

Kikwang smiled sadly. “I know Junnie, I know. But it’s okay. If you really love him, then this will be nothing. He knows you better than anyone else and you know him inside and out. As long as you tell him, you guys can live happily ever after!”

“Aish, you…I never know when you’re joking or not.” Junhyung grinned, throwing his tear filled pillow at the figure near the door.

Kikwang laughed, easily ducking away from the pillow. “Hey, you’re the Joker, I’m just the Ace.”

Junhyung shook his head in amusement. “Get outta here, Dancing Shoes boy…”

Kikwang turned and gave Junhyung a menacing but playful glare as he left the room. “Whatevs, Poppin’ Dragon~~”

Junhyung grinned to himself as he plopped down back first into his soft bed. It was great knowing he had such supporting friends. 

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Chapter 7: Why am I finding out about this pairing this late?!! They're so cute together <3
Chapter 7: Junnie: be mine?
Seob: anyday..
Me: *smiling like a crazy girl* Thanks you athour nim. *throw coke*
Chapter 7: Uhhhhh the story is soooo cute and fluffy I love it!!! Thank you for the fic... One question where is the last gif from? What performance I mean? If u know please tell me :)
wxlovejoker #4
Chapter 7: this is sho cute! *squeal*
u should make another one!
Chapter 7: wahhh soo sweet this made me feel better after seeing the photo teasers for yoseob's "caffeine"
Chapter 7: Short.... But sweet <3 I can't help but feel sad it ended though :c
Chapter 7: Finally, Junhyung confessed.
The ending was sweet~!

Thanks for the fic and hope you will write more about JUNSEOB! :D