Transfer student I hate you


I fell in love with an idol for a long time now and I just can’t get him out of my head - I’ve tried all the methods there is and it’s just not working anymore.


What happens when the idol I’ve admired for a long time transfers into my school?

What will he think of me?

And will he ever know my feelings or feel the same way back?


It feels weird that no one here knows him but I actually aspect that because he's moved from Korea to the UK - So far!. Will other girls like him? And will he like them back? Whatever happens, I’ll have to go along with it because if he’s happy I’m happy.



The transfer student and the idol that I’ve liked for ages. He’s a cute and loving guy, who is really charming and knows how to act cool. He can look fierce but when you get to know him he’s the world’s most adorable boy. His looks are just overwhelming for any girl, so I just hope that he’ll feel the same why as me some day.



I'm a clumsy, not the best looking girl; I fall in love easily and gets hurt too easily. I haven't got that much friends because people don't really like speaking to me. I don't like to be loud in class but sometimes I can be but it depends who is in class with me.


The Three Flower Girls

These girls are the ‘popular girls who gets all the attention and flirts with any boys going. They’re y and someone just plain nasty, it’s hard to see the nice side of them but when they like you they will be nicer and much more respectful.

Chloe – the leader

Leah – the visual or the prettiest

Vicky – The loudest and not afraid to say what she thinks

They’re all really flirty which gets really annoying.



A aggressive and moody boy, who gets angry when I talk about any boy or if any boy speaks flirty to me. I don’t know what will happen when I date someone but I’ll just ignore his annoying behavior because he doesn't mean that much to me for me to care about his feelings.


The Popular Boy

His name is Ricky, he is popular but weirdly isn't that loud in class, he is a moody person but can be very nice if he likes you. He likes to get into many fights and doesn't give the person he hates any rest - Him and Daz are extreme enemies and they hate eachother since they've first met for no reason. He's a tall ncie looking guy who cares about his looks too much.


Has fate actually brought us together?


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