A SHINee Family: In the minds of Brooke and Nadine


So, basically, this is the craziest most insane and probably one of the funniest fics you will ever read.

This is basically the musings of Brooke and I talking about SHINee.


So if you want , go somewhere else.

If you want stupid crack and crazy insane real life scenarios, continue and enjoy :)


WARNING 2: Brooke and I really love to make fun of certain ALL SHINee members, in their own special way, so if you get offended just please stop reading.  Because it's going to keep happening.

Also, if I get even ONE request for OnChicken, I am flipping a table. You've been warned.


I'll post more if I can think of it, but right now I am just a tired overworked and hungry 19 year old who wants ice cream.


I'm posting Brooke as Co-Author in case she ever wants to add, but it'll probbaly be me mainly.


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Chapter 1: Hehehe I like ontae more though xD
Chapter 6: Lol____in a box. Now that sounds more like me... did Jinki bb give me diamond studded ___ toys? I BET HE DID!!! I need a mastered after his god ...

I bet you can't even read this because off censored it so much. XD
Chapter 5: When are Jinki and I not making babies? And the fact that you think I would blush made me giggle. Sooooo naive...
Chapter 3: There were like zero ual enuendos what are you even talking about child?

I do like your depiction of us as sane, rational fangirls. We would be screaming our heads off and having a figurative keyboard smash together who are you trying to kid right now?
Chapter 1: This make my day, my bet will be on jongyu too lol!
Oh dear lord help us all....