Prologue 1/2

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Prologue 1/2
Kyungsoo POV

“Mommy when do I get to go outside and play?”
“Soon honey.”

Those were the same lines I hear every day
I was two years old at that time.

“Why can’t I go outside?”
“It not good for your heath honey.”
“Can you tell me a story then?”
“Of course.”

I was born as a curious boy, a kid with many questions but would only receive few answers.  

“Now kyungsoo, let me tell you a secr

“What kind of story is it?”
“Let me finish first deer. It’s a secret story so don’t tell anyone okay?”

My mom once told me that my heath wasn’t in good condition so I stayed home most of the time.
That must be why I tend to interrogate about the outside world.

People sometimes find me kind of annoying for my nonsense questionsbut I didn't care.

Today is January 12my birthday.
I’m turning six this year.
I made the same wish this year too.

Ever since my mom told me that story.
I had been wishing for the same thing every year. 

I don’t know when, but I hope it will come true one day.
Before I go.

Will my wish come true?

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