
Crash and Burn

 Aha, It's been a while. I was supposed to update a few times ago, and I don't really have a legitimate excuse. I'll try harder next time!

Anyways, I'm going to revamp the foreward, and here's the next chapter. Things are starting to get interesting, and the goal is to have a lot revealed in the next few chapters, so this is the introduction to that.

Enjoy! I'd love some feed-back or something at some point..


It took a fair while to get to their destination, and Nadel could safely say she was completely lost. Ji-hoon seemed comfortable in his surroundings as he pulled up beside a bunch of other expensive looking cars. Night had fallen quickly, and the street lights provided the only source of light.

Ji-hoon walked Nadel towards a souped-up SUV that was blasting some sort of Korean dance music, a sound that Nadel was unfamiliar with. He kept his hand firmly around her wrist, directing her through the masses of people, most scantily clad and all wearing incredibly hip street clothes. Nadel felt slightly subconscious about her choice, but acted calm and collected regardless.

They arrived at the SUV quickly, and there Ji-hoon finally came to a stop. The DJ was blasting music from speakers in the trunk, bobbing along with the music.

“Hey—Bi-hyung!” He said casually, pulling off a pair of DJ headphones. He acknowledged Ji-hoon, and after pleasantries, Ji-hoon pulled Nadel forward, to introduce her to him.

“Dong-woon, this is Nadel..” He told him, and then turned towards Nadel, “Nadel, this is Kim Dong-woon, DJ extraordinaire.” He gestured suavely.

Nadel gave a small smile and nodded towards him, looking towards the confident man, Nadel found him rather intimidating. The man had a small moustache, and was well built, perhaps bigger than Ji-hoon, dressed well, although a street vibe definitely emanated from him, even still, he bowed his head to her to indicate his acknowledgement.

“Sup, Nadi-yah, nice ta meetcha.” He told her, smirking. He had an accent that made it slightly harder for her to understand, and quickly spoke without formality to her. His smirk made a shiver crawl up her spine, and not a good shiver, either. Nadel quickly made note to never be alone with the man.

Luckily for her, Ji-hoon didn't seem too keen on the idea, either, as he lead her quickly from Dong-woon. Nadel wondered briefly the reason for their confrontation in the first place if they were to depart so quickly, but Ji-hoon seemed one step ahead of her tonight. “Always have to greet the host.” He told her chuckling.

Nadel assumed that either she was easy to read, or this man had spent too much time with her brother. Probably both, she concluded as Ji-hoon slowed down near the outskirts of the party. The wallflowers were here, those who would rather watch than get lost in the music provided by the creepy host.

“Nadel, This is Seung Ho, G.O., Lee Joon, Cheon Doong, Mir, Micky C and finally, Kono-kun. They're—Sorry, they were your brothers employees.” She eyed all the good looking young men before her, they looked more closely to her age than her brothers. They were stood rather stretched out talking casually to each other, a row of expensive looking cars behind him.

They turned to meet her, and they all gave a ninety-degree bow, indicated the respect she held to them. She bowed back, almost denying the respect that they had given to her.

“Hey, I'm gunna get ready, you guys watch her, okay?” Nadel just barely caught what he was saying to them. It was obvious he didn't really want her understanding as he spoke faster than he ever had previously. They just nodded, and Ji-hoon pushed her towards them.


Nadel tried to remain casual as she walked up to the group. As she approached, they seemed to almost surround her, but it didn't seem threatening, more protective than anything else.

“So...” Nadel started awkwardly. What was she supposed to say? She had no idea. Thankfully, the man who she thought was Seung-Ho, took control over the conversation.

“It's really nice to meet you, Nadel, he used to talk a lot about you. He was a very proud older brother.” He told her, giving her a small smile.

Nadel nodded, “He was like that with cars, too.” She almost laughed remembering when her brother got his first car, a crappy old truck that he had bought off of a farmer. The red paint and outdated designs had given way to rust, and Adam didn't even know how to drive stick-shift, but he bought it anyways.

They all nodded, seeing as they worked in automotive business, it was easy to understand. Lee Joon spoke up next, he gave her a hard look, and obviously had no intentions of making small talk with her. “Nadel. You're here to look into your brothers death?” He asked her, although to her, it didn't much seem like a question.

“Somethings not right.” She put it simply, not that her Korean skills would let her do anything else. These men knew her brother, they would too, notice that something was wrong.

“Hm.” Joon replied, saying nothing more. It irked Nadel, really, he was asking something he already knew, with no other purpose then to hear her say it.

“Well, lets watch then, shall we?” Seung-Ho broke the tension that was building between them as he led Nadel closer to the crowd. Nadel hadn't noticed, but the music has subsided and a horse-shoe was made in the crowd, cars lined up in the middle. Ji-hoon was among them.


“Alright, we all know the moves, here, people! Street rules, full-circle, cross-river. Ante is 200 even, winner take all.” Dong-woon shouted from a microphone. On cue, all the cars lined up in the middle produced sleek looking suitcases, and put them at his feet. Then they all got in their cars, and revved their engines. A sleek looking girl, in tight leather leggings and high stilettos She bent down, giving the drivers an ample view of her cleavage, and dropped her scarf.

Almost faster than she could blink the cars were off and out of site. As soon as the cars disappeared the group turned towards Kono-kun, looking at him quizzically.

“From what I can see, Bi's got 'em whipped.” He smirked, and fist pumped a few of the others in the group.

Everyone at the party had gone towards Dong-woons car, and the cars on either side. Large flat-screen televisions were set up, displaying street views. They showed the cars as they turned more corners.

“Woah. That guy is getting some serious over-steering.” G.O pointed to a souped up Lexus that drifted around a corner.

Nadel had been watching too, and remarked, “I think that he has his motor in his trunk. If he did, it would mean that he had rear-wheel steering, and more weight in the back. When he brakes at a high speed like that, the inertia makes the car want to go rear-over front, giving him more momentum when he turns corners.” She couldn't quite articulate the physics behind it into Korean, but she knew she was right.

Mir nodded at her statement. “Yeah, that'd do it. I've never seen one of the Mins with that kind of ride, must be just trying it out or something. Most cars stopped doing the rear-engine design because of the over-steer. Bet it'd be pretty kick- for drifting, but these streets don't really allow for that.” Nadel nodded in understanding, despite having to infer a few things.

Nadel wasn't particularly interested in the cars, actually, she was rather bored. Her mind wandered to different equations that applied directly to the situation, and being a physics major, there were many. She estimated some numbers and fulfilled the equations appropriately. According to what she knew, which wasn't much, the race would come down to Ji-hoon and whoever was driving the rear-engine vehicle.

And to her pleasant surprise, she was indeed correct. As they rounded the last corner on the screen, the crowd scattered off to the side of the road, two girls in short-shorts stood at the ready across from each other, with flags.

The last one-hundred yards were a straight stretch, and the two were neck-and-neck, or so it seemed. All of a sudden, Ji-hoon shot forward, way faster then she had calculated he COULD go. With ease, he stormed through the finish line, a long while before the other vehicle, the competition had long decided to turn off and go home, facing defeat.

Everyone cheered as he pulled to a stop, getting out of the vehicle with a smug smirk on his face, he spent a few moments just basking in the spotlight.

A few moments later, Ji-hoon had come up to her, still looking pleased with himself. Nadel regarded him thoughtfully, he was certainly good at what he did, but she was no expert.

“So this is what you wanted to show me?” She asked, “This is what was so dangerous and daunting?” She had seen street races before, not that she was all too familiar, but it was what her brother did, so she knew about it.

“Oh, no, Nady, this is just the beginning. The night is young!” He chuckled at her, and he was right. There were certainly a lot of questions on her mind.

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iamanonymous #1
Really cool story. Now you've got me wondering what's going to happen next, and you're on hiatus. :D Hope I can see an update soon.
Uh oh what has she gotten herself into now?
whydontyouQQ #3
Oops! I had originally had her name Alex, and then I changed it to Anna. I went back and changed the error before, but my internet must've been bad (Snow storm) and it didn't go through. I'll change it!<br />
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You're welcome :D<br />
Curious was Alex a typo or am I reading into this correctly and Minho called her that instead of Anna testing if the name she gave him was fake and She didn't catch that? <br />
hm... adding Joon could be interesting
whydontyouQQ #5
That's just fine, I don't comment on the stories I read either. I find the things I want to say have already been said, or it's some stupid mistake that I'm afraid will be taken personally. I'm glad you've commented at all, it's very encouraging!<br />
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I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm more of a silent reader, but I do comment occasionally and I will try to help you with feedback when I can ^^<br />
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Don't worry if you don't update according to the schedule you set, just update when you can. :)<br />
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whydontyouQQ #7
Not a problem, thanks for being my first subscriber, and now my first commenter! I'm glad you enjoy reading my story!
aw thanks for the dedication :D<br />
I look forward to reading more of this story ^_^