His Friends

Crash and Burn

 Alrighty, I felt I had to post all this as one chapter, even though it's three times bigger then my other chapters. It just all belongs together.

Here, we meet Rain. I don't think I'm going to use his stage name. I have so much respect for this man, but I just giggle every time I hear his stage name.

This is all I have pre-written thus far, so I'll try and write the next chapter for tomorrow.. I'd like to schedule regular updates on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, since those are the days I don't work after school. but we'll see.

Just a reminder that I will only use romanized korean words when they are absolutely necessary. Certain honorifics don't translate into english, as well as vertain words that we don't have in english. Thank you for understanding!

Thanks for reading!


A small bell chimed as she stepped inside the garage. Glamourous cars lined up left and right in various levels of dismemberment. The people working on them stopped to greet her, looking up from their line of work to be respectful to the potential customer.

A voice spoke to her left, “Hello, there, welcome to Adam's custom repairs, I'm Jung Ji-hoon, the owner.” She turned to meet a very tall man with relatively long hair. He bowed lightly to her.

Nadel bit her lip, testing her Korean. “Hello, I-uhm..” She stuttered, she wasn't sure if it was because of her faulty Korean, or because she was nervous. “I'm Nadel. A-Adam was my brother.” She in her breath, holding it while waiting for a response.

“OH. Nadel!” His eyes flashed with recognition as he bowed again, this time slightly deeper, thankfully, he then switched to English, which although some words sounded like gibberish, was legible enough for Nadel to understand. “Adam said so much about you! You are his little sister! I am very sorry.” Nadel had heard this enough times since her brothers death, it made her feel weary.

He turned to the rest of the men in the shop who were staring at them. He spoke quickly in Korean, and Nadel caught enough to understand that he was explaining the situation to them. He then quickly led her into an office at the side of the shop, while the men returned to working on the cars.

Nadel marvelled the office, and looked at the pictures on the walls. They were of her, mostly, when she was younger. None of the pictures showed her passed middle school, when he had left. There were a few pictures of his mother and father. Covering a good portion of the pictures were pictures of half women, and Nadel wondered if it was her brother who put them up or Ji-hoon.

“You are...” Ji-hoon trailed off looking for the right words in his heavy accent, “Older?” He questioned the word he had used.

“Uhm, Yes!” Nadel quickly nodded, indicating he was right, “These pictures are from before he moved here.” She told him, speaking slowly and enunciating.

“This was your brothers shop.” He scrunched his face up looking for the right words again, and finally Nadel just gave up and told him to speak Korean.

“You speak Korean?” He asked in his native tongue, it was much easier for her to understand.

Nadel shrugged her shoulders before replying in Korean “Not really, but I took Japanese classes in high school, and I studied a month before I came. I do not think I am bad."

Ji-hoons eyes shot up in surprise, “Woah~” He marvelled, “Hyung wasn't lying, you really are smart!” Nadel gave him a look, and he recoiled, “Not that I doubted you or anything, it's just I thought that he was just being a proud older brother.” Nadel gave a small smile at the response, and Jihoon let out a miniscule sigh of relief.

Nadel's shoulders slumped as she decided to get right to business. She was tired after her long day, and really wanted to just get home and sleep off the jet lag she was starting to experience. Perhaps it was a bad idea coming here so soon after her arrival to Korea.

“My brothers death was not an accident. I want to investigate my brothers death.” She told him, looking him straight in the eye. “Is there anyone who would want to hurt him?”

Ji-hoon looked momentarily surprised as he sat forward in his chair, returning her gaze with an intense stare, “You want a list?” He proposed, somewhat sarcastically before returning to is normal aloof self and slumping back in the chair, and running a hand through his dark hair. “I mean, your brother was a great guy, like a brother to me, but sometimes he rubbed people the wrong way. He was cocky, Nadel, overconfident. There are plenty of people who would've loved to see him go down.” He told her.

Nadel looked firmly at him “And someone did see him go down. My brother wasn't the best person in the world, I'm not a fool, but he wasn't a murderer, he didn't deserve this.”

Ji-hoon sighed, “You're a lot like him, you know that? A lot of people hated him because of things like that. He was bad enough to break the law, but not bad enough for a lot of people. He had a code of ethics that really pissed some people off.”

Nadel was getting fed up with the information she already knew. She was running in circles already, and she was irritable. “I want names, Ji-hoon.”

Ji-hoon scoffed, growing impatient with Nadel's naivety. “You wanna know? Be at the waterfront tomorrow at eleven. Take your pick.” Ji-hoon's eyes made his way to hers, and instead of showing annoyance like Nadel had thought, they showed sadness.

“I'm sorry.” He spoke again, “You're just.. You're a lot like him, you know that? It just, brings back things, is all.” His shoulders slumped forward, and he looked a lot older then Nadel had initially took him for.

Nadel also apologized, she was also out of line to snap at him like that.

He stood up, and motioned for her to follow him. She got up and followed him through the shop towards the back, he spoke along the way. “Your brother spoke often of you. You look alike, you know that? He always said he dreamed of having you live here with him. Teaching you to drive. Did you ever learn, by the way? He said you were always afraid of vehicles.”

Nadel shrugged slightly, “I got my licence, but I don't really drive. After Adam left, my dad drove me around until I graduated high school, and after that I bucked up and got my licence. Never really drove though, I stuck to big cities with good transportation.” Ji-hoon nodded.

“You've had it rough, haven't you?” Ji-hoon questioned, thinking about the little he knew of her life through her brother.

Nadel gave a small, tired smile, “I guess. I mean, it's not like everything happened at once. I've always been able to take care of myself, it's just a little lonely, I guess. I've been really lucky and had people who always support my decisions. I'm very thankful for them.” She replied with sincerity. She was smart and had a lot going for her, she wasn't about to take someones pity when she didn't need or deserve it. There were people a lot worse off than she was.

Ji-hoon stopped and opened a door for her, leading way to another small garage, this one only had completely built cars in it. There were six to her left, and four to her right. Ji-hoon gestured to the six that were to her left, and told her that they were her brothers cars.

He walked her over to the closest one, and spoke quietly to her. “This one your brother built for you. He was going to have you come here for your semester break, you know that? He couldn't stop talking about how well you were doing in school and how you were so different from him. He talked a lot about how bad he felt for leaving you there when your parents died.”

Nadel blunk, surprised, “He shouldn’t have. He came back for the funeral, and we both had our lives planned out in different directions, it wasn't his fault.” She bit her lip, and ran her hands over the cars smooth exterior. It wasn't as glamourous as the other five, with a sick silver colour, and shiny rims, the sporty car was completed with a small spoiler at the back. She peered inside at the sleek leather interior.

“What's going to happen to the cars?” She asked him, peering from the car back to Ji-hoon.

Ji-hoon shrugged, “I don't know yet. I had to take care of the shop and the races after your brother passed away, there were people who depended on him for income and stuff, you know? I left these here. It'd be a disgrace to his name and mine if I sold them, so they stay here. You can have yours though.”

Nadel was growing increasingly tired with all the new information she was receiving, coupled with her long day, she felt exhausted mentally and physically. SHe felt a little bit sick learning about how her brother felt, it was bringing a whole new wave of emotions to her, the realization that she wouldn't get to know her brother as he was as an adult, that the only way she would know him was through her memories.

Ji-hoon seemed to notice her exhaustion, “You're tired, I'll take you home. We can talk more about this tomorrow.” He told her, leading her towards the passenger seat of the two doored sports car. He helped her in, and then climbed into the drivers seat.

When her started driving, Nadel closed her eyes and leaned on the window, holding back her tears, and trying to usher away an oncoming headache. Soon, she fell into a dreamless sleep.


I promised myself I'd never post authors comments at the bottom, but I thought it'd be worth mentioning a great thanks for my first follower! She's the reason I'm updating today as well as tomorrow (hopefully) so this chapter is dedicated to her, fayt16.

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iamanonymous #1
Really cool story. Now you've got me wondering what's going to happen next, and you're on hiatus. :D Hope I can see an update soon.
Uh oh what has she gotten herself into now?
whydontyouQQ #3
Oops! I had originally had her name Alex, and then I changed it to Anna. I went back and changed the error before, but my internet must've been bad (Snow storm) and it didn't go through. I'll change it!<br />
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You're welcome :D<br />
Curious was Alex a typo or am I reading into this correctly and Minho called her that instead of Anna testing if the name she gave him was fake and She didn't catch that? <br />
hm... adding Joon could be interesting
whydontyouQQ #5
That's just fine, I don't comment on the stories I read either. I find the things I want to say have already been said, or it's some stupid mistake that I'm afraid will be taken personally. I'm glad you've commented at all, it's very encouraging!<br />
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I just wanted to give you a heads up that I'm more of a silent reader, but I do comment occasionally and I will try to help you with feedback when I can ^^<br />
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Don't worry if you don't update according to the schedule you set, just update when you can. :)<br />
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whydontyouQQ #7
Not a problem, thanks for being my first subscriber, and now my first commenter! I'm glad you enjoy reading my story!
aw thanks for the dedication :D<br />
I look forward to reading more of this story ^_^