December Tears


December Tears:
drowned in an ocean of regrets and despair as I lie on my bed. 
My feelings and thoughts all surround me like soldiers surrounding an enemy, shooting it with painful bullets that never seem to heal. 
What is this pain inside of me? Is this all a joke? A dream, I suppose? Or is it all, a lie? 
They all tell you, to beLIEve...should we? A voice echos inside my dying heart, wanting an answer. 
It's like living inside your own nightmare, trying to find its way out and into your dreams, only to be locked inside a person called YOU. 
You are your own prison, locking yourself in from the rest of the world, isolating yourself from true happiness and love. 
There's a way out, but you refuse to go because of fear. The fear of having your heart ripped apart and smashed into a million pieces. 
"It happened once," I thought, "never am I going down the same road again," I continuously tell myself. 
It's similar to a lonely bird trapped inside a birdcage, singing a song of misery. The bird knows the way out, but has that feeling that it will be captured once again when it's vulnerable and confused, so the bird stays in that little cage for as long as it lives. 
"Dreams come true, follow them," they tell us. 
That sentence keeps repeating in my head like an old scratchy record player. 
Where is this, "dream", you call? What is this, "happinessyou say? 



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