

 For one to be

  taken away,

  Gratually slipping away from reach,
  disappearing in the distance;

  the sorrow
  lying in my heart
  Anchored time

  But no
  not this easily;
  Will he fade
  from my memory of touch

  not so easily… 


Author Note Message:
This is a story I thought up of over the summer,
which I had a hard time thinking of everything coming together;;

And this is my first fanfiction posting on this site forever noob
I guarantee my writing is not the best but I hope you enjoy it anyway !!
If something sounds off or you don't like my style (room for improvement),
please tell me so I can be aware and become a better writer !!
Thank you~(`・ω・´)頑張ります!!why am I putting Japanese into a Korean story a/n

Originally, I am a Baekhyun fan,
But lately little magnae Sehunnie is fighting his way through the walls of my heart too ;-; !!
I never approved of this. What a strong little magnae /sob/

I mean look at him, how can you possibly say no lfkjsdklfls

Anyway, back on track, this story  includes my friend, Seung Hee, a Kyungsoo fan♪
So I'll stick her with him and since she also likes Luhan, I'll make him fall for her and uh

I don't want to spoil anything here !!
So please read whenever I update(*´Д`*)ノ which might take five-ever

And I apologize for my y edit of Baekhyun right there ;_; /iest editing skills evarrrr/
But mainly I want the story to focus around Baekhyun, Sehun, and Yoon Hee ! ( つ´ω`)つ
At the start is Baekhyun and Yoon Hee, so that's why I edited Baekhyun.
He takes a huge toll in this story soooooo !!~~
Yep, I'll end it at that.;;
I'll try to update whenever I'm not busy with homework !! Darn AP classes


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kagebi #1
Chapter 1: OH cute ;u; heheeh. those gifs of baekhyun kee~
OOhh sounds interesting!! Please update soon, can't wait :D