~Unexpected Visitor~

Pictures Of You [COMPLETED]

Jae Joong’s Outfit: [http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww167/iheartmickyyoochun/JJO1.jpg]
Your Outfit: [http://www.irenelim.com/fashion/images1/sweet-silky-dress-with-butterfly-belt-white-b.jpg]
Yoochun’s Oufit: [http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww167/iheartmickyyoochun/Yoochun180.jpg]
Junsu’s Outfit: [http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww167/iheartmickyyoochun/Junsu103.jpg]
Jin Ae’s Outfit: [http://i716.photobucket.com/albums/ww167/iheartmickyyoochun/JADRESS.jpg]


Song: Bolero by DBSK Instrumental [I’ve really been into instrumentals lately… IDK why]


[Third Person POV]

You sat in front of the TV, motionless. Although it was on you didn’t pay any attention to it as you continued to stare blankly at your phone.

“~~~~ ah, is something wrong?”

“No” you replied with a small tight smile as you swallowed the lump in your throat.

It had been the third time Jin Ae had asked you if you were okay, and every time it was the same answer, only every time it got harder and harder to lie. She looked at you hesitantly but then turned back and watched the TV with a lot more interest than you did.

“Jin Ae ah, do you mind if we go home now?” you asked Jin Ae, it was already 8:45 and your hope of Jae Joong’s return was fading with every minute that ticked by.

“Sure” she said with a half smile.

“Oh, ~~~~ sshi you aren’t going to wait for Jae Joong hyung?”

“It’s okay, we’ll catch up some other time” you replied, not really knowing when ‘some other time’ really was.

“Oh, I’ll walk you out then” Junsu said as he got up with a smile but suddenly stopped and glared at Yoochun who was still on the floor.

“I guess I’ll come to. There’s nothing interesting on TV anyway”

The four of you walked out and it was then that a running figure gave your heart a glimpse of hope. You avoided his eyes as his face saddened. He pushed past Yoochun and grabbed your hand, pulling you back to the balcony.

“Why are you leaving already?” he asked, his hand still grasping yours.

“It’s late” you replied, still avoiding his gaze.

“I wanted you to wait, I was hoping you wouldn’t give up like that” Jae Joong said, his voice cracking slightly towards the end.

You were silent as Jae Joong waited for your reply. He let out a sigh and pulled you into his arms, securely wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

“I’m sorry I left you when I said I wouldn’t”

“I’m really sorry” he repeated.

Your heart gave in and you slowly raised your hands, wrapping them around Jae Joong’s waist. He snuggled closer to you, resting his chin on your shoulder…

[Jae Joong POV]

Her small hands touched my back and I knew I was forgiven. It was a relief to have her hold me. I had left BoA after she had confessed, it was enough proof for me that ~~~~ really meant a lot to me.

“~~~~ ah…”

“Hmm?” she mumbled into my chest.

“You mean a lot to me. Don’t forget that okay?”

“I won’t oppa” she said.

Although the line was cheesy and I don’t know if she really knew that she meant a lot to me, I said it anyway. I still wanted her to grasp that she really was important to me and not some random girl I found. I held her tighter and inhaled the scent of her hair, the smell of strawberries soothed me as I thought how of how nice it would have been to be with her forever like this. We stood motionless on the balcony for a while, I wasn’t particularly counting but it was long enough for my legs to become stiff.

“Come on, I’m sure Jin Ae wants to go home now” I said as I pulled away gently, I really didn’t want to but if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to move afterwards.

~~~~ nodded and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. It had been a long time since I dated and I was surprised I was so natural at acting this way around her. I smiled to myself as we both walked back into the lounge room.

“You ready now?” Jin Ae asked smiling as we stepped back into the lounge room.

~~~~ nodded and looked at Junsu, he gave me a thumbs up and I winked back.

“Let’s go!” Junsu yelled out in English.

We all gave a slight chuckle as I ruffle dup Junsu’s hair. I loved Junsu. Always the mood maker, the person that could make everyone smile, it was rare to see him not bouncing off walls and laughing. Yoochun on the other hand was quiet as he followed us out and locked the door, I could tell there was something on his mind.

[Your POV]

Jae Joong had just dropped Jin AE and I off home when my phone rang. I dumped my bag on the ground and rushed to it, kicking off my shoes as I went.


“~~~~ ah?”

“Dong Gun oppa?”

“Where have you been, I’ve been trying to call you all night!” he exclaimed as I moved the phone away from my ear slightly.

“Sorry, I was out” I said as I turned and looked at Jae Joong, he gave me a wink and started walking towards me.

I turned away and inhaled deeply when I felt his two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. I turned and smiled at him as he gave em a cheeky grin, I giggled and then focused my attention back on Dong Gun.

“Look, I need you to go to Japan and do a photo shoot tomorrow. I was going to do it but it’s my omma’s birthday and she would hate it if I left”

“Tomorrow?” I repeated.

“Yeah, I’m really sorry. I’ll drop the tickets off tomorrow”

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it in disbelief. I hadn’t even said no yet. I felt something warm touch my cheek and I looked to the side to see Jae Joong’s lips moving away slowly.

“Japan” he said thoughtfully.

“Maybe you could sneak me into your suitcase” he said as rested his chin onto my shoulder.

I giggled as he let go and turned me so I could look at his face.

“I have to go but I’ll see you off at the airport tomorrow. Call me okay?”

“Mmm” I replied with a nod.

He smiled and leant down, kissing my forehead. Tonight I was going to sleep well for sure. As I walked Jae Joong out I noticed Jin Ae glaring at him. I gave her a ‘What are you doing’ look and waved to the three boys as they walked out. My eyes focusing on the back of the only figure that could make my knees go weak.

“Jerk” Jin Ae muttered as I happily skipped towards her.

“What?” I asked stopping right in front of her.

“Your boyfriend, he’s a jerk” she repeated as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Jin Ae ah, what’s wrong with you?”

Why was she saying this sort of stuff?
A moment ago she was fine.

“Go look at your laptop” she sighed, storming off.

I stared after her, confused. The laptop? Again with the laptop, maybe I should just burn it or bash it with a hammer. At least then Jin Ae wouldn’t be so upset all the time.

“Oh well” I said to myself.

I skipped off to my room and flipped open the laptop. I wanted to see what she was talking about. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open.

‘Kim Jae Joong Has A Girlfriend’

I winced, underneath the caption was pictures of Jae Joong and I. I looked horrible, messy hair, ugly PJs. I hit my forehead with my palm.


My pyjamas looked so bad next to his perfect figure. I scrolled down to see the comments posted on the topic.
JJLover: Jae Joong oppa can do so much better!
DBSKFan: She’s nothing special.
TVXQLove: Where is his taste?

“What?!” I exclaimed loudly.

Stupid Netizens and anitfans! I was probably gong to get rocks thrown at me whenever I went out now. Even better rocks would probably some flying through my window. I was wallowing in my own self pity when a little box popped up on the screen.

Click here to view now.

Typical Jin Ae to subscribe to DBSK news. I clicked on it to see what other bad stuff they could come up with. My body froze at the two names across the screen.

‘Jae Joong And BoA’s PDA And House Stop?’

Scrolling down was all the evidence I needed. Pictures couldn’t lie, well unless they had been photoshopped. But I was trained, and I knew this pics weren’t photoshopped. I inhaled and swallowed back the lump in my throat. A knock on the door pulled me out of the dark thoughts and I went to answer it.

“Yoochun sshi?”

“Hi… is Jin Ae sshi around?” he asked as eh scratched the back of his head.

Of course she was here, he had just dropped her off, where would she go at this time. He wasn’t exactly the brightest guy was he?

“Umm, yeah hold on” I said with a smile.

“Jin Ae ah, it’s Yoochun sshi” I called out.

I gave Yoochun one last smile before I turned and left. At least my best friend was happy. I dawdled to my room and shut the door, trying my best to block out the happy chatter outside.

[Jae Joong POV]
[Before Yoochun’s Visit]

“Yoochun ah, is something wrong?” I asked after we had gotten home.

He didn’t answer as he kicked off his shoes and slowly walked to the lounge room. I followed him and pulled him back.

“Yoochun ah”

“I… I think I like Jin Ae sshi” he said in a daze.

“What?” I said.

“It’s cause she looked hot today right?” Junsu teased as he laid down on the couch.

“Ya! Duck ! Be quiet… you know what you’re right. But there’s something about her. When she came I didn’t like it but when she said she wanted to leave I really wanted to hug her and tell her to stay”

“Maybe you should just ask her out” Junsu said.

“Since when were you the expert?” Yoochun snapped as he sat down next to Junsu and shoved him playfully.

“Yoochun ah, I think for the first time Junsu is actually right” I said as I sat down at Junsu’s feet.

“Alright… if you say so hyung” I’ll be back” Yoochun said quickly getting up.

“Don’t come back” Junsu yelled as Yoochun ran out the door.

About 5 minutes later the doorbell rang. Yoochun must have forgotten his keys. I smiled and opened the door.

“Yoochun ah, you’re so for” my mouth dropped open at the figure in front of me.

“It’s me”

AN: Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapters. Sorry about the cliff hanger again… hehe. I apologize for any typos, I was in a hurry and getting distracted by music videos at the same time. Sorry again.
My readers are disappearing again. *cries*

It’s okay.
Yeah, I feel that too. But it’s all part of the story.
Thanks for the support.
I need you to update!
I’m dying!

He ignored BoA! LOL
LOL Have you seen their drama Unforgettable Love?
Well I really want to know what song was playing when Chunnie and Da In had their boxing match.
Update yours soon!

JaeSu fan:
Nope, she really loves him.
Hope you liked this chapter.

Aww, get better soon.
It’s okay, whenever you can. I have a good feeling about this fic of yours.

LOL, it’s okay.
Hope you liked this chapter.

Hope you liked this chapter.
I hope you continue to support me.

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