His Hyung

His Hyung
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His Hyung




Sehun felt his chest weigh a thousand tons as he watched the man plant a kiss on the boy who put brightened his life. The boy who made his life worth living. The boy who encouraged him to fight back against the world, the world that urged to bring him down.

But Luhan was his no more, not when Jongin was nearby. Jongin attracted Luhan like a magnet and in that split second, Sehun wouldn’t exist.

Despite Luhan leaving him, he was contented. Contented to see his hyung happy. Not once when they were together did Sehun see Luhan this happy. Luhan refused to leave Jongin’s side, not once. He was never like that with him.

Sehun sometimes wonders if Luhan still remembers him, remembers their days together, how at one time, it was Sehun who refused to leave him. Luhan would laugh, calling him a baby. It didn’t matter to Sehun, not when he was enjoying his hyungs company. They used to laugh together and spend their free days with each other. Even when they were busy, they would send each other video messages.
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LovingKitty #2
OMO plz u have to do a sequel for this, i luv it so much ^^ and i wanna c what happens this is like a cliffhanger LOL but plz sequel neh~~~~^^
Chapter 1: Mind to make a sequel? Because this is great!
aprileun #4
omg. luhan. why.
how could you replace sehun with kai?
otl. i'm sobbing in front of my laptop again. ;A;
this drabble. ♥ my hunhan feels. huuuu. <|3