Unreliable Kisses


A written name is all it takes...


A book in an antique shop.

A girl without her first kiss.

The numerous amount of boys who don't have a clue.

All these factors ceate the perfect equation for a SMOOCH.



Inspired By: The Kiss Note










This will be my second fanfic ever, so I hope it's enjoyable.

Though it's inspired by SHINee's and Sandara Park's kiss note the story will still be different of course.

Sandara will not be in this story either might I add and more idol's than just SHINee will take part.

Thanks ~






We looked through the shop. I ended up wandering off slightly far from Hyuna. The store was surprisngly big compared to its outside appearance. I turned a few times, feeling as though I was in a maze with all the different types of antiques. It didn't feel all that organized, but who was I to say? I'm no expert. One more turn and I thought I mistakingly walked into a library. Might as well have been. It was a small room in the back covered in nothing but books. Folktales, stories, diaries, and essays made up about 99% of the content. That other 1%? The book I felt gravitated to. A blank pink leather book.The pages were a creamy color with faint swirly designs on each one. Must have been a notebook, but why empty? I shrugged, I've done it before. Buy cute notebooks and never find a use for them. It was small too. Pocket like small. The cover had a golden text engraved into it. It said

"Desires Overcome Will."



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