chapter 1

EXO ¦ On and Off Stage

Baekhyun stomped angrily out of the dorms. It was 9am already but no, no one in the dorm was nice enough to think, ‘oh, Baekhyun's not up yet, I think I'm going to wake him up’. Ugh, selfish bastards, he thought as he snuggled his face more into the scarf he had hung on his neck. It was in the middle of the winter and the cold was killing him, literally. 

When he stepped inside the SMEnt building, he sighed in relief, warmth spreading in his body once again. He immediately rushed to the elevators, wanting to start his daily practice routine. But of course, with his luck, he bumped into another man, well, got bumped onto. Baekhyun let out the unmanliest shriek of the unmanliest shrieks when he hit the floor hard. A feeling of pain on his rushing up to his spine, "Ouch..." he softly mumbled when suddenly, a hand was in front of his face. 

Baekhyun looked up to see a rather handsome face, to admit. Light chocolate brown hair, deep brown orbs, a 1000 watt smile and most of all, he seemed totally nice, like a puppy. Totally his type. One thing that he didn't like though, the boy was too tall for his liking. Waaaaay too tall. 

"Uhm... are you okay?" the unknown man asked and Baekhyun was shocked at how deep the voice was. That's why the saying, don't judge a book by it's cover exist, doesn't it? But that voice did snap him to reality as he realized that he had been staring at him for way to long now. A light tinge of pink rushed to his cheeks, "I-I'm fine..." he said softly as he grabbed the other's hand, pulling himself up. Once back on his own two feet, he dusted the dust off his pants and looked up, only to see that the boy was even taller than he thought!

Baekhyun sighed as he looked the boy up and down, "I do not like you," with that said, he clicked on the elevator button. He ignored the hard stare he got from the boy and let out a sigh of relief as the elevator came with a ding sound. Without looking back, he stepped inside. It might had been too much to already not like someone just by his height. But Baekhyun didn't care, he just doesn't like tall boys. And that's that. 

With another loud ding sound the elevator's door opened up and he stepped outside, making a turn left as he was going to the practice room, sometimes bowing his head and greeting his sunbaes or the staffs. Once in front of the practice room's door, he swinged the door open, not caring that he disturbed the people inside. With a huff he walked to the corner, putting his backpack there and walked to the middle of the room where Kai was. 

Kai looked his hyung up and down as he furrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong?" he asked the older male but Baekhyun just huffed his cheeks, "None of your bussines." he said and Kai just sighed at his hyung's childishness. He knew the older must be mad that no one woke him up. "Let's just start dance practice, shall we, kaibaiboo?" "HEY! Don't call me that!" "Shut up and just put on a song." 

"Yeah, just put on a song already," a hot and seductive voice sounded behind Kai, the air tickling his ear. Kai almost jumped onto Baekhyun because of the shock. His eyes widening as his heart thumped loudly, "Y-Yah, Oh Sehun!" he yelled, "Don't freaking scare me like that!" Sehun just chuckled as he connected his IPhone to the speakers, shaking his head a little and choosing a random song as Kai was taking too long.

Kai tried to make his heartbeat steady as he mumbled words like, 'scary brat', 'stupid maknae' & 'scaring the out of me'

As the boys finally were about to practice, the door bursted open, again. This time it was a sweaty Lay and not an angry Baekhyun. All three the boys looked at him curiously, "What's wrong?" Kai asked as he walked to the chinese male. Sehun sighed, walked over to his IPhone and stopped the song, when will they finally start practice? He didn't know, also walking over to the boy. "Sooman... wants... to talk... with us," he said between panting hard. . 

Baekhyun just scoffed, "And you were running for that?" Lay nodded, "It can be something important! Like... if he changed his mind about letting us debut!" he said - almost yelled, with his face struck with panic. Sehun laughed at the older, patting him on the back, "Let's just go already." The boys nodded and hummed in response. 

Halfway there, they met the other 7 members off the group and walked together to the front door of the others. They took glances at eachother, nudging the other to open the door already but no one wanted to. Until Kai said, "Let's decide with rock, paper and scissor?" The others nodded in agreement. Completely logical, isn't it? Boys ranging from eighteen to twenty-two playing rock, papar, scissor

After a few rounds of rock, paper, scissor, the two over were the extremy annoying couple, Taoris.

"Yah! Duizhang! Just play the game already!" Luhan whined as he pushed the younger's shoulder, getting a tiny bit frustrated at him. Just a tiny bit. Kris just looked at his gege, "Shut up, what if I win and panda here gets all sad, you know I can't stand him seeing so emotional," Tao scoffed at his boyfriend's words, he wasn't that sensitive, but still, he found it quite sweet. 

Tao reached over to Kris' hand and grabbed it tightly, "Then you should just open the door, right, gege?" Tao said with the sweetest smile plastered on his face. Kris scrunched his face up though. That's what you get from trying to be a sweet boyfriend, a kick in the . 

With a few snickers and chuckles from his fellow band members, Kris decided to just do it though. Before knocking on the door, he looked back at the others, giving them his best face, making them shut the up. 

As of now, 11 members of the new boy group that SMEnt created were standing in Lee Sooman's office. Some ticking their foot nervously on the ground, some bitting the nails literally off their fingers or some were just calm, not even bothered in the slightest. Lee Sooman was busy with his papers in his hands for about... 20 minutes, and he hasn't said anything to the poor boys. 

After another obnoxious 10 minutes he finally looked up at the boys, looked at them one for one before saying, "I'm going to put another member in EXO-K," he said, no- stated, as he waited for the other's reaction but the reaction wasn't as much as he expected, no 'HUH?'s or 'why?!'s. Oh well, he it that way. It was easier to deal with than protesting teenage boys. 

After a few more moments of silence did Sooman decide to break the silence, "And the new member is going to be, Park Chanyeol." he shoved one sheet of the stack of papers in his hand to the front of his desk, "EXO-K's new rapper." 

"Holy mother of lord..." at this, everybody heads turned to look at Baekhyun. Sooman-nim just grinned amusedly, "Something wrong, Baekhyun-sshi?" Baekhyub immediately shook his head as he realized he said his inner thoghts out loud, "No, nothing's wrong. Ahahaha..." he said and laughed awkwardly. 

Sooman stood up from his chair and walked in front of it, "He's going to live with you guys starting from tomorrow, objections anyone?"


"Hey hey hey, you think that Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol dude from somewhere?" Luhan asked Sehun as he rested his head on the lather's chest. They were in their shared room, lying in Sehun's bed in fact. 

"I don't know, but I think they do," Sehun said and looked at his best friend. Nobody, but his diary- don't laugh, knows that he infact, has the biggest mancrush on the deer resting his head on his chest. And he liked it that way because he knew, he knew that Luhan doesn't like him that way. It's the sad reality. 

Luhan propped himself up on his elbows, his ewlbows piercing Sehun's ribbcage but he didn't care. Luhan grinned, "Does he like Chanyeol?" Sehun sighed and ruffled his hair, pushing Luhan off him and rubbing his chest, ignoring the pout formed on the lather's lips. If adorableness could kill, he would have died multipile times. 

"I. Don't. Know. Okay?" he said, "Stop asking it, why do you want to know anyways?" Luhan cheeks suddenly became bright red and he just stared at Sehun, not knowing what to say. A little bit of hurt flashed through the maknae's eyes but he soon got rid of it. He doesn't want to blow his cover now, does he?

As in cue, the doorbell rang. Luhan jumped immediately off of Sehun's bed and rushed to the bedroom's door saying that it probably is Chanyeol, laughing awkwardly. Sehun sighed but still stood up and went to the livingroom which was soon to become hell for him. 

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whoop~ finally updated. o u o/. but it's so short. /creys. anyways, i hope you enjoy. c:


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hiao199 #1

i love it...

please update soon
Chapter 1: Yay ~~~~~ channie is here XD <3 WAITING FOR ZE' BAEKYEOL.
Bliss_Destiny #5
Please don't separate my TaoRis...
You make it sound like Taoris will breakup and never come back together again ;A;....
- subs anyways -
e_eChrishoe #7
Author nim update update D8
*looks around*
*clicks the subscribe button*
Bliss_Destiny #10
Ohhhhhhhhh, so interesting!!