❊ The Four Keys ❊


Kylee Antonov spent her day like any other by working at a studio company popular for its works.

“Kylee!” Someone called out to her.

Kylee swiftly turned around to face the one who called her and almost tripped at the process. Thankfully, she was able to grab the edge of a nearby desk and support herself to not make herself fall.

“Watch yourself, girl.” The person who called her scolded.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” Kylee showed her widest smile. “What can I do for you?”

The man rolled his eyes as a sign of irritation. “You have to deliver these papers to the editor. Like now.”

“Okay!” Kylee responded. She took the papers from the man and skipped her way out.

“Wait!” Kylee heard the man stop her. She turned around and tipped her head. “Where do you think you are going?”

“To the editor’s office?” Kylee answered innocently.

The man ruffled his own hair in frustration. “Well, let me remind you missy that the editor’s office is located on the opposite direction from where you were going.”

‘’Oh, right. Going there~” Kylee chimed and skipped her way to the other direction.

The man followed her actions and kept an eye on her until she disappeared. “What am I going to do with you, Kylee..?” The man said while shaking his head slowly.

Kylee skipped her way through a hallway that has many doors. This hallway is the hallway for editors.

“I wonder which one I should go to…” Kylee murmured absently.

She opened the first door on the left and saw a middle aged man who was busy scribbling with something. The said man noticed her presence and turned his head to look at her.

“What are you doing here?” He asked in gruff voice.

Kylee was taken aback. The man was very good looking for his age. “Ummm…” She couldn’t say anything and so, she just handed him the papers that she was holding.

The man furrowed his eyebrows but took the papers to look at it. “What is this? This is not in my field.” The man groaned.

“O, ummm… I’m sorry, sir...” Kylee apologized, bowing 90 degrees but bumped her head on the chair where the man was sitting. “Ouch.” She murmured while rubbing her hurt forehead with her right hand.

“Are you alright?” The man asked in concern. He was about to stand up to check on Kylee when she stopped him.

“Please, sir. I am alright. I’m sorry if I caused you so much trouble.”

“Dash it.” The man dismissed what she said. “Are you alright?” he asked once again with firmness in his voice.

Kylee stared at him dumbfounded. She finally met a person that cares because of her carelessness. Kylee nodded to answer the question and the man seemed relieved from the answer.

“Here are the papers. You seem to have gone in the wrong room.”

“Ummm…. Sir, if it isn’t too much trouble, can I ask you to whom am I going to give this to?” Kylee hesitantly asked.

The man smiled a little. “Next door beside mine.”

Kylee’s face brightened up. “Really?! Thank you, sir!!” She then jumped to hug the man.

“Oof!” The man was in shock by the sudden contact. He backed off a few steps when Kylee hugged him tightly. “There. There.” Said the man awkwardly, patting Kyung Mi by the side since it was the only part that his arms can reach.

After a few seconds, Kylee released the man but looked at him in the eyes with so much joy in hers. “Thank you, sir. You are so kind.”

“You’re welcome. Now go. I have work to do.”

“Okay~” Kylee obliged and ran her way out of the man’s office.

She went to the next door and opened it a little. She saw another man who was busy talking to his phone. He seemed to be arguing with someone.

“I don’t care. Just send the papers in!” He shouted at the phone and he hang up after saying those words.

Scary. Kylee thought.

Kylee froze when a pair of eyes looked at her, noticing her presence now that he was done talking on the phone.

“What!” He snapped at her.

Kylee flinched at hearing his voice. She hesitantly opened the door further more.

“God damn it. Get on with it girl. I don’t have all the time in the world just to watch you open that god damn door.”

Kylee squeaked. She almost closed the door and just wanted to run away when the man harshly opened the door widely first before Kylee can even close it.

“What the heck.” The man murmured. He glared at Kylee who was clasping both of her hands in front of .

Something caught his eye—scattered papers everywhere. He moved Kylee aside and picked one of the papers that were scattered on the floor. His eyes widened. “These are the papers that I have been waiting for.”

His head turned to look at Kylee once again. “You! What are you still doing there? This is all your fault and you are just staring at me?”

Kylee moved hurriedly to gather the papers that were on the floor. After she was done picking all the papers, she stood up and got to a nearby desk and tried her best to arrange them in order. She was in a state of panic since the man was really angry and he kept on using bad words.

Kylee’s hands trembled and with that, she accidentally hit a mug. The mug outbalanced at the contact and spilled its contents. Kylee’s eye widened. The papers that she was arranging were now soaked with black coffee.

She stared at it, scared on what she had done.

“What have you done?!” She heard the man shout.

“I.. I…” Kylee couldn’t say anything. She felt strong hands hold her left arm tightly and she was dragged. She felt frozen.

“Taecyeon!!!” The man shouted.

Kylee snapped out of her reverie and found herself at the place she was at when her perfectionist boss ordered her to deliver the now ruined papers.

“Yes??” the said man appeared out of nowhere.

“Look what your little employee did!” The man yelled loudly, making other people take notice of what the entire ruckus about. The man pushed Kylee with the force of his hand that was holding her arm. Kyung Mi almost tripped because of it.

“What?” Taecyeon’s eyebrows furrowed—not liking the attention of the people that were doing their jobs but now stopped to watch the scene.

“This!” The man showed the papers now soaked in black coffee.

Kylee lowered her head to hide her little tears that are slowly coming out without her permission.

“I’m sorry, sir.” Taecyeon bowed as an apology. “I will take care of this.” He reassured.

“Damn right you will.” The man muttered and walked out of the scene, cursing many words along the way.

“Kylee! Office!” Taecyeon ordered and stormed his way to his office first.

Kylee followed meekly. Her head lowered down.

When she got inside Taecyeon’s office, Taecyeon slammed the door shut.

“What did you and your clumsy body do this time?!” He shouted.

His words were muffled through the outside of his office so that the others wouldn’t exactly hear what he was saying.

“I accidentally pushed the mug…. But sir, it was so messy inside that office that it’s no surprise things like that would happen.” She answered with her fast reasoning skills.

Kylee Antonov gets in trouble all the time with this company. They have been harsh to her and as she worked through these last few months in the company, she uses her smart reasoning skills to get out of trouble.

“Don’t you use that smart mouth on me, Lady!” Taecyeon snapped.

“But sir, if I don’t use my smart mouth….” She started once again.

“ it!” Taecyeon cursed.

Kylee’s eyes widened. Her anger slowly rising up. One thing that she hates the most in this company is Taecyeon and his harsh attitude.

“Je me’n fou!” Kylee answered back in French. Her face fuming with anger.

“What?” Taecyeon asked, taken aback by her sudden French.

“Tue s bêtes comme tes pieds!” Kylee shouted at him, still using French. “I quit!” She then marched her way out of the door and walked straight into her cubicle.

People watched her stomp her way through the hallway. They have never seen their boss, Taecyeon, lose face.

A few minutes later, Kylee was carrying boxes that contained her things. She got out of the company with a dignified look.

“Who needs that stupid company anyway?” Kylee muttered when she got inside of her car. “I don’t need them. That company is cursed if you ask me.”

With that in mind, Kylee drove away from the company with a smile on her face.


Kylee had been feeling totally devastated from what had happened a few days ago. She had been laying low back home before she took it upon herself to get back on track and find a new job - after all, moping around wasn't her style. 

So as she scanned through the morning newspaper, looking for a job, she stumbled upon an ad from the local University in need of an art teacher.

“Ooo, art teacher.” Kylee murmured, interested on the fact that it involves art which is her specialty.

Kylee hurriedly and excitedly left early the next day for the local University. The moment she arrived at the said University, she was awed by its size.

She got out of her car the moment she parked it and started to get excited since it had been a long time since she went to a school.

She got inside the main lobby and her eyes surveyed the entire texture of the area. She walked her way upstairs, still surveying the area when she bumped into someone.

“Oops. I’m sorry!” Kylee immediately said, bowing her head.

“I’m sorry!” a man with a very deep voice said in time with hers.

Kylee looked up and met the man’s chocolate brown eyes. The man had golden-brown hair that matched his face perfectly. He was very tall that Kylee had to look up to see him.

“Hello!” Greeted the man. “My name is Park Chanyeol.”

“Hi. Kylee.” She introduced herself out of politeness, although she was shocked at first by the man’s sudden self-introduction.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol asked, stepping closer to have a good look at Kylee.

Kylee stepped back, away from him. “Yeah. I am okay. I need to go now. Bye.” Kylee said with a hurried voice and zoomed her way out of sight.

When all things were clear, Kylee let out a big sigh and found her way to the administration office.

Kylee got home a few hours later, tired from the day’s activity. She walked her way inside the house when she saw a small envelope on the floor.

“A mail?” Kylee asked herself.

She picked it up and slowly opened the elegant seal that had a key carved on it.

“You are the key…” Kylee murmured the sentence that kept playing in her mind after she read the letter. She was invited to the Heaven’s Plain wherein nobody but important people gets invited there. The place has been empty for years until recently.

“This will be fun.” Kylee said with a wide smile. Now excited for tomorrow’s party that she was just invited in.





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123iou #1
wow...what a to tease!...lol...this is a good teaser!...lol...now i'm gonna go read it...lol
Chapter 6: AHHH!! Such a nice teaser! I loveeee it! Haha it's fine that it took awhile! But darn Key and Jonghyun!! Sabotage I say! SABOTAGE. Hmp. Oh well~ awesome job!! ^-^
Chapter 3: Nice first teaser! Very good~ ^^b
Q(^ v ^Q)