Words Game - 18/09/12

Words Game

If you decided to read this... well, have a nice reading of my crazy dizzy mind ^^



The smart and handsome guy watched the waiter tripped with the flannel on the floor and balancing the tray on his right hand; the clumsy guy dropped the cake. Kyuhyun widened his eyes because the really bad think was that for being mesmerized by the other beauty features; he didn't dodged the cake that was falling on him, so now he was covered on with whipped cream and strawberries.

Kyuhyun sighed, watching the luxurious restaurant and the customers; he glared at the boy and then stopped, suddenly the lights went off and the owner of the place lit some candles.

It was more elegant now; like a romantic dinner and then the waiter -or clumsy boy- lend to Kyuhyun a handkerchief; but Kyuhyun shook his head and asked for the restroom. The waiter sighed and bashfully took a candle, leading Kyuhyun all the way to the place he asked for; when the two were there. The waiter bit his lip guilty and Kyuhyun took out his blazer and then started to clean his shirt and pants.

Suddenly Kyuhyun started to scratch himself as some hives were now on his face where the cake fell; he cursed and the waiter approached the customer.

"I'm sorry, but... are you ok?" asked Hyukjae and Kyuhyun glared at him.

Then the lights went on again and Hyukjae gasped when he saw the customer; dragging Kyuhyun out of the restroom.

Hyukjae asked:

"By chance… you are allergic to walnut?"

Kyuhyun lifted his eyebrow but nodded and Hyukjae got inside the kitchen with Kyuhyun, and opened a medic-kit, pulling out several pills and forcing Kyuhyun to take them.

The latter more annoyed than nothing did it. After swallowing the pills he watched better the waiter; thinking 'cute'.

Suddenly he went dizzy and everything went dark, the cute boy screaming worriedly:

"Are you ok? Sir! Are you ok?"

Kyuhyun frowned; he wasn't that old for being called sir. Even so, he didn’t complain, because his mind and thoughts were fading away slowly.

When he awoke, he was on a bed and the waiter from before was changing some wet fabric on his head; Kyuhyun wanted to stand but the boy stopped him.

"You are at my house. I carried you with me because suddenly you faint and when I tried to wake you up, I noticed you got a fever."

Explained Hyukjae quick; Kyuhyun was scared: what if the guy drugged him? why everything was dark? – aside of the small lamp on the night table – what if he was in danger?

So Kyuhyun wanted to stand in a hurry but then fainted again because he forced his body; so he cursed on his mind; 'danmit!'

When he awoke the second time, his mind was shouting him to stand an run; and he then arise his body off bed slowly, feeling already recovered and he was more calm now, suddenly the door made a 'click' sound and Kyuhyun kept his cool but was a bit on panic; but when he saw the smile on the waiter of yesterday he smiled too.

"Oh! I see you're awake" talked Hyukjae still smiling and Kyuhyun nodded walking to the man and taking the apple on the tray Kyuhyun supposed was for him.

"Better, yeah. So... how can I call you?" asked Kyuhyun blunt biting the apple and Hyukjae blushed.

"Hyukjae" replied the boy and Kyuhyun nodded.

"Well... Hyuk. I need to take a shower and change clothes" Kyuhyun expanded his arms at the air, making his point clear, adding:

"So I see you later at the restaurant" Kyuhyun went out of the house winking at Hyukjae, saying his farewell.

Hyukjae was left with a madly blush on his face at the handsome man's gesture.


Kyuhyun really did go to the restaurant that night; the curious thing was that not only he went that time but every day after the incident.


Quite a few months later; Kyuhyun and Hyukjae were friends, and even when Kyuhyun was a man of few words his heart was telling him that he didn't only want Hyukjae as a friend but as a lover, that he wants to be with Hyukjae forever; just the picture on his mind of the two together made him smile happy every day.


So one day, a cloudy one. Kyuhyun entered to the restaurant like always at night and when he watched the waiter of blond hair, the one that he meet in a clumsy and silly way; Kyuhyun smiled and walked to him.

"Hey" Kyuhyun pronounced soft and Hyukjae turned with a wide smile, greeting back.


Kyuhyun was very happy to be able to see that smile again – like every day – and then asked to Hyukjae at what time was his break; the other smiled signaling to Kyuhyun to wait a moment and he went and talked with his boss; when he returned to Kyuhyun. Hyukjae smiled natty.


The raven one smirked and seated on a far place of the restaurant; Hyukjae followed him.

"Well, you know we have been friends since that day, right?" started the conversation Kyuhyun a bit nervous.

Hyukjae nodded and lifted an eyebrow at the unusual behavior of Kyuhyun; that was across of him.

"Yeah; why?"

Kyuhyun gulped watching to another side but Hyukjae’s face and smiled softly before tensed and set his serious gaze on Hyukjae’s eyes.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore"

Hyukjae lowered his face and bit his inner-cheek, nodding and standing quickly; his heart was aching.

Kyuhyun gripped Hyukjae's wrist a bit alarmed; stopping Hyukjae from go and he regretted his choose of words when he saw tears forming on the blond eyes and he sighed.

"What I mean is..." he muttered and Hyukjae just stood there; feeling down.

"I want to me more than friends" declared Kyuhyun with his gaze at the white fabric decorating the table.

Hyukjae widened his eyes facing now Kyuhyun, allowing his tears to fall because the shocked expression he’s having right now.

"What?" asked unbelieving Hyukjae and Kyuhyun stood and repeated.

"I want to be your boyfriend and that you become mine."

Hyukjae was perplexed and so Kyuhyun sighed, he was for give up; but Hyukjae smiled.

"I thought you didn't like me back, pabo!" and he kissed soft Kyuhyun's lips, the latter lift his gaze, eyes full of hope.

"So that's a yes?" asked Kyuhyun smiling like a kid and Hyukjae nodded, pecking Kyuhyun’s lips again.



It wasn't too late when the two faced a similar situation years later.

That time when Kyuhyun told Hyukjae he didn't want to be his boyfriend anymore; the cute boy, now man almost hit Kyuhyun while crying.

Kyuhyun just took him by the waist and kissed him tenderly, resting his forehead on Hyukjae's one.

"What I mean is... do you want to marry me?"

Hyukjae smiled and hit softly Kyuhyun at the chest.

"Pabo!" Hyukjae pouted.

Kyuhyun smirked and kissed again his beloved.

"I'll take that for a yes then." 




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Chapter 1: So sweet...unfortunately it was a short story... :( wished it was longer...kkkk
Chapter 1: This was so sweet! I like how the story goes ^^^
And yeah, Kyuhyun should chose his words better. Not only once, but he's making the same mistake twice. Tsc, tsc...
noname022 #3
Chapter 1: kyuhunnie pabo... haha.
its so sweet and fluffy...
kyaaaa. im falling deeper for KyuHyuk.. thanks to all the authors.. hahah.
michikokasiumi #4
Chapter 1: woaaaa... Ur greaaat...its from the word u played with ur unnie!? Wow!!
I read it first in LJ... But i cant comment there for unknown reason ToT
phew...thatz why i love to comment in aff better than in LJ... Coz its easier :p
LittleAriel #5
Chapter 1: The bad choice of words gets Kyu the girl scratch that the boy!!!
This is so cute <333
And how you wrote a whole sweet story from just one game of words is amazing too <333
Thank you for the story~!
EunHaeShipper #6
Chapter 1: soooo cute <3333333
Chapter 1: stupid but cute kyu~
how could he tell him 'i don't want to be you boyfriend anymore?' and make hyukkie sad...
Chapter 1: wahaha kyu is really evil.. XD
zkraahmad #9
Chapter 1: "I don't want to be your friend anymore"

omg kyu.. you and your choice of words -,-"
kiki-chan #10
Chapter 1: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh kyu and his way of saying thing!!!

ahhhh!!! hyuk sooo cute here

thanks for the update honey