Chapter III

Seven Deadly Sins

"Where were you?" Sunggyu asked sleepily as he was woken up by his boyfriend who has just come into their shared room.

"Nowhere..." Woohyun aswered simply as he slumped onto the bed, pulling Sunggyu closer. "Just go back to sleep."

Sunggyu thought there was something strange with Woohyun's behaviour. He thought that all the more so as he snuggled closer to the boy and breathed in the scent of soap that was all but oozing from his boyfriend. His boyfriend who never took showers when there was to be a practice the next morning, claiming it to be too much of a hassle when he was going to get all sweaty anyway.

Sunggyu's mind however was clouded by the sleep still. And so he only let it go and fell back to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Woohyun who watched as the boy's eyelashes fluttered close only sighed, remembering how he saw the same motion today already... just in different bed, it sheilding from view eyes of a different person.

'What am I doing?' his heart was heavy with guilt.

He however soon heard the overly sweet voice in his head and knew... that feeling won't go away anytime soon. Nor would the desire which was going to only make it worse.

"Hand me that chocolate!" Sungyeol whined as he ran after his lover who just took his fifth chocolate from him. Fifth... in an hour.

"No way I'd do that! Can you even imagine what would it do to your body if you keep on eating like this?" Myungsoo said in a raised voice. "You won't even be able to dance in time! How are we supposed to train if you're twice your size, waddling around?"

"Hey, that's not fair! It's not like we can even train the whole choreography now!" Sungyeol defended himself.


"Dongwoo still isn't here... in case you did not notice."

And true to that, when Myungsoo turned around, there still was not a trace of the rapper.

"Hoya! Where's your lover-boy?" Myungsoo asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I don't know!" Hoya raised his hands in deffence. "He told me to go first... that he'd come right after me... which, now that you mention it, was half an hour ago... I'm going to look for him." With that Hoya sighed, stood up and left the practice room.

The leader who - being in the room also - saw the whole exchange, only despaired over the state of the remaining members, as well as the non-present ones.

Sungyeol and Myungsoo fighting over stupid things.

Woohyun either trying to strip him off, lead him off to closest... whatever... or getting a faraway look as if remembering something...

Hoya always in strain having, to look after the now-more-than-ever lazy and always sleeping Dongwoo.

And Sungjong... was closing into himself. It was all the more visible as the boy was silently training his part in the corner. He looked into the mirror as if wanting to switch the place with his mirror image immediately in case Myungsoo lashed out at him again... which, after overcoming the ignoring phase few days ago, happened more and more often as the days went by.

'How are we supposed to show up anywhere like this? We're supposed to be of the most synchronized groups! How can we tune out our dancing if we can't even do so to our relationships?' the leader was getting desperate. Then as if on switch his thoughts changed.

'I'm not going to make an idiot out of myself if they can't get over their petty fights! I won't let my image be crushed with their stupidity!' He thought angrily... however then yet another switch happened in his mind, making him realise just what he has just said to himself.

'Wha... Why did I...?' he ran his hand through his hair, looking into the room yet again, seeing how Hoya dragged pretty-much sleeping Dongwoo inside and how Myungsoo started yelling at Sungjong for no reason whatsoever... again... Sungyeol happily munching his chocolate during that.

'What's happening to us?'

'And look at all those sweets... don't they seem just edible?' Sungyeol heard in his thoughts as he walked next to the sweet shop's display, where all sorts of chocolate, marzipan, caramel and cakes were.

'So very edible!' Sungyeol thought as he entered.

In the end he left the shop with a bag of chocolate worth of all the money that used to be in his wallet. 

Hoya just passed a convenience store when a sign caught his eyes.

"Help needed..." He read to himself silently.

'Imagine all that money you can earn if you get a job...' a voice whispered in his mind, coaxing him to go inside the store.

'I already have a way to get money...' Hoya responded inwardly, thinking of the group.

'And you think that is enough? You should know better than that... what if you need a lot of money later? Wouldn't it be better to start saving up now?' The voice continued.

'I guess...' was the only response the voice got... because the one Lee Howon was already walking into the store.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I just saw that sign out there and I thought I'd ask..."

'They're better off without you...' the goddess whispered into Sungjong's ear, voicing his worst fears.

'Shut up! I don't want to hear it!' he yelled back, not wanting the words to undermine the fragile hold he kept on his emotions even further.

He however was close to breaking.

Thinking that the group's attitude to their duties would get better after a day off they got, their manager stepped into their dorm, with wide smile spread across his face. However, the scene which met his eyes caused his smile to disappear almost immediately. 

Hoya was apparently nowhere to be found and the only one who could know where has the dancer gone to was Dongwoo, who was obviously jumping on rainbows with sparkling unicorns somewhere in his dreamland for whole day.

Sungyeol was in the kitchen, making something that most probably should come out as cake or something, and screaming for Woohyun's help all the time, since Woohyun was the only one who knew how to cook. At least they thought so. 

Infinite's self-proclaimed chef on the other hand was engrossed in his phone, while resting his head on Sunggyu's stomach, who also was lying on the floor, blankly staring into space as if trying to burn a hole into the ceiling.

Sungjong was curled into a ball in one corner of the living room, scanning everyone in the room suspiciously. Especially Myungsoo who apparently was the only one to notice manager's presence, flashing him one death glare before muttering quiet "Hi", as he stepped in.

The manager, who couldn't believe his eyes, just blinked few times, hoping he'd see the always cheerful and happy Infinite he knew before. 

'What am I supposed to do with this?'

It was no later then few seconds that the manager decided what action he should take.

"What the hell is going on here?" He roared, the heads of all the members in the sight turning to him. Even Sungyeol stopped his attempt of baking for a moment.

They all waited silently.

"How could a group go from happy, hardworking and cooperative in one second come to... to... this? And where is Howon?" He asked scanning the dorm.

"We don't know..." Sungjong piped from his corner, jumping slightly when Myungsoo turned to him and gave him a death glare. He however knew that no one else would answer anyway. "He just left this morning, after I practiced with him for a while, and said he'd come in time for the evening practice."

"He just up and left? There's something fishy about that..." the manager mused. Then his interest turned to the other non-present member... at least meant in mind's terms.

"What about Dongwoo... how can he still sleep at this hour... no...  how can you let him sleep at this hour?"

"We tried to wake him..." Woohyun answered, saving Sungjong from yet another death glare. "But aside from Hoya he does not really react to anyone while sleeping, so..."

The manager's patience ran out and he went for the rappers' shared room himself, with the full attention of waking the second eldest member up.

"Jang Dongwoo wake up this second!" He exclaimed as he entered the room. The rapper however did not move even an inch. He only rolled over, snuggling his banana plushie-pillow closer.

That irked the manager even further and so he pulled the last ace from his sleeve. He brought a bucket full of water and emptied it on the head of the happily dreaming guy.

That seemed to work as the rapper jumped and turned to the source of the end of his blissful sleep and even if he was apparently lucid enough to recognize who he was looking at started yelling.

"Why the did you do that?"

Silence was what met these words.

The manager was shocked to hear it from the rapper, being his superior and such.

The rest of the members - who were pretty much stuffed into the doorframe to see what's going on - were shocked also. However it was mostly because of the fact that Dongwoo of all people was the one who yelled at their manager. Dongwoo who was very awkward with the man and always somehow ran away if he was to stay in one room with him.

And to crown it all Dongwoo has - once seeing he won't get an answer - just dropped back onto the drenched bed... and fell asleep again.

Score? Five guys pressed into doorcase, one guy who was gods knew where - otherwise known as work - one sleeping guy, and one who was pissed off like crazy and was glaring daggers at the sleeping one... before forcing his way through the crowd in the doorframe.  

He then walked hastily to the door... as he was holding the doorknob he turned to the staring members for the last time...

"If you keep up with that attitude you might as well quit... all of you!"

 ... and then he left.

HiNataLi's after note: Ahem... so... since this was quite a bad chapter for Infinite, Kate has prepared something to cheer you up guys (^^)

Kate's after note: Yeah.. um... I was browsing through some Infinite pictures few days ago and I found this at someone's tumblr... ^^ And the conclusion is that Sunggyu's the best leader ever ;D Also.. we're sorry for not updating earlier (but I think you know how school can be... =_=) Well... That's it >.< 


Mwahaha xD Do you see how Gyu keeps staring at Hyun's chest? xD WooGyu all the way!!! *fangirling*... What a naughty leader :3

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Chapter 10: Oh wow~ Sungyeol figured it out by himself! :D
Now it's time for a solution c:

Well... He needs to tell the other members first... I hope they believe him though :S well yea Sungjong for sure since he knew all along

Ppalli make ma boys happy again! ^^;; ♥
Chapter 9: Unnie-deul~ Daebak update after such a long time! ㅠ.ㅠ
You guys were like gone for centuries 0.o Missed you~ <3
Chapter 8: OMO! Just read it all in one go! Sooo good! Update soon! I hope INFINITE will be back to normal soon! I can't stand the sight of them hurting so much! T.T
Dongwoo you grabber!
Chapter 8: Okay hold on!

Afgwcsgcdjdbdidehqosbsjkbeisvwjsvwcshdhhjsa!!!! What the actual *beep* ?! 0.o
Unnie-deul~ isn't this a little too rough for my poor heart? ㅠ.ㅠ

They were so happy together & now we can see them falling apart~ *bawl my eyes out* This. Is. So. Not. Fair. *kicks duvet* I seriously want to strangle this so-called-'Goddess' *glares* Urgh~!! Raaaaaaaageeee~~

*inhale exhale* okay I'm good ^^;; You guys were gone for so long though *pout* where have you been? 0.0
How are you?~~ ♥
Sweetboo #5
Chapter 7: OKAY WHAT jUST HAPPEND?!! Anyway great story. love the complication. anyway hope you could continue writing this story cause its very intresting. no harm done just take your time writing. great job by the way and hope you would continue your hard work. oh FIGHTING!!!!
Chapter 7: Uhh~ Yess ! Good choice to break up Yeollie !! Leave him for awhile it'll definitely do him something, dunno what but surely something ! Good or bad kekek xD

Not a lot happened actually.. One problem comes after the other.. *pout* it can't go on like this !! It'll propably need more then 30chapters to fully wrap it up !! D:

Btw ; Unnie-ah~ I always forgot to say ; you do know that YaDong.. Means something.. s in Korean.. Right ?? xDD kekek <3
Chapter 7: I'm kind of glad Sungyeol broke up with Myungsoo for now! He deserved it! Maybe that'll break his wrath spell or something.
okay. I take that back.
I'll spare you guys thanks to the cutie in that gif.
kyaaaaa ~~
He's like a kindergartner.
I don't really mind about Kate. (i'm still mad at woohyun though)
but. Natali, can you stop having those lovey-dovey moment with sungjongie? I'm ____ing jealous in here TT_TT
Chapter 6: lol..the gif..and woohyun..?seriously..?..sunggyu is broke..and hoya collapsed..this is the worst and i believe from your author notes this is just starting OH much as i don't want to see them Suffer especially Woogyu but this is an awesome fic..hahaha..fighting for both of you..:))
Chapter 6: Now I feel kinda bad for Kate.
But I still wanna stab Woohyun. Douchebag...
But omo I hope Hoya is okay!!!!
And most of all I'm hoping Gyu will be alright. You guys broke Sunggyu!!!!