Chapter 26 - The Kiss


Author's note: Hey it's been a while! With traveling for the holidays/ family time and now school starting... theres just never enough time to write! In all honestly I am unsure of the amount of chapters I'll write... BUT I do want to write a specific scene... well I don't want to even ruin it! But I won't end the fic before I write this specific... act (wink wink). Anyways, as always, enjoy! And I hope everyone is having an amazing start to the New Year!

Junsu’s POV


Holy I had a raging headache; too much to drink the night prior. Thumping head continuing, I woke up to see that I was in an empty bed… no Junho… where was he? … However, I still heard the sound of his dying elephant like snoring. I peeked over the other side of the bed and saw a shirtless Junho sleeping on the carpet with one pillow crumpled in his clutch. I couldn’t help myself.

“Yah! Wake up and take care of me!” I threw a pillow at Junho giggling.

“YAAAH!” Junho snapped up and held his pillow still close to his chest, grumpy eyes glaring. His eyes looked even smaller. I couldn’t help but continue to giggle.

“First you get so damn drunk I have to apologize to all the waiters for you hitting on them, then you embarrass me by yelling profound things to girls, then I have to carry you home, THEN you kick me out of my own bed, and NOW you throw a pillow at me to wake me up telling me to take care of your hungover self! And I didn’t even get any last night!”

“You’re fat” I laughed looking at his stomach trying to make Junho even more mad.

“I-… I’m not fat! !” Junho’s face turned red as he covered his stomach with his pillow, “You drive me in insane!”

“Junhoooo baby” I pouted.

“Nooo don’t give me that” I could hear his voice wavering.

“Junhooooo, Junsu hurts take care of me” I whined jutting out my bottom lip. I crawled out from under the warm covers and onto the ground next to Junho, placing my head on his lap.

He sighed getting up, “God damnit Su, you’re killin me”

“But you love me” I smiled.





Obviously things for the Junsu and Junho were getting off to a “fun start”- fun on Junsu’s part. Across town, morning should have never come in Nichkhun’s eyes. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with.



Nickhun’s POV


“Get your out of bed!” I awoke to the strong pull of my father dragging me out of my bed, one hand firmly on my bicep. I immediately knew something bad was on its way, and I had no intention on staying to find out what. I ran as fast as I could to the bed room door before my father snatched the back of my shirt and slammed me against the wall.

“What the did I hear about you kissing another guy at a restaurant last night?! My friends from work don’t lie so don’t lie to me boy” My father spat into my face.

Honestly… I didn’t want to even deal with this. The only thing I wanted was Wooyoung, even if… even if that meant going against my family and hurting my mother. It wasn’t worth it to me.

“You heard right” I laughed a little bit too cockily and instantly my father sneered. The look on his face was priceless.

“I didn’t raise no !” He tried to push me onto the ground, but what my father didn’t know was that I had gotten stronger myself. Two years away in the army; a lot can change, my strength being one of them. I pushed back and sent little old pops falling straight to floor. I’m not going to lie, it definitely hurt to see my father hit the floor, but now I had to worry about my own safety. I sped out of the room and grabbed my keys and phone from the front counter and left my parents’ house. I was running on pure adrenaline; no looking back. This last week of constant worry about my father and Wooyoung went straight out the door along with me. This was it; time to find my boyfriend and live my life how I wanted to live it. No regrets.


Wooyoung’s POV


I had just finished eating breakfast when and began to wash the dishes. I glanced up at the clock to see how much time I had before school started… I still had a while… Why did I wake up this early?

*ring ring* *ring ring*

I reached for my phone on the counter, flipping it open to answer the incoming call.


“Mornin baby” It melted my heart hearing Nichkhun’s warm voice, especially this early in the morning.

“H-hi Khunnie”

Silence was never a good thing.

“I-I… my father found out”

“WHAT?! Khun are you alright?! Where are you?! What happened?!” My heart picked up at least another hundred beats per second.

I heard his casual laugh on the other side of the receiver which worried me even more, “Calm down, I’m fine… I-I’m not going back Woo”

I didn’t know what to say, “Is this what you want?”

With no hesitation: “More than anything”

My heart really melted then, I had to hold onto the table for stabilization, but it was strange. My mind was still over concerned for him.

“Are you at your apartment? I’m coming over..”


“K, I’ll see you soon… and Wooyoung-ah. I love you”

The phone hung up leaving the constant buzzing sound ringing in my ear. So much to process from such a short phone call… I couldn’t hear; my ear drums were numb… not numb but immune to everything except for Nichkhun’s voice. Hearing “I love you” caused the potential deafness. Not because he said “I love you” because trust me,  Khunnie has said it many times before but this time… this time it was totally different than any other “I love you” he… he really meant it.

I went to the couch and fell face first into, trusting it would break my fall.

“I love you too Nichkhun” I breathed.

I forgot entirely about time. I just thought about him.





Through the relentless traffic of Seoul’s urban jungle, Nichkhun sped through eyes set for Wooyoung’s apartment: 30 minutes later…



Nickhun’s POV


I ran up the stairs of Wooyoung’s apartment, I couldn’t wait to see him. I felt like a new man… a homeless new man, but a new man nonetheless. I let the last bit of adrenaline lead me up the stairs in ease and down the hallway till I reached my ultimate destination.

I reached for the door knob, my sweaty palms making it almost seven times harder to turn it. After what seemed like a century, I opened the door.


I saw his beautiful frail body pop up from the couch and look at me with misty eyes, “Khun!”

It was like a scene from a drama, we ran straight into each other’s arms. I felt his body shake; no noises were being made but I knew he was crying.

“Shhh… it’ll be alright Wooyoung-ah, it’ll be alright”

He looked up at me and I swear I saw the world in his eyes. Then he smiled and I knew I saw the world in his eyes. I wanted to say I love you, but it wouldn’t justify the overwhelming emotions that ran course through my body. So I did the only thing that I could do, the only thing I had been lusting to do since I sent him home the night prior; kiss him.



Several hours later, we find Taecyeon and Chansung entering the youngest and Junho’s home only to find the oldest being metaphorically whipped by Junsu… still…



Chansung’s POV


Hyung and I walked into the living room to see Junho hyung running out of the bedroom.

“Thank god you guys are here, princess is driving me insane” Obviously Junho was referring to Junsu.

“Queen!” Junsu corrected from the other room, making me and Taecyeon hyung laugh.

“I got to get to work so take care of him”

I smiled. Even with all the complaining, I could tell how much Junho hyung cared for Junsu eunni. I’ve never seen him more concerned for anybody other than me.

“Have fun at work hyung” Taecyeon laughed.

“Chet… yeah” I watched Junho’s eyes roll, a trait he picked up from Junsu eunni nonetheless, and walked out the front door.

The sound of the door clicking was followed by Junsu walking out of the bedroom, perky as ever.

“Chansung-ah!” he ran to hug me. I grinned while receiving my hug.

“I thought you were hungover?” Taecyeon asked suspiciously while sitting down on the couch reaching for the remote.

“I WAS hungover” Junsu emphasized, “I started feeling better hours ago, I was just milking it, because watching Junho get flustered is the most satisfying feelings in the world” he giggled, “Plus having a free indentured servant is priceless” he said taking his spot on the other side of the couch.

“Always a , you’ll never change” Taecyeon laughed.

“Damn straight” Junsu said a little too proudly.

I watched them laugh as I took my spot on top of Taecyeon hyung on the sofa, my back pressed into his chest, body directly in front of his. He slid his hands around my waist as I leaned back enjoying the comfort that was and forever will be Taceyon hyung.

“Hey” Taecyeon whispered casually into my ear. Sharp goose bumps rose across my skin.

I turned around to be greeted by seductive grin.

“H-h-hi” I stuttered not completely understanding his game.

He laughed under his breath, “Thanks for not treating me like Junsu treats your brother”

“I would never!” I instantly defended myself. In all honestly I would never do that! I love Taecyeon hyung too-…

“I know baby I know” Taecyeon pecked cheeks.

Though I loved it, I pouted subconsciously wanting more (forgetting the thoughts that once trailed through my head mere seconds ago). I could see Taecyeon’s grin grow as he went in for the kiss.

The kiss.





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brat2104 #1
Chapter 27: I thought.. you said.. you're going to finish this? Huhuhu..
iampatty #2
I love Junsu
Chapter 18: awww everybody crying?!!! *wipes tear* the worst for me was su breaking down. the little diva is adorable as one of the maknaes in your version.
khunyoung987654321 #4
Chapter 27: Waiting for the last chapter :(((
orkideh #5
Chapter 27: I knew it would be like this
It feels like you haven't updated in...decades!
But what's done is done
Yes...go ahead and finish it
Thanks for you hard work! :D
Chapter 27: awww no worries Authornim... I'm just glad it lasted this long =] It's an awesome fic just so you know =]
Chapter 27: oh it's ok dear
I know how's that feel
you can't help it when you loosed your inspiration on it
k can guess that you tried hard enough to not leaving like that
n give it a proper ending
but it ok n understandable
thanks for not leaving it unfinished ;)
give it a happy ending n don't forget some love making for tacesung!
MirzaKun #8
Update pls! ∏w∏