This Nightmare is REAL


Ever had a nightmare knowing that you'd wake up from it?

What if you weren't allowed to escape your nightmare?

What if you were bonded so tightly that there was no hope of seeing reality?

Never being able to see the light . . . Staying forever in darkness . . .

Where the ONLY light is starting to fade out. . .


                     He stepped into the light covering his face from the hot sun light beating down on him. He squinted his eyes searching for something and way out in the distance was an outline of a girl. HIS girl. He reached out his hand trying to speak but the girl still kept her back towards him. He screamed her name but no sound was leaving his mouth. I can't breath! He gasped for air. Even as bright as it was everything seemed to go dark as he closed his eyes he couldn't even shed a tear for fearing he would never come back. He forced his eyes to open and before him was the girl he had be calling out for. Her face was a blank slate, no emotions no nothing. He opened his eyes wide as she grabbed him from the floor of despair and raised him to the bright sun. Trying to close his eyes, the sun seemed to peirce his soul and eat him alive. She put him down and threw him into the dark space where he gasped for air and was able to breath. What the . . .  He looked up at her again and was able to see the beautiful face he once knew and seen everyday. He smiled and slowly got up reaching for her. She had short red hair, purplish eyes that shimmered at night, smooth skin with a vibrant color, and a curvy body.
                      Gritting his teeth he was able to scream out her name "Shoya!" She turned to him slowly with a calm expression and closed her eyes tight whispering to herself. "Shoya! Shoya . . . Sho . . . ya . . . " She walked towards him and as soon as she was about to cross between the dark and light realms she stopped and put her hand through the invisble line that kept them apart. As she put her hand through she was shocked with electricity, as if someone didn't want them together, yet no expressions came across to her face. Shoya stood still as he watched her fall to her knees. He put his hand up to hers and locked their fingers together, "Shoya . . ." he shed tears for her and she just looked down at the ground. "Shoya . . . Answer me Shoya . . ." he tried his best to smile but the shocks sent pain through his entire body but even then he wouldn't let go. "Seunghyun" he looked up as she said his name. "Yes Shoya?" he tried to look into her eyes, to tell here it was going to be okay. "Seunghyun . . . why? Why do we have to be like this?" she kept her head down without looking at him. "Shoya. We don't have to be like this . . . I'll come over a-and we'll be back together like old times . . . Shoya" he reached his other hand through, despite the pain, and lifted her chin up and looked at her. "Shoya. Don't be afraid. Things . . . things will change. I just know they will." he looked down not believeing his own words.
                         He knew they would never be the same, he knew that this would never end and that they could never see each other after this last moment. "Seunghyun . . . You'd never leave me . . . right? You'd never leave me . . . for some other girl . . . would you?" Shoya finally opened her eyes and before Seunghyun was a lifeless person reaching through to him. "That's right Shoya!" he smiled sadly,"I'd never leave you for anyone else." he cried and reached out to give her one last kiss. "Seunghyun . . . I know . . . I know why . . ." apon their last kiss Shoya had died and he laid his head in her arms. "I'll never leave you Shoya . . . I never have . . ." Seunghyun said this with his last breath and died with her. As he looked up at the sun for the last time he realized that he'll see her again and he smiles at this. His mouth his left open and his eyes wide as he feels the life drift out of him.

                      Choi Seunghyun shot straight up in bed breathing heavily Oh~ thank god! That was only a nightmare He got up from his bed and almost tripped on Daesung who had fallen out of his bed . . .


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daesungtaemin #1
Chapter 2: Please continue writing its really good I wanna read more!!!!!