Chapter 1: Boy meets Boy

You're not alone (Kaisoo/Kai x D.O)

I had this ability as long as I can remember.

I wouldn’t actually call it an ability - it is more like a curse than anything. Being constantly pestered night and day; here and there being asked to do a favor, that’s how I grew up. They seem to think just because I can see and hear them it’s my responsibility to make sure that they will be able to rest in peace with no regrets. I have enough problems with the living but no, the dead has to join the equation too.

It was worse when I was younger. I didn’t really understand what I was seeing were ghosts- something only I could see. Of course my parents and my teachers assumed it was nothing but a fragment of my imagination.


Oh, it’s Kyungsoo’s imaginary friend. Don’t worry, it’s just a phase; he will grow out if it.

By third grade I had understood sharing glimpses of the invisible with anyone meant trouble. It took a detention and countless of punches just to understand that. Later I realized even having a conversation with a ghost was problematic; the problem is people as “gifted” as me are a handful so once you talk -or even have an eye contact- with one ghost all the other ones swarm around you begging you to help them. It took long time to lose the swarm that I had attracted since kindergarten but gradually they lost their hope in me and left.

Some people are like that - they lose their power as they grow older.

It took a while but I become free of ghost stalkers right before I entered high school - talk about good timing. For now no ghost tried to interact with me for a month. I wish I could say I was happy but I forgot how that feels.  

“Eh, Kyungsoo what’s up my man.” Shivers ran down my spine as I recognized the voice and the arm around my neck. Shin Tae. I was surrounded by him and his baboons.
“Say, can’t you lent me 20,000 won?” he asked light toned but his arm tightened around my neck as if he was trying to choke me - which he was.  
“I don’t have any money.” I mumbled trying to remove his thick veiny arms from my shoulders to continue walking but failed miserably at it, as always.
“Ah, what did you say? I couldn’t hear you.” That had to be his favorite thing to say, he never gets tired of it. Sometimes I wish I could just yell at him to go to a freaking audiologist and get a hearing aid or something.
“I said I don’t have any.” I replied calmly. How the heck did he think I will have enough 20,000 won to give him everyday?  Shin Tae laughed aloud and all his mindless friends followed along.
“I didn’t ask you if you had money, I said will you lent me. You understand Korean?” he pushed me hard enough to send me flying, thankfully my bag broke the fall - what can I say, I was getting experienced.
Before I had the time to get up on my own he forced me to - by grabbing a handful of my hair. I let out a quiet “owww” before I had the time to stop myself. He smirked and brought his face closer. His breath stank of cheap cigarettes.  
“Bring the money after school you got that?” Tiny spits landed on my face and my hand itched to remove it but my instinct knew far better. I closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see his damn ugly face; it was already agonizing enough to see it from afar. This pissed Shin Tae off and he punched me back to the ground before calling me a son of a . Such a charming guy.


Coppery taste of blood filled my mouth and my right cheek stang and rang like hell. I probably had a bald patch on my head. Just another day as me, the human punchbag, Kyungsoo. I lied on the ground until the steps got distant and faded out. When I opened my eyes -to my shock- I saw another pair of eyes looking down on me. A guy was squatting next to me with his head looming over me. He was about my age with straight black bangs over his pitch dark eyes. His features -full lips, clear big eyes and his strong jaw line- were the type girls would go crazy for. He was the perfect balance of feminine beauty and manly aura.

“Quite a situation you got yourself into, Kyungsoo.” he said smiling. I sat up, staring at the handsome sun-kissed stranger with confusion.

“How do you know my name?” I slurred with my blood dripping out of my mouth; I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand before it could stain my white shirt.         

“Now that’s not the main point Kyungsoo” he stood up, revealing his grey uniform of some neighboring elite school.
“The main point is how to deal with your bullies.” Bullies. I hated that word partly because it came hand-in-hand with another depressing word, victim, or in other words (I hate to admit it but) me. I was really starting to get annoyed with the snobby rich dude poking his nose into my business.

“And where do you belong in all this?” I asked coldly scrunching up my eyes.
“Kyungsoo,” he pronounced my name slowly making sure I was paying attention.
“I can get rid off them.” his deep charcoal eyes revealed what his statement didn’t - he planned to make them disappear and for a long term.  

Crazy rich bastards.
They probably did have enough money to make people disappear without a trace.
“What’s in it for you?” Unlike girls I knew rich guys didn’t do things for free. Especially ones like him. They are not white knights in shining armors ready to save you from your distress.   
The guy raised his eyebrows and grinned.
“No, no I can get rid off them for free... Except if you can grant my one tiny favor.” You see? I got up to leave dusting my pants off; I had already wasted too much time with the psycho and I didn’t want to be more late than I already was.
“Kyungsoo it’s a really small favor, I just need you to-” I ran.    


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Chapter 2: Omoo u shuld rly continue writing it . Its so good im rly curious ;^: