Chapter 2

One Day Fan Girl

Chapter 2: Mr. I'm Really Not a Celebrity


Minho tumbles a bit as he’s being dragged by his dongsang in the middle of the parking lot to the main entrance of a mall. He wanted to protest and tell her to stop, but seeing how excited Krystal is, he couldn’t bring himself disappoint his long time no see dongsang.


“Since when did Krystal become so strong?” was the only thought running through his head. Being dragged by Krystal isn’t the most fun thing to do at the moment, especially if he’s trying to hide his face under his black leather jacket, sunglasses and hat. Totally not suspicious! NOT AT ALL!!!


“Yah, Krystal. Slow down would you?” he irritably whispered.


“Oppa, why are you whispering?” she whispered back.


“Because” Minho hides his face further down into his black leather jacket. “Oh, please dear lord. I swear if I got sworn over by fan girls by the time we enter the door. It’s all her fault!!!” he thought wandering his eyeballs all over the place making sure no one’s looking at them with any hint of suspicions.


“Yah, oppa! If you don’t want to get caught, you better stop acting like you’re some kind of famous celebrity trying to hide from paparazzi!” Krystal nudges him.


“Yup! That’s totally helpful since I AM ONE!” Minho replied back through gritted teeth. Oh, the things he sacrificed for her!


“Oh stop being an attention- and just go!”

With that, the two hurriedly enter the crowded mall in the early morning.


“Why is it so dark in here?” Minho complaint once they entered the cinema which had already packed with people seated in their seats ready for the movie to start.


“Oppa, stop complaining! It’s a cinema, what do you expect?” Krystal scolded him as she drags him into a pair of seats in the back.


“Whatever!” he snapped, making himself comfortable in the seat, but half of his face is still covered by his black leather jacket.


“Honestly, if you’re trying to make yourself not look like a celebrity, then you’re doing a really terrible job oppa,” Krystal give him a you-are-pathetic look. Minho was able to strangle his oh-so-cute dongsang till death, but was interrupted by the opening music of the movie hinting that the movie’s starting.


“I’ll let you pass this time,” he murmured to himself, but unfortunately Krystal heard it. A playful smile form in the corner of her lips as she glance at her oppa.


“At least, he loves me enough to go through this for me,” she thought happily as she turns her attention back to the large screen.



“Yah, Soo-Jung, do we really have to eat here?” comes another complaint from Mr. I’m-so-not-suspicious-hidding-my-face-under-the-black-leather-jacket-at-all!


Krystal just nodded her head innocently as she pulls her oppa to where she’s standing so he won’t hold up the line. “Well, why not?”


“Because people will recognize me!” he stated.


“And why would that be a problem?”


“Hmmm…let’s see, they’ll be fan-girls involves, screaming, and so is attack, and did I mention FAN-GIRLS ATTACKK??” Minho ruffles his hair frustrated.  “Since when did Krystal become so…clueless?” he thought.


“Well, does spending a day with your lucky fan ring a bell to you??” Krystal snapped back, arms crossed over her chest, huffing cutely. “And your lucky fan is S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!” she spelled out each word slowly and clearly while stabbing her finger at his chest. “You don’t want to starve you fan do you Mr. Choi,” she blinks up at him.


“Well, this lucky fan needs to understand that her idol is under a very dangerous situation and should get the h3ll out of here before a bunch of crazy fan girls comes and kill all of the population here!”


“Hmp!” Krystal cutely pouted, arms still crossed over her chest, and look away refused to look at her oppa. "Why can't he understand that I just want to spend sometime alone with him without any special treatment like what normal relatives do?" she thought. "Oh, right, because he's a celebrity," she rolls her eyes.


Minho is also at the edge of controlling his temper, he, himself, also turn the other way, refusing to look at her. If anyone hadn’t known better, they would think the two are just a cute young couple having their daily bickering, but with his face out of the protection of his safety leather jacket. Minho’s face is now fully un-cover revealing his beautiful, flawless, absolutely stunning face.


As soon as Minho heard a faint gasp coming from one of the girl with her friends on the other line, he knows he had made the most idiotic mistake of his life. “KYAHHH!!!! IT’S SHINee MINHO OPPAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!” the girl’s high-pitch shriek echoes throughout the mall, Minho swore even the customers upstairs could hear her annoyingly high scream.


Krystal was startled by the sudden shriek, but soon realized what’s happening as she turn around and look at her oppa in panic. They.had.been.caught.


“Sh!t!” Minho cussed under his breath. He quickly wrapped his hand around Krystal wrist, pull her and ready to RUN FOR THEIR LIVES!!!!!!




A/N: Eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! What did I just wrote??? ._.

It's kinda weird and random, but I'm never good at writing short-stories. I just couldn't fit them all into 1-3 chapters. ;__;

I'm hoping that the next chapter will be the final one, HOPEFULLY, but I'm still deciding. OTL?

Yeah....umm....thanks for reading, feel free to comment and subscribe, and I'll be seeing you all next time! ^_^


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minstal_1 #1
Chapter 3: nice fic :))
Krystal and Minho so cute :))
winterapril #2
Chapter 2: Nice story.
It's feel good genre.
Hope to read another minstal story of yours.
arashiney #3
Chapter 3: The ending ;A; so precious omg
Are they fall.... XD
arashiney #4
Chapter 2: Clueless kryssy! XD
arashiney #5
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeeeeee >3<
LovingKPop4Lyfe #6
Chapter 3: Awesome~ Just plain AWESOME~!
Chapter 2: Kyeoptaaaaaaaa~
Chapter 1: whoa.. ______.
sayonaracrawl #9
your request is done :)
- strawberry milkeu
Chapter 1: So adorable!!!! Pls update soon!!!