*弁当 bentō [affroleplay] open and hiring!


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aprileun #1
can i be exo's tao? c:
i'd like to have sushi
and more sushi in my bento box.
maybe some chicken too. /shot.
tranquility #2
may i be tiffany of girls' generation?
sushi please.

please confirm in pm.
kkamjongx #3
Chapter 3: kai is here.
( in class, will edit & add rp-ers later ^ ^; )

sehoon- #4
sehun's here ^ ^

i'm on mobile >__<
will add people later
can i be bap's himchan? 8D
i'd like to have
daehyun's face-- /slapped ouo;
sushi in my bento box. c:
+reply via pm, please! ♥
immolate #6
may i be shinee's minho? c:
in my bento box, i would like
world domination. eue; /shot.
kidding, i would like some
cookies and milk. o3o /nodnod.

please reply via pm.
Chapter 1: may i be ulzzang kim seukhye c:?
i want some sushi && rice in my bento box. eue.
wait just give me everything <3 /slapped.

+ please reply via pm. c":
may i be ulzzang park hwan hui? ouo
and i can be an admin or an acceptor.
cause i'm on almost 24/7. OTL
and i would like fruit in my bento. XD