When noona becomes this cute

I was never cute. I know it. The boy's know it. EVERYBODY KNOWS IT.


But truth be told, I don't care.


And that attitude of mine towards vanity worries everyone around me.


"Noona, why not try wearing a skirt sometimes? Or maybe a bit of makeup." Gongchan leaned closer to the mirror to check himself.


"I am wearing makeup."


"Yeah...loose powder." Baro snorted. I gave him a death glare. "See? You're more scary than cute when you do that."


"Because I am trying to be scary."


"Will we even ever see you with a boyfriend?" Sandeul stood and replaced the music scores in the bookshelf.


Jinyoung was quietly playing a piece on the keyboards but I know he agrees with the rest.


"Ya'know boys," I grunted as I rose from where I sat on the floor. "I don't need a boyfriend. Nor do I want one. Ever."


"Really??" Everyone's eyes were fixed on me--even Jinyoung's.


"O-Of course! Man, this talk's going nowhere. Where's Shinwoo anyway?" I turned around just in time to see a brown winged creature buzz across my face...and it didn't take me a second to realize what it was.


To be honest, I'm a pretty calm person and people commend me for that. But roaches--specifically flying ones--are always a different story.


"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I automatically grabbed the roll of newspaper delivered that morning and started slapping aimlessly. The critter was quick to disappear in a crack on the wall but I kept on hitting anyway.


"A little help here?!" I looked back to see all four of them staring at me, speechless with their eyes as wide as saucers. "What?"


"Did you just----? No you didn't. Did you?" For the very first time since I started working for them, I saw Gongchan's brows deeply knotted in what seemed to be a cross-over between amusement and disbelief.


"Did what?"


"Did you just use the K-word?" Jinyoung moved from the keyboards to join the three by the sofa.


"What K-word?"


"You know, The one fangirls scream when they see their idols? The cute one?"


"Baro, That's not even a word." Sandeul interrupted.


"Jin started it."


"What the h---whatever." I walked out of the room, shaking my head.


How did I end up working for a bunch of loonies?



"Guys, did you feel it?" Baro stared at the closed door, his hand on his chest.


"I didn't know noona could be that---" Gongchan halted on his words.


"--cute." Jinyoung finished.


"Kawaii.." Sandeul dropped on the couch.


"My heart's going doki doki..." Baro collapsed beside Sandeul, his head landing on the elder one's lap, his hand still clutching his chest.


All four of them were silently staring into space when CNU entered. 


"Uhh guys? What's up?"


It was Sandeul who answered his question: "We're in love, Hyung."


CNU's eyes widened behind his round spectacles, "For real?"


All of them nodded at the same time.


"With who?"


"Kim Ah Na~" Baro answered, still in a daze.


"Really? Wow---wait. Who's that?" A flying pikachu slipper--courtesy of Gongchan--hit him pointblank on the forehead as all four them answered in unison:


"It's Nana."


a/n: See? I told you it's nonsense. lol. ^^'a

Thanks for reading. Comments will be loved v^^v

Omo...gongchan's gunna eat yuuuu

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Chapter 1: hahaha I liked it. random but cute
it's ubeeeeeeer kyuuuttteeeeeee :3
Chapter 1: my heart was going DOKI DOKI while reading your fic :) so cute!
ItzJaeKay #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha LOOOL... They are so cute HAHHA
Yah Shinwoo, where were you, why you come just now haha... Could it be that your dating her already..? Haha lol jokes