


You were sitting on your bed, Kris laying next to you. You surfed the web using your laptop, paying no attention to Kris as he played with a lock of your hair. You didn't speak to each other, but that's how the two of you were sometimes. You were so comfortable around each other that you didn't feel the need to talk every second you were together. And even though you rarely got to see each other due to his packed schedule, you knew that Kris just wanted to relax when he got the chance to spend time with you.

"Kris?" you called suddenly as you looked away from your computer and turned your head towards him.

"Hmm?" he asked, his eyes still focused on the piece of hair that he was twisting around with one of his hands. 

"Why do you like me?"

"What do you mean?" he asked as he continued to play with a few strands of your hair.

"I don't know," you mumbled, still not looking up from your hands, "I'm not an idol or a model or some super genius."

Kris stopped playing with your hair as he looked at you and raised an eyebrow, "So?"

"So, there are hundreds of girls in the world that are prettier and smarter and more famous than me! There's probably at least a few that are perfect for you!" you exclaimed but your voice dipped down to a whisper when you looked at him, "Why would you like me?"

Kris smiled to himself and got up from his laying position. He turned towards you, crossing his legs, and turned your towards him. He shifted closer to you so your knees were touching and took your hands in his, resting his elbows on his thighs as he laced his fingers between yours.

"I like you because you're not the prettiest or smartest or most famous girl in the world."

You tipped your head to the same and gave Kris a confused expression.

"If you were the most famous idol," Kris started, "then I would have been too nervous to talk to you. If you were the prettiest, then another guy would have swept you off your feet before I even got the chance. And if you were the smartest, then you would be smart enough to figure out that you could do so much better than me."

You dipped your head and bit your lip as you felt yourself start to blush when you heard every word that left Kris's mouth. 

"I like you because you're you," Kris said, looking into your eyes and giving you a smile, "And I love you that way."

You laughed when Kris tore his hands away from yours and hid his face in them.

"Oh god, that was so cheesy," he mumbled, embarrassed at what he just told you. 

You reached up and took his hands away from his face and kneeled in front of him before wrapping your arms around neck and burying your face into his shoulder.

"I like your cheesiness," you whispered, then pulled back so you could look at Kris, "even if you're not the cheesiest guy in the world."

Kris let out a soft laugh as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to sit sideways on his lap, one of your shoulders against his chest. 

"Does that answer your question on why I like you?" he asked, as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

You nodded happily while wrapping your arms around his neck again.

"I love you," you smiled.

Kris looked at you and gave you a sweet smile before pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "I love you too."

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Midnightstarr #1
Chapter 1: Flufffyyyyy~ I likey.
Chapter 1: Aww i think im gonna start to cry<3<3<3 So SWEEET<3<3<3~~!!!!!
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaa!!! That's so sweet~ <3
Chapter 1: so sweet afasfvxawesefvfty
Chapter 1: srdfauyetroawytoriyeapilr so freaking sweet~
clementus89 #6
Chapter 1: Q--Q i think im gonna cry... THIS IS TOO SWEET. i want a boyfriend like krissss </3
Chapter 1: Gyaaaaa...omo omo omo, that was so... Gyaaaaa!!! Like this story ♡(●^―^●)♥ ...
kaijje #8
Chapter 1: Great !! this was so romantic ~
Chapter 1: Asdfggjkll I just can't!!! It's too fluffy and cute!! >w<