On the Edge

On the Edge (Drable)

It was another tiring day. I walked to the familiar path with my bag slung on my shoulder. I entered a luxurious apartment building and greeted the security kindly. He greeted me back with a knowing expression on his face and he bowed in respect. I walked to the empty elevator and pushed my floor’s destination. I tapped my feet in rhyme and hummed the song that I currently study. After two weeks tiring day, finally I would be able to come back home, our home. The elevator’s door dinged and I stepped out as soon as possible. I missed him a lot. I could imagine his heart warming smile greeted me in front of the door and he would hug me and gave me kisses. Just by imagining it, I felt all of my burden lift up and I felt refreshed again. I reached the familiar door and entered the security key. I turned the knob and imagined his surprised face when he saw me. Well, I didn’t contact him early because I wanted to surprise him. The door opened but I didn’t find any heartwarming smile. Actually I didn’t expect him to wait me in front of the door since I didn’t tell him my early arrival. I put my shoes silently on the rack and began to search him.

            I walked to the living room and found nothing. I saw a huge horse statue beside the TV and smiled. He was weird, but it was in a good way. I walked farther and found no one in the other room. I thought he was in the room, resting. Then I decided to search him in our room but I saw a dimmed light from a corridor near the bathroom. I headed there and wondered if he was there. Then I saw him….

            He wasn’t surprised like what supposed to be, but I was surprised. I tightened my jaws and clenched my fist. I was burned by the sight in front of me. It was him, in another man’s embrace. I dropped my bag on purpose and I got what I wanted. He pushed the man that hugged him and saw me. He was very surprised, but it wasn’t surprised that I expected before.

            “Y-yunho…” He called me softly. The man that hugged him turned his head to my direction and lowered his hand that rose before. He was holding a camera and I knew that they were taking a picture, together, intimately. I didn’t move from my spot and just sent them my piercing glare. I didn’t know how my feeling was. Hurt, angry, sad, furious, it was mixed become one. He walked slowly to me with his still shocked face but he stopped in the middle.

            “Yunho… I can explain. It wasn’t like you thought…” he whispered slowly. He stared me with his pleading eyes but I didn’t fall in those. I saw the man moved and put the camera on the table nearby.

            “I guess I should leave. I’ll call you later.” That man tapped Jaejoong’s shoulder and walked passed him.

            “Good evening, Yunho-sshi.” He greeted me shortly and left. I didn’t bother to reply his greet and I didn’t think that being polite in that moment was necessary. Screw with all of my humbleness. I heard the door closed behind. He left already. I saw Jaejoong took some steps closer but I stopped him.

            “Stop. Don’t come closer.” I said with a cold tone. I saw his eyes started glistening with tears. I won’t fall with his tears anymore and clenched my fist harder.

            “I can explain… he’s just my friend…” said him with almost an audible voice but I could hear him.

            “Friend? He’s just a friend? So, do you cling to all of your friends and taking pictures intimately like that? I’m not blind Kim Jaejoong.”

            “Yunho…” his voice started to shake. He didn’t care with my warning before and he ran to me. He stood close to me but I kept my face cold.

            “Isn’t it enough? Isn’t just me enough? Are you desperate for other men’s touch?” I saw his tears rolled on his cheeks. I looked at his chubbier cheeks and I assumed that he was happier and healthier without me.

            “No… that wasn’t what I mean… Can you just hear my explanation huh?” Jaejoong took a step closer and he hugged me. I didn’t bother to move in his embrace and just stayed stiff.

            “I… I was lonely. I called my friends and asked them to accompany me. I was lonely being without you for these weeks.” I felt wet on my shirt. It was enough. I was sick with all of these excuses. I pushed him harshly and stared straight into his eyes.

            “I was very busy with my comeback preparation, Jae. Didn’t I tell you this? And wasn’t Yihan’s scandal enough for you? I’m getting sick with all of these.” I scratched my head in frustration and grabbed my bag. I walked straight to the door but I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

            “Where are you going, Yunho? You just came back home.” He cried again. My body stiffened by his back hug.  I took a deep breath soon after I felt my heart being crashed.

            “You hurt me. And I can’t come back to a place that makes me sick and say it as my home. I don’t belong to here again. I’m leaving.” I broke his hold around my waist and walked straight to the door.

            “Do you love me?” I stopped after I heard that. I felt my tears were threatened to fall but I endured it.

            “Of course I still love you. How can I don’t love you if I already forgave you with all of the same mistakes you did? But this relationship isn’t working anymore. Love isn’t the only material to build this relationship. You broke my heart and you took my faith away. I’m afraid I can’t forgive you this time. ” I didn’t spare a glance at his broken statue. It was enough. I was afraid once I turned my body, I wouldn’t able to leave this place and took him in my embrace. But this hurt feeling took me over.

            “Yunho… yunho don’t leave! Please.. forgive me. I promise I won’t do this anymore.” Jaejoong cried harder in the back but I pretended not to hear. I turned the door’s knob and opened the door.

            “I’m sorry. You make me sick of you.” I stepped out from his apartment, our apartment.

            “Take care, good bye…” Before I closed the door behind me I heard the weak Yunho came from his mouth mixed with sobs. I just stood in front of the closed doors. Finally the shield was broken. I let my tears fall down. I clenched my heart in pain. I still love you, Kim Jaejoong. But I didn’t think that our relationship could work anymore. I wiped my tears quickly and put my stern face back. I stepped out room the building with the curious security that kept looking at me. I ignored his stare and walked straight to my parked car. Guess I would need to clean my room in the dorm for the upcoming days.


A/N Okay, my mood was all angst T_T You know the photo Jae's friend uploaded right? *hugs Yunho*

ANyone please give me YJ cookies or glue my broken heart~ T_T





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mythaputricassie #1
Chapter 1: OMG!!! *cryingwithyunhoooo~ T_T

do you mind for make this a sekuel???*pupyeyes
am really sad see broken yunjae *sobs :'(
Chapter 1: im still kind of upset with you, jaejoong!
How dare you..ah poor my baby yunnie #hugs.