Chapter 1

Like... A Boyfriend?

Jongup's POV

      Zelo and I arrived home from our dance practice earlier, just in time for dinner. Yongguk hyung had gotten takeout, and Himchan hyung was nowhere to be seen. 

      "Hyung, where's umma?" Zelo asked. 

      "Stop calling him umma, it makes me uncomfortable because if he's the umma that would make me the appa and I'm too young for kids." Yongguk rolled his eyes. "And he's taking a nap so don't disrupt him." 

      Zelo pouted next to me, but didn't say anything. We sat down at the table and started eating, him still pouting and picking at his food. I got up out of my seat and went to the fridge, grabbing a box out and put it in front of his face. 

      His face changed immediately. "CHERRY TOMATOESS!!" he grinned, stuffing a couple in his mouth. "Thanks Jonggupie hyung, you know me too well~" Zelo said with his mouth full, grabbing me into a hug.

      "It's no big deal Zelo" I laughed quietly, trying to hide my blush. The door opened suddenly and the two vocalist hyungs walked in, smiling happily together. Yongguk told them to sit down and eat, so they joined us at the table. 

      Youngjae looked around. "Where's Himchan hyung?" he asked. 

      "He's sleeping," Yongguk answered. "He's had a long day." 

      Daehyun nodded. "Alright, but we're going to have a group meeting later. Should we wake him up?" 

      Youngjae shook his head. "It's alright Dae, he already knows."

      "Already knows what?" the boy next to me interrupted, looking clueless. Honestly I was pretty clueless myself, what does Himchan hyung know that we don't? 

      The two looked at each other and shook their heads. "You'll find out later," Daehyun said, and the conversation was over.

      We finished our dinner quietly and entered the living room. Zelo and I sat on the couch, his long legs hanging over the edge and his head in my lap. I squirmed a bit, uncomfortable, but relaxed after a while. He does this all the time, so no big deal right? 

      Youngjae and Daehyun stood in front of us, and didn't speak up until Yongguk entered the living room after doing the dishes. 

      "Uhm, so..." Youngjae started, hesitating. "...We have an announcement to make." 

      Daehyun grinned and reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers together. "Youngjae is my boyfriend, we're together now." 

      The room erupted into noise, Zelo and I cheering our congratulations and Yongguk hyung patting their backs. The two mumbled thank you's, and Daehyun leaned over, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. Youngjae's face flushed red and Yongguk and Zelo gagged. I chuckled at all the commotion. An arm rested on my shoulder, and I looked up only to see Himchan. 

      "Oh, you're up hyung~ Did we wake you up?" I asked, and he nodded. He shook his head after I apologized, saying it was fine. The others were too busy celebrating to notice that he had woken up. 

      "It sure took them long enough didn't it?" he asked, chuckling. 

      I grinned. "It did, but I'm happy for them."

      He smiled, nodding. "Jongup ah, it's your turn now~" he winked. Before I could answer, Yongguk pulled him away and kissed him hard, making me turn my head away in embarrassment. What's that suppost to mean? 

      I pushed the thought to the back of my head. The night went by quickly, all of us celebrating with the new couple. We couldn't do much because we aren't allowed to drink, but we still had fun none the less. In the end, Yongguk brought Himchan to bed because he was exhausted still, and Daehyun and Youngjae went to go shower. Zelo and I were left on the couch, still in the same position as earlier. I smiled, looking at him. His eyes were closed, and I brushed a stray hair out of his face. It was quiet in the living room; all you could hear was our breathing. 

      "Hyung," his voice broke the silence, "Have you ever wanted a girlfriend?" Girlfriend. I winced. He likes girls. 

      "No, not a girlfriend..." I paused, hesitating. "A boyfriend. Sometimes, I want a boyfriend." It was the first time I spoke those words out loud, the first time I told someone that I liked guys, not girls. 

      "A boyfriend? You mean...?" he blinked at me. 

      "Yeah, a boyfriend. I like guys." I nodded. "Why do you ask by the way?" 

      "No reason." he said, turning away. Another silence took over. He stared at a wall, deep in thought. Suddenly, he turned and faced me again. 

      "Hyung," he started, "how did you know you liked guys?" 

      I shrugged. "I just did. I just found myself liking guys, not girls." 

      He blinked. "Then hyung," he asked again, "how do you know when you like someone?" 

      I chuckled. "You just do. You find yourself looking at them all the time, you blush when they touch you, your heart beats faster when you're near them..." I stared into space, voice fading away. At least, that's how I react when I'm with you. 

      He didn't say anything. Instead he closed his eyes. It was quiet again and I thought he fell asleep. That is, until he spoke up after 10 minutes. 

      "I think I like someone then, hyung." 





       "I like you, hyung."




A/N The second part will be posted in Zelo's POV. Sorry if it's boring, like I said I've been lacking inspiration but I didn't want you guys to wait for the JongLo part. I still have to write Zelo's part, so I'm planning on writing it tonight and posting it some time tomorrow. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far ^^ 

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Chapter 2: ahhhhh this one is sooo cute =] the maknae line hehehe =]
Chapter 1: ahhhh this was soooo cute =] soooo innocently cute =]
Chapter 2: the fluFF OMFG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
Chapter 2: Awww now all three couples are together!!!
Chapter 2: Aaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww this is cuuuuute too!! OMOOO they're so....innocent (?)
Chapter 2: Cuteeeeee~~
toribabekit #8
Chapter 2: This is the most precious fluff fic ever! It's stuff like this that makes me love JongLo even more than I already do! You can write such precious stuff like this! This was really cuuuute. I love how you wrote in how they blushed so much, that made it much more realistic & just oh my god, this was so freaking cute! I absolutely loved this to bits!
Chapter 2: and i have read all three now. :D I loved them!!! they are all so beautiful and so fluffy! totally just made my day ^^
Chapter 2: So cute and fluffyy *.*
Love your stories ^^