Chapter 8

No Escape


“Our powers must correspond with our feelings at the time.” concluded Myungsoo.
“Yep, that means we can add one more thing to our list.” Cho Hee smiled. “But you know none of these things really correspond with each other.”
“We’ll find something.” he replied, the two heading back to the inn.
Jin Ae, Buns, Hoya and Dongwoo, after much difficulty had managed to escape from the forest and wander into a town. They walked in silence, completely exhausted from the journey. As they walked they viewed the inns, unsure of where to spend the night.
“Inns cost money though, don’t they?” Dongwoo asked.
Hoya nodded. “Should we just camp out again? I mean ever since we’ve gotten here we’ve been in that forest. There’s no way we would have any money.”
“Actually…” Jin Ae spoke up. Digging through her pocket, she pulled out a small bag, filled with golden coins. 
Their eyes lit up. “Where did you get all this money?” They both asked.
“It was in my pocket.” she mumbled.
“If that’s the case we can definitely sleep somewhere nice tonight.” Dongwoo smiled.
Jin Ae sped up, confusing the two. Regardless they followed her, as she stopped in front of a small inn. She pointed to the inn, wanting to go inside.
“You want us to stay here?” Hoya asked.
She nodded. 
“Alright.” said Dongwoo entering the inn. “If you want to stay here, we’ll go along with you. After all it is your money we’re spending.”
Jin Ae softly smiled, following him.
“Hello.” a young women greeted them. “Would you like to rent a room?”
They nodded, deciding upon only one room.
“Thank you, that will be 25 gold coins. Sunggyu! Jae Hwa!” she called out.
Immediately a young man appeared, looking rather fatigued. “Yes, Ms. Seira?”
“Where is Jae Hwa?” she asked wearing a stern expression.
“In the bathroom.”
“Is that so? Well, Sunggyu would you be so kind as to show our guests to their room?”
“Yes, Ms. Seira. Please follow me.” he said to them.
They did as he asked, entering the room. Upon arrival they noticed only two beds were in the room.
“You two should take the bed.” offered Dongwoo.
Hoya shook his head. “Let’s just share a bed, I mean they’re not that small.”
“I’m fine with you two taking the beds.” said Jin Ae. “I’m not really that tired.”
They looked at her in surprise. For the first time since they met Jin Ae, she had spoken to them loudly and clearly.
“Why are you two staring?” she asked.
They shook their heads showing her a wide grin. “We can share a bed.”
“If you’re both alright with that…”
They nodded, while Jin Ae smiled to herself. ‘Your advice worked Oppa.’ 
The next morning they were awaken by Seira, whom had left three sets of clothing at the door with a note attached.
Dear guests,
Today there is a banquet at the palace. All are invited and as such that includes travelers. Please be sure to wear the traditional clothing of our kingdom. However, the banquet does not begin until this evening, so please head downstairs. All of the guests, as well as my workers, will be going to buy an offering to give to the palace.
The four walked downstairs to see the man from yesterday as well as three others. All of them gathered around Seira, introducing themselves. They all looked around, except for Jin Ae who wanted to avoid eye contact at all costs. Cho Hee, however, jumped around everywhere trying to speak with everyone. As she reached Jin Ae she noticed the lack of eye contact and her excessive mumbling.
“Are you okay?” Cho Hee asked, crouching in front of Jin Ae. She managed to catch her eye, but was hastily pushed away.
“Ow!” she screeched, scraping her elbow against the ground. Myungsoo who watched the accident from afar, marched over and helped Cho Hee up.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess so.” she murmured. 
“Hey!” Myungsoo called out to Jin Ae. However, she ignored him walking faster. Myungsoo sped up as well, finally managing to reach her. As he did he grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around. Jin Ae stared down at the ground, shaking in fear. He stared at her, perturbed by her actions. 
Moments later, Dongwoo appeared by her side. “Look I don’t know what Jin Ae did, but she’s not good with strangers. Can you just let it go?” he asked.
‘She still hasn’t apologized to Cho Hee, though.’ is what Myungsoo wished he could say, but instead he let her off with a sigh. Dongwoo thanked him, leading Jin Ae away.
By the time the banquet had begun everyone was changed and was prepared to leave. They all left in their respective pairings though, as Seira had allowed them to leave as they pleased. Cho Hee and Myungsoo were already dressed and heading out. As they arrived outside the palace they witnessed a long line beginning to form. Something more peculiar was that everyone wore the same exact dress.
‘I know Seira said that this was the traditional clothing of the kingdom, but did everyone have to dress the same?’ Cho Hee wondered. ‘They definitely got lazy with the graphics this time.’
Once the line had shortened and the two were close to the palace, a fight broke out between a guard and a guest. Cho Hee squinted to get a better view, only to see Jin Ae furiously glaring at a guard. 
“Hey Myungsoo, it’s the girl from the inn. The one who pushed me.”
Myungsoo looked around the mass of people with an estranged look on his face. “That definitely looks like her, but her attitude is completely different. From what her friend told me, she’s scared of strangers.”
“Really? You think she needs help then?”
He scoffed. “You’re willing to help the girl who pushed you down?”
Cho Hee shrugged. “She looks like she’s in trouble and I don’t want to just leave her.”
However, the argument quickly ended as the guard apologized and let her through.
‘That was weird…’ they both thought.
The guard had already allowed Hoya and Dongwoo inside, but refused to let Jin Ae enter. She gave a puzzled look, wondering why. The guard pointed to her camera, ready to confiscate it.
Jin Ae refused to the give the man her camera. It was her prized possession, she wouldn’t let it go so easily. The guard, however, did not relent as he now tried to pry the camera out of her hands.
She clung to the camera with all her might, managing to catch the man’s eyes. ‘You will let go of the camera now. Admit you are wrong and apologize.’
The guard’s eyes glazed over and as Jin Ae commanded he apologized, letting her through. 
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Chapter 3: Haha I can so imagine Kyuhyun's smirk and his evil laugh- oh wait, he didn't laugh...
Yay, an update~ It's been a long time, right, author-nim? I knowhow it feels to be distracted almost all the time, so take your time in updating ^^
Oh and... something felt weird. Where was her parents? Work? Shouldn't Hyesu call them first or something? Idk... ><
Chapter 1: You're rewriting? Aww. All your past efforts went to waste. But I'm not going to comment though. It's your decision as the author and I will respect it :)

So you're still keeping Kyuhyun as the antagonist! Yay! xD
But... Woohyun? The boyfriend? The best friend? Or the sister's boyfriend? Or the sister's boyfriend's little brother? Or... a neighbour who excessively cares about his neighbour? O.O
Ok lol, that was stupid :P
Chapter 3: Wow, this is really nice!
I can't believe I was momentarily deceived of Kyuhyun's intention. Hmm, why did he do that? I'm so curious~
...I wonder what happens to her body in the real world. LOL.
Chapter 1: I sense a sinister move behind Kyuhyun's seemingly innocent introduction to her.
hmm, this is really interesting! It's rare seeing an OC which is a gamer, hardcore or not.
Good luck in the contest!! ^^v