Chapter 6

No Escape


Sunggyu opened his eyes, surveying his surroundings. Around him laid vast layers of green grass. He sat up, trying to recall what had happened. He remembered going to the office to meet Kyuhyun, but felt tired and before he knew it, he had woken up in the middle of nowhere. Sunggyu brought a hand up to his head, releasing a frustrated sigh. 
He stood up, wandering through the meadow. As he walked he noticed certain patches of grass looked ashy and slightly singed.
‘I wonder what could have happened here.’
Sunggyu came to a stop, as he found a girl peacefully sleeping in the meadow. Her knees were curled up to her stomach and she used her hands as a pillow. He bent over, staring at the girl’s sleeping face. Sunggyu reached out, pushing her silky hair away from her face. Upon closer inspection he noticed her to be around the same age as him. Sunggyu continued watching, taking her features into account. He traced his finger around the outline of her face. He brought up his hand once more tracing from her forehead to her lips. His hand lingered around her smooth, plump lips. Without realizing he had been entranced by her. 
The girl’s eyes fluttered open, widening upon seeing him. “What are you doing?” she asked glaring at him.
Sunggyu slightly jumped, immediately pulling his hand away from her. The girl put a hand up to her lips, looking at him with disgust.
“What exactly were you planning on doing?” 
He turned to the side, avoiding eye contact. Sunggyu could feel his cheeks heating up. The girl realized his embarrassment and smirked. She moved closer to him, reaching out to his face. She cusped both hands around his face, looking him straight in the eye.
“You know, what you did could have been seen as ual assault.”
Sunggyu opened his mouth to argue, but the girl continued on. 
“That means you could become a criminal, but if I were kind enough to let you go that wouldn’t have to happen. Sadly, I can only do that if you have something to offer me.”
“Are you threatening me?” he asked.
The girl merely shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe I am, but then again who has more to lose here?”
Sunggyu was speechless, in a matter of seconds this girl had managed to have him in the palm of her hand. 
“I don’t have anything to give you.”
She smiled. “Of course you do. For the remaining time we’re here, you have to follow my every word. Basically you’ll give all your freedom to me.”
“But…” he began to protest.
“Unless, of course you’d rather be charged with assault.”
Sunggyu sighed, nodding. “I understand.”
The girl smirked. “Good. My name is Jae Hwa, and you?”
“Sunggyu.” he replied.
“Well then Sunggyu, let’s go.” said Jae Hwa, lifting herself up. “I don’t want to spend anymore time here.”
Sunggyu nodded, following her lead. ‘Why did I have to get myself into this mess?’
The street was packed with people, each one holding a different conversation. Amongst these people, a bright eyed girl was filled with joy.
“I can’t believe I finally have it!” Cho Hee shouted out, hugging her new game. She happily jumped around, excitement on her face.
Next to her Woohyun watched, earnestly smiling back. “You’re going to start playing once we get back, aren’t you?”
Cho Hee laughed. “Of course, Woohyun. You don’t need to ask if you already know.”
She continued skipping forward, gaining speed with each step. Woohyun sped up, but despite his efforts couldn’t reach her. The mass of people began to come in between them, making the gap larger. Woohyun struggled to push through, unable to do so. 
“Cho Hee!” he screamed out.
However, Cho Hee nonchalantly skipped away, not bothering to looking back.
“Excuse me? Are you alright?” 
Woohyun opened his eyes, heavily breathing and covered in sweat. He looked up to see a petite girl, looking upon him, concerned.
“Excuse me, but may I ask how you have entered our garden? The guards did not mention any news of an intruder.”
Woohyun looked at her in confusion. He observed his surroundings, a large garden filled with roses encircled the two. 
The girl spoke up once more. “Pardon, but I have not properly introduced myself. I am Princess Celia of the humble kingdom Serena. And you are?”
“Woohyun.” he replied.
She put her hands together in amusement. “Ah, I see. Might you be a traveler Sir Woohyun?”
“I suppose you could say that.” 
“How splendid! You must come inside and let me introduce you to the king and queen.”
Woohyun shook his head. “Really princess, it would be rude of me to impose. Also I’m on a journey to look for someone right now. Maybe some other time.”
“Oh.” she said, joy vanishing from her face. “Is that so? But Sir Woohyun, it would be rude to send you off. You must at least stay for upcoming banquet.”
“No I really can’t. Thank you for the offer though.”
Celia let out a small laugh. “I don’t think you quite understand, Sir Woohyun. If you do not stay out of your own choice, I can also exert force. GUARDS!” she screamed.
Immediately several large men wearing bulky iron suits appeared. The men halted in front of Celia, waiting for commands.
“Take this man and send him straight to the king.” she ordered.
The men obeyed, grabbing Woohyun by the arms. They quickly carried him away into the palace.
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Chapter 3: Haha I can so imagine Kyuhyun's smirk and his evil laugh- oh wait, he didn't laugh...
Yay, an update~ It's been a long time, right, author-nim? I knowhow it feels to be distracted almost all the time, so take your time in updating ^^
Oh and... something felt weird. Where was her parents? Work? Shouldn't Hyesu call them first or something? Idk... ><
Chapter 1: You're rewriting? Aww. All your past efforts went to waste. But I'm not going to comment though. It's your decision as the author and I will respect it :)

So you're still keeping Kyuhyun as the antagonist! Yay! xD
But... Woohyun? The boyfriend? The best friend? Or the sister's boyfriend? Or the sister's boyfriend's little brother? Or... a neighbour who excessively cares about his neighbour? O.O
Ok lol, that was stupid :P
Chapter 3: Wow, this is really nice!
I can't believe I was momentarily deceived of Kyuhyun's intention. Hmm, why did he do that? I'm so curious~
...I wonder what happens to her body in the real world. LOL.
Chapter 1: I sense a sinister move behind Kyuhyun's seemingly innocent introduction to her.
hmm, this is really interesting! It's rare seeing an OC which is a gamer, hardcore or not.
Good luck in the contest!! ^^v