I Hate That I Love You


It has been two years since Youngjae had started bullying Daehyun because he was gay. But Daehyun decided he wouldn't take it anymore.


This is my very first fanfic and I don't speak english very well so...
Please leave comments, I want to know if it's good or not! 


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Chapter 1: Omg. This is well written and I love it soooooo much. thank you so much for this. This is so lovely
Chapter 1: Ohh that was beautiful! It's the second story I read from you, and I like it very much ^~^ But the father is just cruel!
Chapter 1: Aigooooooooooooo~! >v< When Youngjae kissed Daehyun for the first time I just thought woah~! The father is horrible! I'm just glad Daehyun was ready to forgive Youngjae and accept his feelings whenever he felt he needed to - I want to squish them both and also you author for making it so fluffy! ^^;;
NoKpopNoLife #4
Chapter 1: OMG that was so fluffeh!!
NoKpopNoLife #5
Chapter 1: OMG that was so fluffeh!!
narnia #6
Chapter 1: omg I started smiling like an idiot when Youngjae kissed Daehyun teeheehee 8DD
anyways, I really liked the story!! It was a nice, cute, short fluff full of daehyun yumminess hahahaha
Chapter 1: Afdichehdjfhdbvajajdhdkeshagwhejdjfj CUUTEEE
Sérieux ma p'tite tu es la MEILLEURE! Ça serait super cool si tu faissais une sequel....
Sté qu'es-ce que je veux dire :P

En to! J'ai vraiment aimer ton histoire! C'est vraiment cute <3
Ps: Ta yeule avec ton affaire de " J'écris pas bien en anglais..."