Happy Freaking Birthday! [Lay-nicorn Drabble]


Eunjo was never the one for birthday celebrations and one sarcastic wish for a unicorn, her life is immediately turned into a mystical chaos. But when she finally figures out that this unicorn isn't really a unicorn but a boy looking for a way around his curse, will she be  the one to free him? Or will she become cursed herself?












Eunjo was never much of a cooperative birthday girl, the thought of being one year older made her feel grown up and icky. Worst of all this was going to be her 19th birthday, and she would be "of age".

Which pretty much meant more responsibility, getting a job, and picking up her crappy grades in order to have that bright future her brother Suho kept nagging her about.

Dang it.

So the morning of her birthday Eunjo decided she would try to milk the most of whatever childhood she had left and sleep in until Suho had no choice but to drag her out of her bed by her feet just like always.

Which he did.

"WHY DON'T YOU GET UP BY YOURSELF???? YOU COME OF AGE TODAY! WOULD YOU AT LEAST TRY TO ACT LIKE IT???" Suho said, pulling on Eunjo's ankles. Eunjo responded with moans of protesting and half-hearted 'no's.

"You are being so immature! Get up! You have to go to school!"

"Ew. No. I hate school, let me sleep...." Eunjo pulled a pillow over her head.

"Aish. What about your birthday??? Are you going to miss that too???"

"Can I?"

"AISH! I worked so hard to make today special for you! The least you could do is grow up a little!!!" Suho let go of her ankles and walked out of her room.


Crap. He's using the guilt trick Eunjo....Don't get up....He'll get over it...Its a trap. Don't let it get to you....Dang it. It got to me. Darn you Suho. I hate you.

Eunjo thought as she threw her covers off her body reluctantly and got up to get ready for school.


Once Eunjo walked out of her room, she was immediately greeted by a loud pop of streamers, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Eunjo flinched and looked at her brother, who wore a dorky rainbow-colored party hat and holding a party popper.

"I knew you would come out~"

"Ugh... I knew that was the guilt trick." Eunjo face-palmed. "I'm going back to bed."

"No~NO~ Sorry! But I had no choice! You need to go to school! Besides...." Suho turned and presented an obviously homemade cake, from the looks of the melting icing and the slacked letters that read: Happy Birthday."

"Oh my gosh....You baked." Eunjo gawked, "And you didn't even try to pay Kyungsoo-oppa to do it, so you could take the credit."

"Yep~" Suho beamed, "I made it special~" 

Eunjo was about to tell him how she never wanted a cake, but she figured that her brother was just trying his best to play 'daddy' and make her coming of age special, so she "Cool. I'm just surprized you didn't burn the house down or mistake the butter spray for oven cleaner agian."

Suho immediatly paled, a dark shadow covering his face, "O-oven.....cleaner....?"

He watched Eunjo stick her finger into the icing in horror, "NO! Don't! Eunjo!!!" He smacked Eunjo's hand away from her face.

"Ah....what a waste..." Eunjo pouted at the icing stain on her shirt. "That was vanilla."

"Umm, you haven't blown out the candles yet!" Suho smiled sheepishly, not wanting his baby sister to know he migh, probably poisoned the cake. He reached into his pocket and brought out a lighter, praying that the cake wouldn't burst into flames or something, which was the LAST thing he needed. But to his relief the small pink candles lit up cheerfully.

"Make a wish."

"No thanks."

"Come on! Just one! Something you really want!"

"I'm good, thank you. Oh look at the time!" Eunjo faked looking at her wrist, which was stupid because she realised she didn't own a watch. "I'll be late for school!"

"Oh shut up! What is it? Half past skin?" Suho rolled his eyes, "Just make one wish! Anything! A UNICORN EVEN!"

Eunjo rolled her eyes, "Seriously? This is silly oppa, I don't need anything. I have you, the boys and my health. That's all I need." 

"Just one wish! Don't be stubborn!"  Suho almost shoved the cake into Eunjo's face and she gave up.

"Fine then! I wish I had a pet unicorn or whatever!" Eunjo blew out the candles and started her way to the door.

"Ugh! I meant seriously!" Suho stomped his foot at her immaturity.

"Well I meant that seriously!" Eunjo smiled as she picked up her backpack, "Wouldn't that be cool?"

Suho rolled his eyes and shooed her, "Just go to school already you punk!"

Eunjo laughed as she walked out the door, "Love you too~ Bye!"






Eunjo was naturally a slacker-type of person, always taking the easiest way around everything that life threw at her, from school assignments to cleaning her room, Eunjo would always take the easy way out.

So it was no suprize that she decided to take a short cut to her university instead of walking the usual way that Suho warned her to take.

Eunjo cut into an ally and went on her way for a few minutes until the hairs on her arms started standing on their ends when she heard steps behind her. Eunjo slowly progressed into a speed walk, to jogging, until she was straight up running away from the rushing footsteps that followed behind her. 

Out of nowhere a large pole appeared and tripped her, turning her world upside down.

She looked up to face her attacker, but insead of a scary thug, her eyes met with those of a large magestic unicorn.


Eunjo's eyes almost popped out of her head and her heart stopped.















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Kcailloup #1
unnie please update this story and the other two stories. I really like them, and they're very adorable. But, never mind. Im sorry. I dont mean to be a bother.
exoticallyinlove #2
I keep seeing all of these amazing fanfics of yours, and I just want them to never end! You have such great ideas and stories!
llamahappyviruswufan #3
unnie... please do this. it's already passed my birthday... *pouts*
llamahappyviruswufan #4
I forgot to wish a unicorn before I blew my cake today. *facepalm* anyways unnie you better update this! and thnx for doing it to. UNNIE FIGHTING! *insert 'fighting' pose here*