His Obsession part II: He's back (editing)




That was the only thing that I could hear.


That was the only thing that I could feel.


That was the only thing that kept me company those 11 months that I was locked away in that prison.

Silence…and her.

The thought of Jiah kept my hardened heart warm. The thought of Jiah was the only thing that gave me the will power and motivation to live.  Jiah, she was my everything when I was locked away. She was what I needed to survive. I had to get out of that place; I had to see her…and that’s what I did. I turned that prison into a slaughter house. Some would call it a massacre, but I thought of it as taking down every obstacle that separated me and my beloved Jiah.


Jiah POV:


That was the only thing that I could hear


That mocking sound was the only thing that kept me company


That was the thing that lead to two more suicide attempts


That was the one thing that I wished I could rid myself of.

I had been in complete silence and solitude for two weeks. With the exception of my doctor and a few nurses, I was completely alone for two weeks. Neither Himchan nor my mother came to keep me any company. They left me in complete silence. I couldn’t stand it.

I was afraid of it.; afraid of the silence. The ear splitting silence that forced my mind to wonder to its deepest darkest depths. My mind was once again forced to wonder to…him.

The sudden sounds of loud foot steps broke me away from my thoughts. The footsteps slowed then stopped as they approached my door. An eerie feeling crept over me. I looked over at the clock.

“Visiting hours are over” I mumbled to myself. it must have been one of the doctors doing his evening rounds. The door opened and the doctor walked in. a white mask covered his face, and he kept his eyes glued on his clip board as he made his way over to me. My skin crawled…something about him just wasn’t right.. He walked over to my bed and stood beside me. He looked at me for a second before taking my IV drip into his hand and observing it.

“Is anything wrong doctor?” I asked. He simply shook his head in response. I nodded back. Suddenly, he took in a sharp breath and looked at me. His stared made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I turned my head, looking at anything that would take my attention away from him.

“I think we should up your dosage.” He spoke. I tensed as his deep voice made its way into my ears.

Only one person had a voice like that. Only one person had a voice that was so sickeningly velvety yet gruff, and that person was Yongguk.

I looked over at him. The mask surgical mask that he wore still deprived my eyes of a view of his whole face.

He pulled a syringe full of an unknown substance out of his pocket.

“W-what are y-you doing?!” I asked in a panicked tone.

“Relax” He said nonchalantly as he inserted the syringes needle into my drip and let the substance flow inside. Almost instantly, the room started to spin and my vision became a blurry mess. The doctor removed his mask and looked at me.

“Hello beautiful” He spoke calmly with a smirk on his face.


“You haven’t been doing well have you?” he asked knowingly, “It makes me regret not being there for you those eleven months in prison.”

I shut my eyes, trying to stop the room from spinning anymore.

“That’s not going to work princess.” Yongguk said in an amused tone. “Nothing you can do will stop what you’re experiencing. i gave you enough of that sedative to take down a baby elephant” he smiled a twisted, sickning smile.

I opened my mouth to scream, but I could force no sound out.  My mouth was becoming dry and my eyes were getting heavy. My breathing was becoming deeper and more melodious. I was slipping away…falling under his spell once again. I fought to stay awake, but the drug proved far more powerful than myself, and soon I had slipped away into a dreamless sleep.



YAY~!!! an update. 

i've had a huge case of writer's block, but i think i'm over it now

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i will update again tomorrow


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kmulrocks #1
Chapter 20: i was happy at he thought of him dying. if he was more loving and caring then I would've liked him. he could've kidnapped her and do oher stuff but I don't his abuse to her and his language. if he really loved her he wouldn't be abusive..................just saying. don't mind. ^^
Chapter 18: Glad knowing you updated this story :)
It has been long time, love you authornim <3
Chapter 18: .... Its really scary his obsession o.o
Chapter 20: i have one but its like weird so idk if you'd like it but if you do, i'd love to see how you'd make it out! :3

its kinda confusing so.. ;___; i'll pm to you
Chapter 19: o yay! trilogy :D why he's not even dead yet? o.O
Chapter 18: Bdjksakkwjejjwkwkkss I KNEW HE IS NOT DEAD! D:
Girl ruuuuuuuuuun!!!!! Don't stop and just run! O.o
Oohh~~ so you make a trilogy :D
Cool ^-^
onewjr #8
Chapter 18: LOL am I the only one who wants him and her to be together?
glotterjongup #9
Chapter 18: WHAT THE HELL