Chap; 1

I swear, I'M NOT GAY!



I swear, it is so difficult to find an apartment in this area!

"You look frustrated." my brother, Eunhyuk chuckled.

"You need to shut up." I glared.

"Fine, drama queen." he mummbled.

" I wouldn't be such a drama queen if you'd only let me stay in YOUR apartment! But nooo, you have to be all Eunhyuk bout it and tell me to find my own place. What kind of a brother are you?" I frowned.

"The kind that wants you to learn life skills." he smiled his gummy smile, "I really don't agree with you dropping out."

"It's my decision, Oppa. You have no right to in."

"Whatever." he glanced at his phone, "Look princess, I have to leave. I have a meeting soon."

"Fine." I pouted.

He laughed and pinched my cheeks, "Be safe."

"Yeahh," I mummbled.

He smiled and kissed my forehead, "Bye!"

I waved back and sighed. Now I'm all on my own. What now?



I walked to the nearest frozen yogurt shop and went in. Oooo, so many flavors..

Hmm, original sounds good. I dumped a gizillion toppings on top and paid for my yogurt. I sure do miss YougurtLand.

I doubt they have that in South Korea. Plus, the milk tea tastes different. Awwww...

I found a table and sat down, munching on my yogurt. Just then, I felt someone hovering over me.

I slowly looked up.

"Is this seat taken?" A young handsome man flashed a smile.

Oh geez, he was cute (:

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woooahoho!<br />
your story sounds really good :D<br />
update chapter two soon, okaay?!<br />