So Sick

So Sick

So Sick

Zhang Yixing woke up to a cold breeze, and his eyes snapped open, darting to the open window. His bed was the closest to the window, and it was raining hard last light. The proof was on his blankets. Luhan had probably forgotten to close it because they were both tired from dance practice. Cold and wet, Yixing knew he was sick. He was bound to be, sleeping in such conditions. His eyes ran over Luhan’s sleeping body figure, and then Yixing looked at the time. 6:00 a.m. He had thime to run to the bathroom and dry himself off.

Doing just that, Yixing stopped by the mirror, and looked at his reflection. He groaned, quickly noticing that his voice was raspy; yep, definitely sick. If Kris, his leader and boyfriend had just thirty seconds to examine his face, the over-protective man wouldn’t leave his side for the whole day; which is why Yixing preferred not ever mentioning that he was sick. He didn’t want Kris to stick by him all day long, and get sick as well.

Yixing brushed his teeth, and went to the kitchen, quickly preparing a meal; careful to not infect it with his illness. His cold would not last long, so he could hold up his act, and then get over the cold. Yixing went over to the cupboard, and pulled out some medications, swiftly popping them into his mouth. A soft gasp was heard, and Yixing mentally swore. He turned to face Luhan, who stood sleepily by the kitchen entrance.

“Are you sick?” Luhan whispered, rushing to the younger boy. Luhan pulling up the sleeve of his monkey print pajamas, and felt Yixing’s forehead.

“Luhan gege, please don’t tell him!” Yixing begged.

Luhan looked at him skeptically, but nodded. “Only if you play with me today!” he said childishly. “You always play with Kris on our days off! It’s not fair,”

Yixing cracked a smile. “Yes, gege; I’ll play with you,”

Luhan beamed, and grabbed his serving of breakfast; thanking Yixing with a light hug. Yixing pushed him off, in fear of Luhan catching his cold, and Luhan pouted.

“I’ll be okay, Yixing! Your gege’s immune system is amazing!” Luhan insisted, sitting down, and digging in. He moaned at the deliciousness of Yixing’s food, and Yixing shifted awkwardly shifted.

“Gege…” Yixing muttered. “Please don’t do that…”

Luhan’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Why? Do I turn you on like this, Xingxing?”

Yixing groaned, and Luhan doubled over with laughter.

“Oh, and I was kidding about playing with me,” Luhan smiled. “Go rest,”

Yixing frowned. “No, I’m staying here and helping out,”

Luhan shrugged. “Your choice,”

Just as Luhan was going to turn and leave, the rest of the band members emerged from the bathroom. Kris was heading over to Yixing to give him a morning kiss. Being the protector of Yixing’s secret, and the band’s number one skin ship initiator, Luhan tackled Yixing into a death grip, before Kris could reach them.

“When I let go, run,” Luhan instructed quietly.

Yixing subtly nodded, and Luhan let go. The younger boy darted to the washroom, and left Kris’ attempt at a hug and kiss hanging. The blonde’s jaw dropped, and he stared after his unicorn. Yixing delved into the safety of the washroom, until Tao complained about needing to use it. Yixing quickly got out, and ran into the living room, sandwiching himself between Luhan and Jongdae.

Kris frowned, but let his boyfriend sit there; as long as Luhan didn’t touch him; which didn’t go so well, since the two began whispering into each other’s ears. Luhan giggled, and Yixing leaned his head on his shoulder. Kris’ face turned red as he glared at the back of their heads.

As if noticing the tension, Jongdae turned around, and looked at Kris. “Duizhang, is there something wrong?”

Jongdae didn’t need an answer. He knew that Luhan and Yixing’s interactions were making the over-protective and possessive man jealous. A sly grin crossed Jongdae’s face, and he turned to Yixing.

Yixing looked at Jongdae, and then finally noticed the leader glaring at them. Yixing suddenly felt guilty. But this was all for his sake! Yixing hated it when Kris got sick; he always felt it was his fault. Yixing glanced at his watch. 4:34 p.m. He had been holding his act up for a while, and it was time to go cook.

“Gege…” Tao whined. “I’m so hungry…”

Yixing simply nodded—in attempt to hide his raspy voice—and got up to go and cook. Tao was his personal alarm clock, to go and cook for the members. He always spoke at the same time every day. Kris quickly followed Yixing, and the latter inwardly cursed. Luhan, noticing this, called out for Kris.

“What is it?” Kris hissed, at the King of .

“Which one is cuter?” he asked, holding up two Stitch toys; a pink, and a blue.

Kris narrowed his eyes.

“They both look the same,” he deadpanned.

Luhan pouted, and dug his hands back into the stuffed toy bin beside the couch, and pulled out two more. His eyes glimmered.

“Now, which one is cuter?” he held out a dragon stuffed toy, and a panda.

Kris rolled his eyes as if the answer was obvious. “The dragon,”

“GEGE,” Tao whined. “AM I NOT CUTE?”

Kris blinked. “You are, but I’m cuter,”

Luhan sighed, and dug his hands back into the box. He pulled out the dragon once again, and a deer. “Answer carefully, didi,”

Kris twitched. “The deer, of course, gege…”

“Awww, you’re too kind, Wufan didi,” Luhan cooed. He put the deer back into the box, and pulled out the unicorn.

Luhan grinned. “Wufan didi, the dragon, or the unicorn?”

Kris went silent. “The unicorn of course; Xingxing is the cutest thing ever!”

Kris’ eyes practically sparkled as he spoke about his ‘Xingxing’. Luhan made eyes at Yixing, and the boy finished making the meal, and ate his own portion while Kris and Luhan played. Yixing dashed into his room, and snuggled into his blankets, sleep immediately taking over. Hopefully, he didn’t get worse.

Hours later, Yixing woke up, and sleepily began to trudge out the door to take care of the other members; only to bump into the large brick wall; that happened to be his boyfriend. Yixing covered his face, and peeked up at Kris. He wasn’t very happy. In a swift movement, Kris pressed Yixing up against the wall of the room that Yixing and Luhan shared. Yixing looked down.

“Xingie,” Kris sighed. “Why are you avoiding me?”

Yixing shook his head, obviously trying to say that he wasn’t. Kris frowned, and lifted Yixing’s chin up, revealing the latter’s paler than normal skin. Kris pursed his lips, and Yixing gulped, as Kris tightened his grip on the younger boy.

“You’re sick, aren’t you?”

Yixing meekly nodded, and Kris put the boy back into bed, cuddling beside him.

“You’re staying in bed, and I’m staying with you,” Kris declared. Yixing’s eyes widened.

“Gege, I need to take care of the other members!” Yixing complained. Kris shook his head.

“Luhan has it all under control,” Kris assured. A scream was heard from outside their room, following by crashes and bangs. Yixing gave Kris a doubtful look.

“I’m okay!” Luhan’s voice was heard over all the noise. Kris smiled, and cuddled into Yixing’s neck.

“Gege, you’ll get sick too!” Yixing protested.

“No, I won’t,” Kris replied. “I’m staying here until you get better,”

“But…” Yixing whined. Kris wrapped his arms around his other half’s waist.

“Shh, no buts; I love you,” Kris whispered, giving the boy a soft kiss. The kiss quickly got more passionate, until Yixing realized Kris would get sick.

“Gege, you’ll get sick!” Yixing pushed Kris off of him, and the elder rolled off of Yixing’s small frame, onto his side.

“I’m not leaving you alone if you feel sick,” Kris argued.

Yixing frowned. “Gege…”

“Let me stay… because I love you,” Kris whispered.

Yixing shut up, and the pair drifted off into a deep slumber. They woke up the next morning to a loud sneeze; from Kris. Yixing gave him a mockingly knowing face.

“I told you so,”

author's comments

Hopefully not disappointing.. ehehe. I tried my best, because my Krispy Lays feelings were killing me. Oh, I ship them too hard.. ><"

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Jiminssi-Tae #1
Chapter 1: Kray will be the death of me SO FRICKN CUTE
gett-n #2
Hollywood1999 #3
Chapter 1: sooo cute !! Hahahaha xD
Chapter 1: Aigooo!!! Kyeoptaaaaa. ^____^
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so cute and sweet,,,>###<
xellamari #7
Chapter 1: Why so cute Kris?! *pinches his cheeks*
Shirahime #8
Chapter 1: bwahahahaha! Lay & Luhan trying to keep Kris away... And Kris getting sick... The stuffed animal comparisons... XDD
hye121 #9
Chapter 1: ohh i guess i love kristao but after i read this i love krislay ^.^