




You looked up from your phone to see a flustered stylist standing in front of you.

"Follow me, we need your help now!" she exclaimed, already walking away from as if she expected you to follow.

You quickly threw your phone into your bag and sped walked after her.

"I know you're just an intern," she said just as you fell in step with her, "but we're short today."

"Okay, what do you need me to do?" you asked.

"All I need you to do is to help one of the boys get dressed and to the set. And just look after him while he's with the photographer, just in case his clothes or hair needs fixing, okay?" she said quickly.

"Um, yeah sure no problem," you smiled.

"He's right in there," she pointed at curtain that was meant to act as a make shift dressing room, "Good luck!"

You nodded your head and smiled before walking in the direction of the curtain.

Teen Top was taking their teaser photos for the Be Ma Girl summer single. You were shadowing one of the stylists that worked for Top Media but she ended up calling in sick and forgot to tell you. That's why you were just sitting by yourself, playing with your phone, when Teen Top's head stylist came up to you to ask for your help. 

You heart started to pick up as you neared the certain. You weren't Teen Top's number one fan but you would call yourself an Angel. And not knowing who was behind that certain made you a little nervous.

"Excuse me," you called out, "Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yeah, its fine," the boy responded.

You took a deep breath and slowly opened the curtain before stepping inside.

Changjo looked up from his video game when he felt another presence in his 'dressing room'. 

"Hi," he smiled, "What can I do you for you?"

"I guess I'm your stylist for the day," you said, biting your lip.

"Cool," Changjo said as he set down his video game, "I've already had my make up and hair done but they didn't give me any clothes to change in to."

You nodded your head as you walked towards the racks of clothes that were against one wall, "No problem, let's just see what we have here."

Changjo stood beside you as you looked through the different shirts and pants. You ended up pulling a light blue dress shirt and a pair of light grey slacks off the rack.

"Try these on," you said as you handed the clothes over to Changjo.

"Okay," he nodded and went behind another curtain to change.

You sighed as you leaned against the vanity, waiting for Changjo to finish changing. 'It just had to be him,' you thought in your head, 'Out all the members, it had to be my bias. Oh my gosh, what if I make a fool of myself? What if I already did?!'

You shook your head as Changjo walked out from behind the curtain.

"How do I look?" he asked, spinning around in a circle.

Blush started to spread across your cheeks when you looked up at him. Saying that he looked fine would have been an understatement. He looked mature, amazing, breathtaking. In other words, he looked hot!

"You look good," you smiled, "Are you ready to go?"

"After you," Changjo gave you a charming smile as he held the curtain open for you.

The two of your walked in an awkward silence towards the set.

"So," Changjo said suddenly, "Do you listen to Teen Top?"

You looked up at him and smiled when you saw him nervous expression, "Yeah, I do actually."

"Really?" he asked, surprised. 

You nodded your head and laughed.

"Ummm, who's your favorite member?" he asked, internally hoping that you would pick him. 

"Why do you want to know that?" you teasingly asked him.

Changjo was just about to answer you when the two of you arrived at the set. The photographer handed over his camera to one of his assistants and he walked up to the two of you as you took the hair clips that held his hair in place out of Changjo's hair.

The photographer scanned his eyes over Changjo and shook his head, "No, no, no. This won't do."

"Huh?" you asked.

"His clothes," the photographer said while shaking his head, a disapproving look on his face. 

"What's wrong with his clothes?" you asked, starting to panic.

"Nothing's wrong with the actual clothes themselves, its just how he's wearing them."

You sighed in relief when you heard the photographer.

The photographer snapped his fingers, " his shirt! That should do it."

You jaw dropped as the photographer walked away from you and Changjo and started to get his equipment ready. 

"You heard the man," Changjo said to you, " my shirt."

You sighed in defeat, not even bothering to protest the situation. You hesitantly lifted up your hands and started to undo the buttons on Changjo's shirt. The more buttons you opened, the redder your face got.

"I'm your favorite member, aren't I?" Changjo asked quietly.

"W-Why would you say that?" you stuttered, keeping your eyes trained on his.shirt. 

"You wouldn't be this nervous if I wasn't," he said bluntly.

You let your hands fall to your side when you undid the last button on his shirt, exposing his smooth skin and defined abs. You forced yourself not to stare and instead look up at his face. 

"I - I ..."

"It's okay," Changjo said, cutting you off and placing his hands on your shoulder as he leaned his head so his lips were right next to your ear, "I think it's cute," he whispered. You heard him chuckle as he pulled away, his lips brushing against your cheek. 

You stood rooted in your spot as Changjo walked over to the photographer and got ready to start his photoshoot. Changjo sent you a shy smile as the photographer was giving him instructions. You sent him a thumbs up back and smiled to yourself when they started the photoshoot. 

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So sweeeeeeet!!!!
allkpopluvr890 #2
Chapter 1: OMG I love this oneshot so much
raviolli101 #4
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: OMG .. you don't know how much i squealed reading this !!
omg i love this !!
Good job and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Chapter 1: >//////////< adorbs~
KpopLoverSelina #7
Chapter 1: Awwww, Changjo is so cute! Can you do something like that wit the other Teen Top memembers?
akaonim #8
Chapter 1: Omfg was does he have to be my bias lol