What do I do??

I love you more than ever
*Minho POV*  I gulped as I made my final decision. "I....Can you guys give me the fuel or have delivered to the plane? I want to leave as soon as possible." Kevin smiled at me warmly and tilted his head, " of course!" I sighed and got up to leave. There was just way too much going on in my head for me to think straight. Was it really okay to leave Taemin in a place like this? Much less alone with another band??  Well I was too mad to care right now.I stormed out of the room and through I winding hallways. I was grateful I didn't run into anyone. After reaching the plane I went to the cockpit. "Has anyone come here to drop off fuel?" "yes sir!" "Alright that's good.I'll be in my room(in the plane) so please take off whenever." I turned around to leave and just when my hand was on the door knob. . .  " uh sir? Wasn't mr. Taemin with you?" "oh...he decided to stay here." The captain had a confused look on his face, " but I thought he--" I cut him off with a glare.  I shut the door behind me and headed towards the room. Just this morning me and Taemin were here cuddling on the bed together. It made my heart clench when replayed the vision of him and kibum kissing.  I had thought that kibum always liked Kevin......but I suppose not. I felt so depressed for the first time since me and Taemin had our first couples fight.  Yeah... That was another long story. I flopped on the bed and faced up towards the ceiling while laying on my back. What the heck was I supposed to do now?? I was furious at Taemin but I couldn't just leave him here. I mean we are married now. But then again I guess I could submit in divorce papers..... We JUST  got married though.... Hmmmm......this was difficult. For christs sake I didn't even know if I still loved Taemin right now!! Okay  maybe that was exaggerating a bit but still..... I felt so confused. For now though there isn't any choice but to leave with the fuel they gave me.  I closed my eyes as I felt the plane under me start to move till we were finally air borne. Oh Taemin, why did you kiss kibum???  ......... *Taemin POV* All the running was starting to take a toll on me until I collapsed from the pain in my legs. I pouted, if Minho were here he would carry me so that I wouldn't have to walk.  But...... He wasn't here because ..... Because.......STUPID KIM KIBUM KISSED ME. AND NOW HE'S MAD AT ME!!!!! I still couldn't believe what happened back there only minutes ago. I couldn't see clearly anymore through my eyes that were soaked with tears. I crouched down on the ground again as I shivered and sobbed. I felt physical pain in my heart when I remembered all the hate and dissapointment in his eyes as he continued to yell at me. Why didn't he let me explain that i wasnt the one who started the kiss?? Whisks christ I was even trying to stop it, but mokpo Minho just wouldn't listen to a single word that I tried to emit from my mouth.  I didn't want it to be like this. I had to go find him and Apologize!! Well even though technically it wasn't my fault...I really didn't want this to ruin our honeymoon!! Besides why couldn't they(u-kiss) just give us fuel when we asked for it and not call us all the way over to their vacation home to talk with us first!!! I already miss Minho. I miss his Voice, and the way he would cuddle with me.and comfort me when I was upset. His deep laugh and teasing remarks along with his soft smiles he only gave me. I sniffles as I stood up. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and straightened out my clothes. I had to go explain. . . . But where was he????   Heyyyy sorry this chapter was boring.... But don't worry it'll get interesting!!!! Anyways please please please PLEASE COMMENT... Okay thanks!
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Minhoyoubuttface. Anyways~ UPDATE SOON ^_~
o___o''' Minho... WTF. <br />
He's gonna like, kidnap taeminnie right? righttt?!?!? >:I<br />
update soon
Hahah thanks and lul yeahhhhh
Nice update my friend ^^;; <br />
<br />
Minho's being a bit of an though -////////-
Ahaha xDD wow >w<
so gooood! :D