Making Canvas

The Canvas


Chapter 3: Making Canvas

Kyuhyun go home from the concert and saw Seohyun making canvas alone.

" Seo,.." Kyuhyun put his jacket to the table

" Hey, Kyu, I made this canvas.. Is it bad??"

" Hey, Clumsy.. Of course you made is perfectly.."

" Now, Paint it..."

" Ok.." Kyuhyun draw Seohyun face

Seohyun Face:


" What do you draw Kyu??"

" I draw nothing.."

" Let me see.. It's me !!" Seohyun laughed

" Yeah, It's for my bestfriend.."

" Thanks.."

Someone passer by, It's beautiful girl, Her name is Kim Taeyeon.

" Kyu.." Seohyun shook him

" Yes?? I'm so sorry.. It's just.. I saw her, She's really beautiful.."

" Ohh.." Seohyun said sadly

" Yah, Painter, Can you paint me??"

" Of course" Kyuhyun said with a smile and start painted Taeyeon.

" Is it done??"

" Yeahh.. It's done.."

" Really beautiful.." 

" Yeah, Thanks.."

" Painter, What's your name again??"

" Cho Kyuhyun "

" Sweet, Call me" Taeyeon winked

Seohyun jealous to saw Kyuhyun and Taeyeon really close.

" Hey.. seo, What's happen to you??"

" Nothing.."

" Ok, Let's paint you again.."







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make it longer in every part. gomawo
Chapter 2: Please, Who will win??^^