Chapter 5

We Were Never In Love

Kris’s POV

We quickly finished our food and paid the bill.

“Where should we go next hyung?” Sehun asked while rubbing his full and bloated stomach.

“I don’t know. Why don’t we just walk around?” I replied while scanning the mall to find that midget.

After half an hour of walking around the mall, the boys got tired.

“There’s nothing to do. How about we just go to the park and play some basketball?” Tao whined while attempting to do some aegyo.

Just as I was about to agree to Tao’s request, I saw a short girl walking into the movie theater while clinging onto some guy’s arm. Heh, that little midget is going to watch a movie.

“Guys, let’s watch a movie since I’m pretty whacked out already.”

The guys all smiled at that suggestion since they were all pretty tired as well.

“Seems like the perfect place to take a nap!” Baekhyun said as he jumped up and down clapping his hands.

I headed to the ticket booth to purchase the tickets as Lay followed me to check out the movie we were going to watch.

“Uhhh…hyung. We’re…we’re…going to watch The Bloody Death?” Lay said as he pointed his shaking fingers at the movie board.

I gulped and answered “Ye..eaahh”


A loud scream infiltrated my ears. I turned around to find the owner of the voice only to see a shaking and sweating Baekhyun.

“Hyung! I’m not going to watch that! Have you seen the trailer?!?! It was so scary I almost peed in my pants!” Baekhyun cried.

“Yah hyung! Let’s not. I was hiding behind my pillow the whole time.” Chanyeol joined in on the begging.

“Well, that’s perfect! This movie can teach you guys to have some guts.” I said.

I was actually pretty nervous but I decided not to show it. We entered the movie theater and looked for empty seats to sit in. I spotted Taeyeon at the front and decided to sit a few rows behind her. Just to be safe.

Taeyeon’s POV

I was so stoked about seeing this movie. I’ve been waiting for days! I thought I was able to get free tickets and watch it on premiere night but there was apparently no free tickets being passed out that night of the accident. What a bummer!

“Are you sure you want to watch this movie Tae?” Daehyun asked me.

“Yes oppa! I’ve been waiting to watch this movie for so long” I said while munching on some popcorn.

Daehyun gave me a little nod and continued staring at the big screen in front of us. After 10 minutes of trailers and commercials, the movie starting playing. The music was loud and terrifying, making me shake all over. Flashes of black and blurry images appeared on the screen as the music got more piercing to the ears. Suddenly I heard a loud scream which caused me to jump a little. Daehyun oppa saw my frightened reaction and held onto my hands. I scanned the screen carefully to see what just happened but nothing happened. The dark images were still appearing, showing no signs of a person screaming or yelling.

Where could that scream have come from?

I looked over to my left side only to find people with angry faces. People were dissatisfied with the terrible scream that disrupted their movie.


I heard an annoyed and enraged man half-screamed and half-whispered that sentence to someone next to him.

Hmmm… why does that voice sound so familiar?

”Sorry hyung but it was really scary!” the other voice answered.

“You can’t see a thing! What are you so scared about??!!”

“Will you two shut up?! I’m trying to watch the movie!” a furious third voice shouted.

I was so immersed in eavesdropping in the conversation that I did not realize that I missed out on nearly 10 minutes of the movie.

“Whoa. That was close. The murderer almost saw her!” Daehyun oppa said to me while pretending to wipe off sweat from forehead.

I laughed at him for being so cute.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Hehe… oh nothing.”

I shifted my focus back to the movie as it was getting to the most interesting part. The girl, who has been on the run the whole movie, was now searching for a room to hide in. She nervously tried to open the many doors located on both sides of the corridor but it was useless. She was out of luck. All the doors she had tried so far were locked. She started panicking and sweating as she heard footsteps approaching. The stairs were creaking as the footsteps got closer. She ran to the end of the corridor and tried to open the last door on the left. She twisted the nob and the door opened. She quickly ran inside and locked the door behind her. The room was dark and scary but at least she felt safe, knowing she is no longer being chased. She sigh a breath of relief as she wiped the sweat from the corner of her forehead. There was a moment of long silence as footsteps were no longer heard. She thought to herself, feeling happy and content that she escaped such a horrendous situation. She moved back closer to the door and looked for the light switch. With the darkness, she couldn’t see a thing so she moved her hands from place to place searching for the light switch. Finally she found it and flicked the light on. Slowly, she turned around to face the other side of the room when she saw…

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” two loud screams came from behind.

I quickly turned around while covering my ears. To my surprise, I saw two men or shall I say boys screaming their heads off while running around in their seats. People all over the theater were frightened and pissed off because the screams scared the daylights out of them. I laughed quietly at the hilarious scene in front of me.

“What’s so funny?” Daehyun oppa asked as he turned around.

I was just about to answer him when I spotted a blonde haired guy seated next to one of the dudes who was just screaming. I couldn’t see him clearly since the theater was dark but he looked strangely familiar.

“He…he looks like….”

“Taeyeon, wasn’t that movie scary?” Daehyun said.

“Huh?” I said as I turned to face him.

He laughed heartily as I gave him a blank expression.

“You should have seen your face!” he said pointing his finger at my face and rubbing his stomach.

“What about my face??” I questioned him.

“You looked so confused. You must have missed the last part of the movie huh?”

“Yah…what happened?”

“She was killed! She turned around and saw the murderer! He appeared out of nowhere!”

“What???!?!? How did he…? ARGGHHH!!! I missed the best part!!! Stupid people interrupting my movie” I said while cursing under my breath.

“Don’t worry Tae, it was nothing really. We should go. Don’t want to be the last one here. The murderer might come and find us too!” Daehyun said teasingly and he moved in front of me and started tickling me.

“HEY! That tickles!” I said while trying hard to run away from him but I couldn’t stop laughing.

Daehyun and I decided to go home after the movie since we were both getting tired.

“I’ll drive you home okay?” Daehyun said as he gave me a blinding smile.

I was about to say “yes” but remembered that I don’t live at my own house anymore.

“Um… that’s okay. I have something I have to do first before going home. You go ahead first.”

“Are you sure? I can drive you there.”

“No oppa. It’s okay! I’ll be alright.”

“Haha, okay. Well, call me when you get home.”

I gave him a nod and waved him goodbye as he left to get his car.

I got on the bus that just arrived at the close by bus stop and headed to my new home. I sighed as I looked out the window. I wish this agreement would end quickly so I don’t have to hide this from Daehyun oppa and my friends. What will they think when they find out I’m married?!?!?  I try to forget that thought since I wasn’t planning on telling them the truth.

After half an hour, I reached my destination. I got off the bus and the thanked the bus driver for waking me up. Typical me… falling asleep on the bus and then have to be woken up by the bus driver because it was the last stop… so embarrassing!

I had to walk a few streets since I missed my stop. When I finally arrived at my new dwelling, my legs were so sore. It literally feels like they have fallen off. I unlocked the gate and walked up to the main entrance of the house. I opened the door slowly and peeped inside. The inside of the house was dark and empty, looking the way it did when I first saw it this morning. Well, what do you expect? There was only the two of us in this big mansion. I the lights and headed upstairs. When I reached the top of the staircase, I looked ahead of me and realized that the hallway of the mansion looked a lot like that long, scary corridor in the movie. I gulped hard before walking towards my room. It was not until I reached my room that I realized my room was the last room on the left of the hallway. Oh crap! This can’t be happening. I tried calming myself down as I reached out to open the door with shaking hands. Please don’t let there be murderer in my room. Please don’t. I pushed the door open nervously and closed my eyes. Then, I slowly opened my eyes and hesitated as I took a step into the room. Oh no. This is just like that movie! I must not open the lights. But then…if I don’t, I won’t be able to see the murderer’s face when he or she tries to kill me. I debated for a long time and finally decided on turning the lights on. I reached for the lights and flicked it on, praying hard that I would not come face to face with a crazy psychopath. When the lights went on, I saw a tall figure in front of me.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Murr….mur…derer!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and starting running frantically around my room.

“HELP ME! HELP ME!!!” I continued yelling. I did not even have time to look at the murderer’s face since I was too busy screaming. I then saw a shiny pen lying on my desk and reached out the grab it.

Crazy murderer, you are going down! I took my pen and raised it up. Being almost out of breath, I ran towards the murdered hoping to stab him in the heart with the pen. I was about to jab the murderer when something stopped me. I looked down at my wrist and saw a hand holding onto it.


“Will you stop screaming so loudly? The neighbors will think I’m trying to you.” the man said as he released my hands.

What neighbors?!?! We have no neighbors! We live in a freaking mansion! The closest house is like half a block away! Even if I get , no one will know!!!

 I started freaking out at just the thought of that happening. I have to remember this man’s face in case he does something bad to me!  I looked up to see the murderer only to find a smirking Kris in front of me.

“Krr…Krissss? You are the murderer?!?” I asked with shock.

“Me? Murderer?” he said while pointing to himself. “What murderer are you talking about? I didn’t kill anyone” he replied with a calm expression.

I dropped the pen as my senses started coming back to me. Oh . Did I just think Kris was the murderer and started going berserk???!!

As if he heard my thoughts he said “Yes, you were going crazy. I think I should’ve sent you to the mental hospital or better yet, report you for attempted murder.”

“YAH!!! Who told you stand here and look like the crazy murderer from that movie today! What are you doing in my room anyways?!?”

“Wow, you must have had a long break at work to have been able to watch a movie.” Kris said while shaking his head disapprovingly.

I gulped as I panicked to come up with an excuse. “Uhhhh..uhh… my manager was just watching it on his computer and I caught glimpses of it.”

“Oh really?” he started moving closer to me.

He then lifted up his hands and I was sure he was going to hit me or slap me or something. I closed my eyes and prayed to god that the murderer would appear right now and kill him before he kills me. After a moment of silence, nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes and found Kris starting at me. His dazed stare made him seem like a look puppy that just lost his owner. It was as if he wanted to know something really badly.

“You thought I was going to hit you?” he said.

“Um…wasn’t that what you wanted to do since I almost killed you with that pen?” I replied hoping he wouldn’t say “yes”.

“HAHAHAHA! You’re really something. You should have seen your face!”

What’s up with my face today?!?! It’s not that funny!

I gave him a pout and started walking away from him. I didn’t even make it out the door and I was lying on the floor yelping for help.

“AAHHHHHHH!!!!! STOP IT! STOP IT! I’M TICKLISH!!!” I said rolling around on the floor.

He stopped tickling me after a while so I got up and gave him a death glare. He looked at me questionably wondering what he had done wrong. Oh you know what you did wrong.

I smirked at him before walking up to him. I clapped my hands and then spread out both my arms, getting ready to tickle him back. He knew what was coming so he put his hands together and bowed down to me. I ignored his pleads and moved closer to him. He shook his head from side to side as a way of saying “no” but it was too late. He was already lying on the bed, unable to resist the tickling.


“OR ELSE WHAT?!?!?!” I said.

But I didn’t listen to him and continued tickling him. It was so nice not being the one getting tickled this time.

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kasterian #1
Chapter 7: I'm wondering if it's too late to ask for an update... it's been like 5 years since this has been updated, it's already the year of 2017, no offense
mayanguli #2
Chapter 7: update please..
exotaeng_ss #3
Chapter 7: Update soon authornim~
Where's Hana?
Update Pliss!!!
Chapter 7: Update pleeeaase!
exotaeng9 #6
Chapter 7: Update......
Chapter 7: lol! RIP Kim TAeyeon!
at least she admits that Kris is freaking perfect when it comes to his looks..
YAY, another moment between the two of them, I'm hungry for more. lol!
Kris easily loses his temper, but it's so nice to see them interacting like that.
TAeyeon isn't so stubborn as before..
Chapter 7: Awwwww. Kris, Taeng is so AWWWW XD lol.
Btw, thanks for the update! :3
Chapter 7: So so so freaking cute >/////<
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Cute:3

update soon^^