Remember Me

Remember Me

Enjoy :)



The tiny chirps of the birds from the tree over shadowing the two boys brought Seunghyun back to his senses. There he was lying on the small grass, hands behind his head with no cares for the world except for the one that was lying on his lap. Jiyong was heavily sleeping at that time, his head on Seunghyun’s lap, mouth slightly open and small snores could be heard from it. The two boys spent the whole day together, school in the morning then free time in the afternoon to do whatever they want and right now what they wanted was some quiet time.


Seunghyun was looking at the fluffy clouds through the slit of the tree deciding whether the particular cloud looked like a dog when Jiyong started to move. The fragile little boy sat up, yawning and stretching his arms upward. He really looked like he just slept for a couple of hours but in truth it was only mere minutes. Finally gazing back at the boy still lying on the grass, Jiyong prompted himself right next to Seunghyun and sat with legs crossing one another.


“Hyunnie…” Jiyong yawns patting the other's arm.


“Yes, Yongie?” Seunghyun whined, annoyed that the boy distracted him from cloud gazing.


“I have a question….”


“What is it?” Seunghyun asked, turning his head to the small boy giving him his whole attention at once when he saw the boy’s eyes starting to wet. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Seunghyun startled, sitting up and hugging the boy next to him.


“Will you forget about me if I left?” Jiyong cried out, wetting the shirt on the older boy.


“Why? Where would you go?” Seunghyun panicked. He didn’t like it when Jiyong cries, it was like the whole world around him cried alongside him. Everything else didn’t matter, the trees stopped swaying and the clouds looked dull.


“.. just answer it…”


“Of course I won’t, Yongie. You didn’t have to ask.” Seunghyun sighed, he guessed that Jiyong was having one of those breakdowns where he felt so insecure about himself that he can’t help but cry out. Seunghyun rocked the boy back and forth while rubbing his back and whispering soft and sweet words in his ear.


Seunghyun thought he would never hear that question again, it was just so… out of place and weird. He kept wondering what has gotten into his bestfriend that made him cry out, but then Jiyong always does that though. Crying out loud when things go wrong. Seunghyun was always aware and alert whenever he was with Jiyong because simple and small things could always trigger the little boy to cry. Small things like when his ice cream fell or when his favorite teacher was absent for the day, when he loses a game of hopscotch with Seunghyun, basically just about anything. But the older boy couldn’t even prepare himself at that time for the big news that pounded over him.  Who knew that was already one of the signs that Jiyong was moving away?


A few days later Seunghyun got the news from his mother when she was helping him take a bath that night. Not believing at first, he kept ignoring his mother, focusing his little mind on the bubbles and that floating rubber duck in the tub. But the look in his mothers eyes told him that she was telling the truth, that she wasn’t lying, that Jiyong was truly moving away. Immediately, he got up and put on whatever clothes he could find then he run out the door making his way towards the house at the other side of the street. He banged at the door, not caring at anyone who would see and the moment Jiyong’s mother opened the door, Seunghyun darted right in under her legs, dashing up the stairs barging into Jiyong’s room. In there, he saw everything. Everything that points to the truth that Jiyong was truly leaving. Large cardboard boxes were scattered in his room filled with familiar things like Jiyong’s toys and clothes.


Jiyong was sitting on the floor when he saw his bestfriend barge in the door in front of him. Seunghyun was panting and out of breath but he didn’t care. All he cared about was the boy that was in front of him, sitting on the floor in that cross legged position that he was familiar with. Without a second thought, Seunghyun rushed up to him and tackled him to the floor. Tears were falling from his eyes and he hugged the boy tighter into him, into his arms as if he was holding onto life itself.


“Why didn’t you tell me?” Seunghyun accused, tears falling from his eyes.


“I…” was all the younger boy could say.


Violently shaking his head, Seunghyun tightened his grip. His heart clenching and his breathing hitched up, eyes swelling from all the crying.


“You should have told me, you idiot…”


“I’m sorry…”




Later that night, the tears and the crying stopped for a while as the two boys huddled up in Jiyong’s room. They laid out there usual things as they made their fort. They had done this a million times already, no words were needed. The two worked in silence as they enter their own little world that no one could touch. Pillows on the floor and around them serving as a fort and the dim light from Jiyong’s bedside lamp was the only source of light. Everything looked perfect, it was like a normal night for the two even though it was the last. Both of them cuddled under the layers of sheets they had gathered and laid with their back on the floor looking up at the constellations above provided by Jiyong’s many glow in the dark stars and planets stuck on the ceiling.


Slowly, the silence started to break as the boys talked their way out of it. Not a single topic about the move could ever stop the boys from laughing their heart out as they basked in each other’s company .On and on it went until hours passed by in a blink of an eye and both of they started yawning. Jiyong comfortably laid down first then followed by Seunghyun. Silence once again engulfed them as they both stared into nothingness.


Seunghyun was about to drift to sleep when he felt Jiyong shift and pulling himself closer to Seunghyun. Like clockwork, Seunghyun lifted his arm so that Jiyong could rest his head on his chest. This was their usual position, Seunghyun would always serve as the bed while Jiyong would lay his head on top of him.


“Hyunnie, will you forget about me?” the five year old Jiyong asked again curling himself into the older boy.


“Of course I won’t, Yongie.” The six year old Seunghyun sighed.


A heavy atmosphere could be felt in the dim lit room as the two boys basked themselves in sadness. Seunghyun felt as if his world was crumbling around him. Why? Why his bestfriend? Of all the people that could leave him, why Jiyong? Why his Yongie? It was unfair. The mere reason for his happiness was going to be taken away from him and there was nothing he could do to stop it. All he could do was to comfort the slightly whimpering little boy on his chest.  “How can I?”


Small fragile little hands found their way around Seunghyun’s body and wrapped themselves on him. Jiyong’s little head rested its way into the crook of Seunghyun’s neck as he tried to muffle his tiny tears.


“Who would protect me now, Hyunnie?” Jiyong whispered as he quieted down from his breakdown.


“I’ll still protect you!” Seunghyun yelled as he sat up pulling Jiyong with him. He turned and sat face to face with the crying boy. He held his face in his hand. No, he’s not going to let this ruin their friendship.


“I’ll always protect you, Yongie! No matter where you are! No matter how far, I’ll always protect you. I’m your shield remember?” Seunghyun huffed, with eyes full determination.


“But you’re gonna be far away… I’m gonna be far away..” Jiyong said as he continued to cry again.


Seunghyun pulled him closer until he was enveloping him under his embrace.


“Don’t cry, Yongie. I’ll find you, okay? I promise I’ll find you!” Seunghyun said, this time he too was starting to cry.


Both boys stayed in that position for a while. Both were crying their eyes out as they faced reality. They had been bestfriends since they first saw each other in daycare and ever since they were inseparable. Jiyong would always cling onto Seunghyun while Seunghyun would always stand up for Jiyong. That was their thing. They were the bestest of friend and nothing could ever tear them apart from each other. That’s what they thought though.


Jiyong’s family was indeed moving away, his father got accepted in one of the biggest companies in the states and he was advised to move there with his family. Of course he took it without knowing how much it’ll affect his five year old son.


After a few minutes of nothing but crying unto each other’s shoulder, the two boys finally yawn again and laid back unto their make shift bed. Jiyong reached out to hold Seunghyun’s hand and Seunghyun responded by interlacing their fingers together.


“I’ll hold on to your promise, Hyunnie.” Jiyong said now smiling through his worn out eyes. Seunghyun looked at him and smiled as well.


“I’ll definitely find you, Yongie. You’re mine. So don’t cry no more, okay?” He said as he leaned down and planted an innocent kiss on Jiyong’s. He saw it in a movie once, the guy promised something to the girl and he kissed her. Seunghyun however didn’t know what a kiss really was but he still did it.


Jiyong looked at him in confusion.


“What was that?” He asked with his eyes wide open, head lolling to the side, looking confused.


“It’s what people do when they promise something.”


“Ahhh..” Jiyong sighed nodding slightly in the process. “So you have to return it to me when I fulfill my promise.” Smirked Seunghyun.


 “Okay, Hyunnie… whatever you say..” Jiyong said as he slowly closed his eyes to sleep who was soon followed by a drowsy Seunghyun.




And with that, years passed by and the two boys grew up to be young men. Unfortunately thought they grew up forgetting about each other, the memories and promises had faded from their young minds. Little by little the shrouds of each other’s memory disappeared as they moved on with their lives, at least for Seunghyun.


From that ungrateful day that Jiyong moved away, Seunghyun couldn’t stop crying. He cried his eyes out every night wishing and praying for Jiyong to come back but he didn’t. Not accepting what had happened Seunghyun trashed and kept yelling at his parents, telling them to bring Jiyong back to him. His parent couldn’t do anything about it though. Jiyong and his family moved to the states and they just hoped that Seunghyun would get through this stage. And Seunghyun eventually did. After a few days of nothing but depression, Seunghyun finally accepted that Jiyong wouldn’t be coming back. That his precious Yongie was forever gone. Instead of crying around, what Seunghyun did was unexpected. He had shut Jiyong out.


Thoughts and momeries of Jiyong were fading as he put them into a small corner in his brain. He hid them all, forcing the memories to stay at that dark room in his head as he closed the door and threw away the key. That was his only way of moving on, he thought. As long as that imaginary door is kept shut, he can go on with his life. And he did, however what he didn’t expected was that same forgotten door opening once again after a few years.


Now, Seunghyun just graduated from business school and was currently working for a big corporation. He didn’t have the highest position yet because he just graduated but from the looks of it everything was going good. Through the years, Seunghyun had managed to lose all those baby fat he had in highschool. He exercised and dieted everyday in order to get this physical body he was so proud of. He had grown taller too, almost six foot tall from the looks of it. His voice got deeper when puberty set in and he couldn’t complain about it because it suited him perfectly. Every boy and girl out there can’t help but stop and stare as Seunghyun walked by and Seunghyun loved it. He loved being praised for his hardwork even though people weren’t straightforward about it. Just a simple stop and stare would do.


Staring at the endless piles of paperwork that was resting on top of his desk, Seunghyun sighed and sipped on his hot cup of coffee. It was only 9 o’clock in the morning and his desk was already buried under heaps of requests and proposals that needed to be read, corrected and signed before the day ends. Thinking that maybe this was the bad part of the day, Seunghyun twirled his expensive designer ballpen in his hand while the other swiped the first paper on his desk and started working.


Without even realizing it, lunch break was already half way through when Seunghyun’s stomach finally protested and reminded him to fill it up. Sighing still at the amount of paperwork left to be done, Seunghyun dropped his pen and stood up from his desk. He stretched those stiff muscles that he gained from sitting in that damn office chair for hours before he proceeded to the office canteen a floor down from his office. Only waving and greeting people as he passed by, Seunghyun didn’t even bother to stop and talk to them, all he wanted was something to boost his energy up, maybe a slice of cake would do?


So instead of the canteen Seunghyun directed his feet to move towards that little café down the corner of the street. Not only that the cake and pastries that were sold there were great but the place itself was settled on a corner away from the view of the office. It means that no one he works with even bothers to come there only because they never knew it existed, but Seunghyun did. And the café had always been his haven whenever work stresses him down.


A cling of a bell announced that Seunghyun was entering the café. The kind old lady that runs the cafe smiled and guided Seunghyun to his usual seat, a cushioned sofa at the back of the café, right next to the café window where Seunghyun would had the perfect view of the busy street of Seoul. The kind old lady didn’t need to get Seunghyun a menu for she already knows what he would ordered from how many times Seunghyun had visited the café.


A few minutes later Seunghyun found himself eating a slice of strawberry cheesecake and sipping on some brewed coffee on the side, his usual energy givers. Unfortunately the café was jammed packed with customers at lunch time even though it wasn’t that quite well known. As Seunghyun continued to stare at nothing outside the café window a man approached his table and said, ”Excuse me…”


A voice so soft and smooth rang through Seunghyun’s ears that he immediately turned his head to the source of that beautiful sound. He found himself staring at a young man in a black and white suit holding his own cup of sweet coffee.


“Uhm.. There’re no more seats and I was wondering if I could sit here?” The man shyly asked, with his other hand scratching the back of his neck.


“Oh..” startled Seunghyun, “Sure sure. Go ahead. I don’t mind.” He answered a little too fast. Good thing the young man didn’t noticed it thought but instead he put down his cup of coffee and sat in front of Seunghyun.


“Sorry.. I didn’t mean to disturb you or anything…” the man said.


“Nah, it’s okay. I wasn’t doing anything anyway.” Seunghyun replied with a smile. He figured that every once in a while maybe he did needed to reward himself from all his hardwork. And a talk with this beautiful guy in front of him will do. The guy had jet black hair was styled to the right. It looked weird though but somehow it fitted the man’s face perfectly, highlighting those equally dark brown eyes, that cute little nose and those pink lips. Seunghyun had to restrain himself from jumping at him.


He knew this feeling. This deep feeling that was stirring inside of him right now. This feeling of love. He had felt it so many times before but it still excites him every time. Excited by the thought that he knew nothing about the man, meaning that he would once again try his best to find just about anything about the guy.


“What's your name?” Seunghyun asked leading the conversation as he leaned closer to the young man, with his elbow in the table and his face resting on his palm. He knew he was hot and what’s worst was that he knew how to use it.


The man was startled at the gesture and looked elsewhere, obviously avoiding Sunghyun’s eyes.


“Well?” The man looked back and Seunghyun could see his face getting flustered by the second.


“Uhm.. I-I’m Jiyong…” whispered the man, keeping his head a little lower that necessary.


“Hmm… Jiyong.” Sounds familiar though…. “Cool name. I’m Seunghyun. How come I haven’t seen your pretty face around here?” Seunghyun said, lowering the tone of his voice to the point where it sounded a little too ual.


In return the young man, Jiyong, fidgeted a little in his seat and his fingers occupied themselves with the rim of his cup.


“I just moved back here a few months ago.. “


“Ah…. Where from?”


“The states..” He whispered.


From Seunghyun’s point of view he could tell that he had flustered Jiyong, judging from the way he moves and the way he talks. Jiyong kept looking down and if not, he kept avoiding Seunghyun gaze. His fingers nervously played with his cup that it nearly fell over. And his face, his face was starting to turn into a cute shade of red. For the first time in a long time though, Seunghyun found it enjoyable how he affected someone, even by just talking to them.


Grudging at himself after looking at his expensive wrist watch, Seunghyun was reminded that his lunch break was almost over and that he need to finish those endless piles of paperwork waiting for him at his office. So without even a warning Seunghyun reached out and took the fidgeting man’s hand and swiftly placed something in his palm, his calling card.


“I have to go now. But please.. I want to get to know you more.” Standing up from his position and walking over to Jiyong side of the table, leaning down right next to the young man’s head. Taking in first how the man’s cologne made Seunghyun want nothing else bur to nuzzle his face on the crook of Jiyong’s neck, Seunghyun whispered in his ear, “Call me. I’ll be waiting.”


He felt Jiyong shivered from every word he said and took it as a sign that he got his point out. Then he left the said man, flustered and out of breath in their table. As he was walking back to his office building he can’t help but feel like there was something familiar about Jiyong. It was like they had met before but Seunghyun had forgotten. Maybe at one of the company parties? But Seunghyun only shook his head at the thought, he never did attend any of those parties in the first place anyway.


Maybe there was something about Jiyong that attracted Seunghyun and just the thought of finding out what it was kept Seunghyun energized more than the sweets that he just ate. From the time being, he didn’t really mind doing the paperwork. Finishing one paper at a time would only mean he was closer to the end of the day where he knows that Jiyong would call him. How did he knew? Well, because no one could ever resist his charm.


Slowly the sun behind Seunghyun’s office window dropped lower and lower into the horizon, turning the day into night, revealing that well lit streets from below and the shining little stars from above. With only one paper left to check Seunghyun finished it as quickly as possible and for once, he wasn’t even tired. Thoughts of Jiyong kept crossing his mind fueling him with the right amount of energy to work. His iphone was resting on the right corner of his desk, patiently waiting for that one call that Seunghyun so wanted to get. After finishing his work, Seunghyun stretched out his hands, making the fingers click as he pressed onto them. Granted, he was a little tired but not that tired though compared to the previous nights of endless work.


Standing up from his desk, he fished his bag from under the table and fixed his things. He didn’t want to spend another minute in that four walled office of his. It’s not like he hated his current work, it was just, it was so boring. He needed something to spice up his life and the perfect person to do so was just a phone call away.


“He should be calling by now.” Seunghyun grabbed his bag and stepped out of his room. People outside were also packing up there things wanting nothing but the safe vicinity of their own homes. Seunghyun rode the elevator to the basement where his newly bought car was waiting for him. He bid goodbye to his co-workers as he made his way to his car door, opened it and sat inside. Before he could even drive away, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He knew who it was and he was indeed right, he was sure that Jiyong would call because no one can ever resist his charm.


Smirking he took his phone from his pocket, and looked at the jumbled numbers on the screen, it was an unknown caller. Sliding up the lock, Seunghyun placed the phone in his ear.


“Yes?” he answered, pretending to not get excited when he really was.


“Is this S-Seunghyun?” a shy voice from the other line said. Oh God, he sounds so cute.


“What took you so long to call, Ji?” Seunghyun smirked, using that oh so y tone of voice again.


“I-I didn’t know if you were busy so… I waited..”


“Aww.. how sweet of you. So, what now?”


“Uhm.. about what you said… about getting to know me better…”




“I.. I want to get to know you better too..” His voice faded out a little at the end making Seunhyun realize that Jiyong was probably blushing and embarrassed by now. He chuckled at the thought.


“So how about a date?” Seunghyun insisted. He waited for a couple of seconds for that answer he was so sure of getting.


“Yeah, I would like that.”                                                                                 




After a few more minutes of nothing but some shy talking from Jiyong and confident talk from Seunghyun they had managed a date. Feeling all flustered and happy Seunghyun closed his eyes that night thinking about his so called date the day after which was Saturday. They planned on meeting outside the café where they met since Jiyong confessed that he’s not that familiar yet with the places around Seoul. Excitement and anticipation where all he felt as he twirled around in the sheets of his bed, his brain refusing to let him sleep.


There was definitely something about Jiyong that kept Seunghyun’s mind preoccupied. None of his past relationships where ever like this, they were never this exciting compared to Jiyong and what’s more amazing is that, he doesn’t know a thing about Jiyong yet. Feeling this kind of attraction to some stranger he doesn’t know yet was definitely something.


Next day, the morning and afternoon passed by in a blur. It was already close to 6 o’clock, the desired time that they would meet. Seunghyun was already in his car on the way, fixing his dark brown hair in the process. Of course he wanted to look good for his date, so he put on his most stylish black polo shirt with the sleeves folded up to his elbows, some black designer pants and topped off with some black leather shoes. He might look a little grim from the contrast of the black color but somehow he managed to pull off a dark and hot look for himself. Parking the car just a couple of blocks away from the café, Seunghyun got out and a cool breeze welcomed him.


With the café just a few steps away Seunghyun could already make out the silhouette of the man that was patiently waiting for him. Jiyong had his black hair styled up, a black framed glasses resting on his nose, he had a gray sweater on with some black leather pants and red high cut shoes. Every piece of clothing he had clung unto his body, exposing those prominent collar bones and those thin legs as if they were painted on. Seunghyun caught his breathe for a moment there, just staring at the perfection in front of him. He swears that he would not let this opportunity to get away. Seunghyun was determined, if he wanted something he would do everything in his power to get it, even bending the rules a little in the process.


Jiyong was busying himself with the hem on his sweater that he didn’t realized Seunghyun coming, Seunghyun took this chance to sneak behind the young man and whisper in his ear.


“Hey.” Jiyong spun around as he jerked his head towards Seunghyun’s direction who was performing a perfect smirk on his face. The cold air was already making Jiyong shiver and Seunghyun’s cool breath in his ear didn’t do him any good.


“Don’t do that!” Jiyong whined while he tried to cover his already red ears. Seunghyun chuckled at how adorable Jiyong’s reactions were and made a mental note to himself to get Jiyong flustered as much as possible that night.


“Don’t be like that, Jiyong. I was just teasing you.” Smirked Seunghyun.


Jiyong who was continuing to stare on the concrete floor below, Seunghyun took Jiyong’s hand and lead him down the street. His hands were cold from the weather, so Seunghyun kept rubbing it with his thumb as they walked hand in hand down the street. “Where are we going?” Jiyong managed to say, as he allowed Seunghyun to keep holding onto his hand which made Seunghyun smile.


“We’re going to buy some take out.”


“What? Are you seriou-“ He wasn’t able to finish his question because Seunghyun pulled him towards a takeout stand that was at the side of the street. It was a typical rice in a box kind of thing. Seunghyun ordered for the both of them. Jiyong kept trying to ask Seunghyun what was he up to but Seunghyun just kept ignoring his questions. After ordering Seunghyun took Jiyong’s hand again, and this time Jiyong didn’t even complain. His hands were starting to feel warmer now from the heat radiating from Seunghyun’s. Walking a couple of blocks more, a small park with a gorgeous lake came into view.


“Let’s eat here.” Seunghyun looked at the man beside him who was still gawking his eye out to the magnificent view in front. The park was beautiful, the grass were clean and there were people lying and sitting on the floor enjoying themselves with the view of the lake. The lake was like a dark mirror, reflecting the thousands of different colors from the city above. It was the perfect place for their ‘get to know each other’.


Without even realizing it, Jiyong ran towards the edge of the lake leaving Seunghyun behind looking back at the man who just left him.


“Over here, Seunghyun!” Jiyong yelled, raising his hand up motioning for Seunghyun to follow him.


And I thought I was the one leading this date. Chuckling at how things are going, Seunghyun held tighter to the plastic bag of rice in a box and made his way towards the overly excited young man.


Jiyong had managed to find a perfect spot just near the lake, the grass was clean and it had the perfect view of the lake. Seunghyun spotted his date already sitting down on the grass, his gaze over the rainbow colored lights reflected in the water.


“I never knew there was a place like this.” Jiyong sighed as Seunghyun sat down beside him.


“Well, most of the people just pass by this place without giving it a chance.”


“Thank you for bringing me here..” Jiyong looked up to Seunghyun and Seunghyun swears he saw those red cheeks before Jiyong hid his face from Seunghyun again. Giving out a small laugh, Seunghyun proceeded on giving Jiyong his food.


“Let’s eat.”




Glancing from time to time to his right, Seunghyun was mesmerized by Jiyong’s profile. By now he had probably memorized every part of Jiyong’s body from that black hair down to those red shoes. The man seemed small and fragile Seunghyun felt that he had to protect him because he looked like he could break any moment from the simplest of things. He watched as white fog was exhaled from the young man’s lips, those pouty lips that Seunghyun can’t seem to get enough off.


What is it with him?


Every now and then Seunghyun would ask questions about Jiyong and the latter one would do the same. Secrets and hidden intentions revealed themselves as the two found it comfortable talking to one another. From what Seunghyun had gathered it seemed that Jiyong did in fact came from the States and returned home a couple of months ago. He was an artist so to say, he loved painting nature and sceneries that’s why he was so happy seeing the lake. He was also a year younger than Seunghyun making Seunghyun glad thinking that he would lead their relationship, if they would end up in a relationship.


However despite everything, Seunghyun felt a longing deep inside his heart. His heart was beating fast with every word Jiyong said, it was as if it was responding to him, like it had known that voice all along but Seunghyun just seemed to forget.


Seunghyun looked back to his side only to find Jiyong looking back at him with the same amount of desire in his eyes. Their bodies were barely touching each other from the way they were sitting and it startle Seunghyun when Jiyong moved a little closer to him. With eyes still locked on each other, both men felt a familiar pull to each other. Both heads were leaning forward, towards each other, their minds running like crazy from what they thought was about to happen.


But something fell on Seunghyun’s face that made him pull back.


It was a raindrop.


In an instant fat drops of water came pouring down as clouds gathered up in the sky. The sky turned even darker than ever and faint and distant thunder storms were heard. Seunghyun didn’t have any problem with the rain but Jiyong unfortunately had. The man instantly stood up, pulling Seunghyun with him and dragged the bewildered Seunghyun out the park. Sooner or later Seunghyun finally got his bearing and run alongside Jiyong.


“Let’s go to my place, I think it’s near here.” Jiyong yelled, not even looking back at Seunghyun. It seemed that Jiyong finally recognized where they were.


However, every time a flash of light engulfed them Seunghyun saw that Jiyong would cover his ears in anticipation for the loud boom that comes right after. He figured that myabe Jiyong was scare of the thunderstorms.


For a good five minutes they were finally able to reach an apartment just a few blocks from the park. Jiyong fondled with his keys, his hands shaking as he tried to put it inside the lock. Can’t bear seeing this Seunghyun reached out and placed his hand on Jiyong shoulders, startling the man.


“Relax. I’m here.” Jiyong closed his eyes and nodded. He took a couple of deep breathes and finally he was able to open the door. But that didn’t stop his nerves though. He pushed himself through the door and ran towards the room at the end. Seunghyun heard things falling and shuffling noises inside. Being a good person Seunghyun stayed calm and closed the door behind him.


Seunghyun was able to find the light switch and flicked it open and illuminated the whole room. He looked around and he thought that Jiyong’s apartment wasn’t that big but it wasn’t that small either, it was just right. Slowly walking pass the small sitting area, the red colored kitchen towards what Seunghyun presumed was the bathroom. He went inside and was able to quickly find a set of towels to dry himself off. He took one dry towel with him, figuring that Jiyong might need it and proceeded infront of the door Jiyong disappeared into.


He gently knocked on his door. “Jiyong? Are you okay?”


Seconds later a weak voice was heard from the other side. “I-I’m sorry I ruined our date, S-Seunghyun. You can go now it you want to. Ahh!” A flash of lighting once again showered Seoul and Seunghyun heard Jiyong gasped at the other side. Seunghyun wasn’t that cold hearted to just leave Jiyong in this situation. Obviously wet and scared. It was as if it was implanted in his brain, Seunghyun immediately turned around and quickly made his way into the kitchen. He opened a couple of drawers until he found a glass mug. Placing it on the counter Seunghyun proceeded on opening the fridge and thanked God that there was milk and chocolate inside. He then quickly mixed the two on the glass cup and stirred it with a spoon he found on the counter. After tasting it to make sure if the mixture was just right, Seunghyun caught himself and stopped moving.


“What am I doing?”


Then a flash of light from the outside window reminded him of one of his oldest memories. He remembered. He remembered making this milk and chocolate drink countless of times that he had already perfected it. It was also raining at that time, and the wind howled against the window making it rattle with noise. He remembered running towards a dark room illuminated only by the glow in the dark constellations on the ceiling. He remembered making his way towards the corner of the room where a bundle of sheets was shaking. Holding the cup in one hand, Seunghyun carefully knelt down and pulled the sheets, discovering a little boy shivering in fright, with tears falling from his eyes. Those eyes, those familiar eye. They belong only to one person though, his Jiyong.


“Jiyong?” He asked himself. He staggered a little and hit his back on the kitchen counter. “Kwon Jiyong?” He asked again. No, it can’t be. Jiyong left. He’s in the States….


His eyes widened in realization. His Jiyong. His Yongie. He remembered now. That’s why Jiyong looked so familiar. That’s why it seemed like they were connected, why they were used to each other, why there were no awkward moments, it’s because they have known each other all along. But it’s just a coincidence right? I mean.. Jiyong.. this Jiyong. He’s not..


Seunghyun mentally face palmed himself, out of everything they had talked about in the park, he didn’t even bother getting Jiyong’s last name.


What if it is Jiyong?


“It can’t be.” His Jiyong went away and never returned to him. Seunghyun’s chest tightened as he remembered the countless nights he stayed awake crying, longing for his Jiyong to come back. He remembered how he used to be so lifeless after he left. How empty his world was without Jiyong, how dark it was when his light was taken away.


Another shot of lightning and a gasp woke Seunghyun from his back tracking. Every light in the apartment went out and Seughyun could hear people yelling outside that the power was out. If this was truly his Yongie, then the Jiyong who was hiding inside the room must be scared to death by now. Regaining his balance, Seunghyun lifted the cup in one hand and the dry towel with the other he made his way into Jiyong’s room.


He slowly opened the room, creaking its hinges. The room was dark and the only light source was those familiar glow in the dark stars plastered on the ceiling. Looking from left to right , he saw it, a bundle of sheets at the far corner of the room, next to the bed.


“Jiyong?” Seunghyun slowly approached the frail man. He saw the bundle of sheets jerked when he called his name.


“S-Seunghyun?” A weak voice called out, followed by a sniff. “Y-you don’t have to stay. You can go. I don’t want you t-to see me like this… I’m s-sorry…”


That’s it. He had to make sure that this was his Jiyong. Slowly making his way towards the sheet covered man, Seunghyun placed the cup and towel on the bedside table and slowly pulled the sheets. A black haired man came out from hiding, with tears on his face, his glasses were already thrown on the floor and his hair was wet and in a mess. Seunghyun can make out his nose and ears a little red from the crying. Immediately Jiyong reached out to grab the sheets but Seunghyun held on them pretty tight. Giving up, Jiyong just hugged his knees instead and buried his head in them.


“..Yongie?” Jiyong stopped shaking for a while and slowly lifted his head.


“What did you call me?” he asked, his voice crooked.


“Yongie.” Seunghyun admitted again. “You are Yongie, right? Because I keep getting this strange feeling that I’ve known you before. Please tell me, Jiyong. What’s your last name?”


The said man widened his eyes at the sudden interrogation but Seunghyun wasn’t going to stop. He had to know. He had to. Sniffing a couple of times, Jiyong wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and stared at Seunghyun with widened and damp eyes.


Silence was all he heard until Jiyong finally slowly opened his mouth.


“K-Kwon.” He stuttered. “Kwon Jiyong.”


Without even a small warning, Seunghyun launched himself unto the still wet Jiyong. Wrapping his long lost friend with his arms, squeezing him so tight making him yelp in pain. Tears that were threatening to fall were now freely falling down his face. He buried his face into those wet jet black hair and inhaled the sweet smell of his Jiyong. This was definitely his Jiyong, how could he forget. Locked up feelings that were stored and hidden from everyone including himself jumped right out of that closed door in his brain.


Jiyong however didn’t quite get what just happened and pushed Seunghyun away from his comfort zone. Seunghyun pulled back a little but still had Jiyong wrapped up under his arms. Seunghyun looked down and saw Jiyong looking back at him with confusion.


“You don’t know me do you?” Seunghyun grinned. “Think about it, Ji.”


Seunghyun watched Jiyong as he tried to think of any possible explanation for what was happening. He looked from left to right, his face crunched up and his lips pouting. Typical Yongie. It looked like he was about to say something in annoyance but caught his breathe once his saw something to his right. Seunghyun followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at, the glass cup of chocolate milk that Suenghyun had made. Staring back at Jiyong, just like in slow motion, he saw Jiyong’s eyes lit up, they opened to their widest and Seunghyun could see every color and hue on Jiyong’s brown eyes. And slowly Jiyong gazed back onto Seunghyun who was patiently smirking, waiting for him to realize.


“H-Hyunnie?” Jiyong blinked his eyes a couple of time to see past those tears that were building up again.


“Hey Yongie.” Seunghyun smiled.


This time it was Jiyong’s turn to launch himself at Seunghyun who unfortunately lost his balance to the sudden weight and fell back with Jiyong on top of him. Good thing Jiyong’s room was covered a in dark red carpet so it didn’t hurt much, actually it was quite comfortable. Jiyong clunged unto Seunghyun wrapping both his arms and legs around the man. “Hyunnie! Hyunnie!” He kept chanting, as if he was telling himself that this wasn’t a dream, it was real. Seunghyun smiled through everything and rubbed the crying man’s back, trying his best to keep his Yongie calm.


“Still a cry baby, Yongie?” Tease Seunghyun. “Shut up.” Was all Jiyong said in return as he nuzzled his head unto Seunghyun’s chest.




“I can’t believe this is real.” Jiyong admitted as he comfortably stayed there on the floor with Seunghyun. The rain had started to subside outside and Jiyong stopped crying. Both of them were now dry and lying on the carpeted floor staring up at those glow in the dark stars above with that empty cup of chocolate milk on the side.


“Me too.” Seunghyun opened his arms so that Jiyong could cuddle his way unto him and he did. Using Seunghyun’s arm as a pillow Jiyong curled himself unto him. They felt perfect together, just like always.


“I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me.” Seunghyun teased as he played with Jiyong’s black hair.


“Hey!” Jiyong protested, looking up at Seunghyun, lightly punching his stomach. “Can you blame me? You look so different now. You’re not chubby anymore….” Whined Jiyong as he nuzzled back into Seunghyun’s chest.


Laughing at his best friend, “I guess things changed when you left.” Seunghyun said.


“Well, I’m back now.” Jiyong muttered.


“Yeah, you are.”


Both of the two stayed like that until the cold rain completely stopped and a drizzle came in afterwards. The gentle tapping of the rain drops were soothing and the fading lights from above made everything look perfect. Not only that it also felt perfect. Somehow somewhere up there, someone was looking down on them with a smile on its face. The two were not that better apart anyway so why keep them apart from each other? Where they belong was in each other’s arms just like now.  


Seunghyun was so sure that Jiyong was already dozing off in his chest until Jiyong suddenly lifted his head and quickly kissed Seunghyun on the lips. Seunghyun was stunned and couldn’t do anything but stare back at those brown eyes. Seunghyun could see Jiyong’s cheeks turning red by the second, he was biting his lower lips at the same time as well. Seunghyun’s heart was beating so fast and his breathing quickened at the sight, and he could feel a nosebleed coming any time soon from the way Jiyong was acting. His Jiyong was so adorable and perfect in every possible way.


“What was that for?” Seunghyun managed to choke out, without losing the eye connection with Jiyong.


“I.. I wanted to return the kiss.” Jiyong blushed even further. “Kiss?”


“Yeah, don’t you remember?” Seunghyun could tell that Jiyong was getting more and more embarrassed by the situation but good thing though, Seunghyun remembered. That kiss, that promise. That stupid 6 year old Seunghyun. Now he can’t seem to stop laughing at himself, at least at his childhood self.


“I remember, Yongie. I remember.” Seunghyun managed to say between his tears and laughter. He hugged and pulled Jiyong closer to him and the younger man obliged.


This was how it was meant to be in the first place. There was no stronger bond than what the two had with each other. No matter how one tries to forget, if the feelings were too strong, it will always resurface. No matter how long you hide it, it will always come out. Love will always be there, as long as one’s not too scared to remember. The past will always be connected to the present and of course to the future, no matter how hard you deny it. It always will.



This took me longer than expected to finish... but at least I finished it. #wipesweatfromforehead ;D

Please comment and tell me what you guys think. Comments are forever loved no matter how weird they can be haha

Until next time!

- Trixie

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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Sweet! Thank you (:
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 1: so so cute ^^ im like screaming and fangirling over this right now T.T
this was so adorable, and it showed how strong gtop's love is :D :D
thank you so much for this adorable, fluffy fanfic ^^
mikadosm #3
Chapter 1: SO adorable! Jiyong and Seunghyun kids are so cute when they had to seperate. And Seunghyun being so y when he's with Jiyong :D The storm scene was so cute and the imagination of scared Jiyong ... Really fluffy, cute end. Thanks for writing and sharing!
GTOPismyotp #4
Chapter 1: Wow! That was so lovely >\\\< thank you for sharing this with us :3
Chapter 1: awww so adorable >_< they are so adorable and this was just so cute ♥
Chapter 1: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. <33333 OMG THIS IS SO SO SO SWEEEEEEEEEET <33333333333333333333333333333
Chapter 1: Gaaaah I lived it so much! Just like all your stories this was a really good read ^^
Chapter 1: ahah this was so cute~ it should be a manga kkkk
LockSTARx #9
Chapter 1: Omggg this is sooo soo sweeet!! I went from squealing to tearing up! Love this soo soo muchh!! <333!!
Chapter 1: Awww, so sweet and cute. I feel like I just caught a little happiness bubble. Great story.